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Everything posted by Murdoc

  1. @Robin: > I'm actually about to program my own buff/debuff system in at the moment. It'll be a simple centralised system that'll handle all persistent effects. You'll easily be able to create some triggers to the consumable item type to cause buffs/debuffs. That sounds…. Awesome!
  2. Murdoc

    (eo) Eq Constants

    If I was to add an additional equipment Constant such as "Public Const ITEM_TYPE_NECKWEAR As Byte = #" … would it have to be equal to 5 to work properly in eo?
  3. @Helladen: > @Robin: > > > It _is_ how RMXP does it. >_> > > > > How in God's name would you get a full set of tile data from a single 32x32 tile? In RMXP you need to go through a separate editor to create the autotiles, and it then lets you select between these by giving a single tile preview. > > > > I'd prefer Origins to be much more flexible than that, and allow you to have autotiles placed anywhere within your normal tilesets, allowing for easy access. > > > > Once again I'll point out that those images were posted _weeks_ ago. Since then selecting an autotile will show you selecting the entire 128x192 autotile area. > > > > Also, don't quote a huge post like that. > > I am just saying that I like my stuff more condensed it all. It's a lot more bulky. I'm just giving a tip of advise is all. Knowing how honest Robin is, he's probably gonna say, "Since when was it about how you liked it?" And I wouldn't blame him. ;)
  4. @Lollicat: > 1\. Look at picture > 2\. Become blind > 3\. ??? > 4\. PROFIT! LOL. I don't know why this struck me funny.. but it so did.
  5. @semlemsushi: > @â•‘Veneranceâ•‘: > > > @semlemsushi: > > > > > Can anyone still help me with this 0.0 > > > > I can try. When you say "job" are you looking to have seperate jobs from the starting classes? Or do you mean the jobs (aka classes) that you start the game with? > > I mean the classes. I need it so that if you are a GunDealer (class 1 as it says in the classes.ini files I think) then a special button will show up. These guys are trying to help me but I stlil don't get it because I'm an ultra noob. Well in that case, it's more simple than you probably realize. Here, do this: Add in form_load in the code for "frmMainGame": If GetPlayerClass(Index) = (the number (ie. 1, 2, 3 etc for the gundealer class goes here) btnGundealer.visible = true End If Make the button named btnGundealer, and in its properties window make sure Visible is False. Create a new char that isn't the class number, and the button shouldn't load. Good luck!
  6. @Robin: > Not cool. It's 7am and I just woke up. Now I can't see properly. Eat some carrots?
  7. @semlemsushi: > Can anyone still help me with this 0.0 I can try. When you say "job" are you looking to have seperate jobs from the starting classes? Or do you mean the jobs (aka classes) that you start the game with?
  8. @000: > Hey guys, you know what I don't get? The fact that nobody (well I think nobody) has ever tried to make a RuneScape Eclipse version. Seriously. I could SO see that happening. It would definitely be big, with all of RuneScape's minigames and such, as well as the vast exploration of the game. I dunno, call me crazy, but that seems like an amazing idea, even though you could get, you know, in legal trouble, just rename it and have it as a clone. Like World of Warcraft was cloned by Runes of Magic. Seems like a fun project, but, well, whatever. Give me some of your thoughts. Come up with an original idea! There's something to be said for one. The makers of Runes of Magic didn't plan to make Runes of Magic a "wow clone" (an overly used term imho). Why? Cuz the idea is just plain stupid (and boring mind you). All online games have things in common, but that's only cuz we have culturally defined sub genres very well, and within those definitions exist certain things game creators need to follow to some extent. Be original as possible, cuz even then youre still gonna be playin of someone else's ideas, but you'll look better doing it ;)
  9. This is tested and 100% working. Qazek's [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=62859.0](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=62859.0) is needed for the code to function properly. It uses the npc editor for this system as well. So you can assign a different text message for each window with ease. Thanks go to DSHWinchester for help with code. First, create a picturebox named "picQuestWindow" (our background), cmd button called "cmdOkQuest" (to click "ok"), and a label "lblQuestMsg" (where text will display). Client Side –--------- Under ' Packets sent by server to client add: ``` SQuestWindow ``` In modHandleData add: ``` HandleDataSub(SQuestWindow) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleQuestWindow) ``` At bottom of modHandleData create Sub: ``` Private Sub HandleQuestWindow(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal EditorIndex As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim msg As String Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() msg = Buffer.ReadString frmMainGame.picQuestWindow.Visible = True frmMainGame.lblQuestMsg.Caption = "" & msg & "" frmMainGame.lblQuestMsg.Visible = True frmMainGame.cmdOkQuest.Visible = True End Sub ``` Double click on button "cmdOkQuest" and insert code: ``` frmMainGame.picQuestWindow.Visible = False frmMainGame.lblQuestMsg.Visible = False frmMainGame.cmdOkQuest.Visible = False ``` Server Side: Locate the original code to call the quest that starts "If Npc(NpcNum).Behaviour = NPC_BEHAVIOUR_QUEST Then" and replace with: ``` If Npc(NpcNum).Behaviour = NPC_BEHAVIOUR_QUEST Then If Npc(NpcNum).QuestLevel 0 Then PlayerMsg Attacker, Trim$(Npc(NpcNum).Name) & ": " & Trim$(Npc(NpcNum).AttackSay), White End If End If End If End If End If End If End Function ``` Add``` SQuestWindow ```under ' Packets sent by server to client Add a Sub at bottom of modGameLogic: ``` Sub QuestWindow(byval index as long,byval msg as string) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong SQuestWindow Buffer.WriteString Msg SendDataTo index, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing end sub ``` Done. Now you can use Qazek's quest editor to define the messages that will appear in "picQuestWindow". I plant to update this tutorial later to include npc portraits. :) Example Screenshots: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/d8869d75b9dba495978b4a62a77d5c4b.jpg) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/22d8a800a423d6c82129c8f1d907c2c8.jpg)
  10. Murdoc

    (eo) Call Sub

    Thanks, it worked like a charm :)
  11. i should get stoned and look at it lol ;D
  12. Murdoc

    (eo) Call Sub

    I'm fairly new to vb, and wondering how I can call this Sub from the client to the server under CanAttackNpc: Public Sub QuestWindow(ByVal EditorIndex As Byte) frmMainGame.picQuestBack.Visible = True frmMainGame.lblQuestMsg.Caption = Trim$(Npc(EditorIndex).QuestMsg1) frmMainGame.lblQuestMsg.Visible = True End Sub I'm not sure If I have the definitions right. But basically I want to call a picturebox (from a Server side code) with text on it. The text is determined by QuestMsg1\. Any help is appreciated. :)
  13. @StorN: > waiting, waiting, and I can not wait … the eclipse orgins - New ... Is there a release date? It should be worth waiting for ;)
  14. Murdoc

    Cake Versus Pie

    @Pasketi: > It's cake. Not so dry in my opinion. > > And also it's a lie. That makes it a rare pleasure… like :renzo:... Maybe... LOL i guess it depends on if you eat sucky dry pies or not.. i make a mean moist pie lol. mmmMMMMmmmm @ Apple Pie Coffe Cake: ![](http://www.talleys.com/talleygram/recipes/photos/ApplePieCoffeeCake.jpg) Now i'm hungry…
  15. @Robin: > There's already a tutorial on how to change the screen size in Origins so I'm assuming it's Stable. > > It's is stupidly hard to change the screen size in Stable compared to Origins. Very true. That's one of the reasons I love Origins. Eaase of customization. :)
  16. @8Dylan8: > okay so I tried and failed at increasing the picscreen size and I forgot to back up my source and this is horrible because now when you are in map editor and click some where on the screen it puts the tile 7 tiles down and its not just in map editor its in everything that involves clicking how do I fix this? Are you using EO or ES? If its in EO (provided you already updated the MAX_MAPY and MAX_MAPX) find this code: ``` Public Function ConvertMapY(ByVal Y As Long) As Long ConvertMapY = Y - (TileView.Top * PIC_Y) End Function ``` and replace with : ``` Public Function ConvertMapY(ByVal Y As Long) As Long ConvertMapY = Y - (TileView.Top * PIC_Y + 224) End Function ``` 224 = 32 x 7. I had to do something similiar when I changed my MAP_MAXY.
  17. @Robin: > Change the equipment position constants in modConstants if you want to change where items appear. It's a very easy to edit system, only having to change a couple of numbers to change the order. I suggest you look into them. > > ``` > ' Character consts > Public Const EqTop As Byte = 200 > Public Const EqLeft As Byte = 12 > Public Const EqOffsetX As Byte = 15 > Public Const EqColumns As Byte = 4 > > ``` > As for the order, your way of doing things bypasses the original way I handled equipment. It's no longer the dynamic system I have as you've made it static. As such you'll need to go through the IsEqItem function and change that to match your new, inferior, system. Alright. Thanks Robin, I didn't realize there was constants for this already :)
  18. I tested this again, and it appears as though the equipment is showing up in the spots defined by BltEquipment… however, the itemdesc is not updating to the new locations. Does anyone know why?
  19. @[Cake: > Vitin â„¢ link=topic=64698.msg693051#msg693051 date=1284660562] > I just think that having An place only for Equipment is pointless but as I said its just my opinion That's why people make different GUI appearances. It's got very little to do with an obvious point, and more to do with aesthetics. It's also quite pointless to have pictures for links, when you can just use text. But it doesn't look as good. ;)
  20. @[Cake: > Vitin â„¢ link=topic=64698.msg693019#msg693019 date=1284654376] > Whats the pointless of this.IMO this is useless It's just a beginner tutorial. One general purpose is to display the certain types of equipment in SPECIFIC spots, like say if you had a picture of a body, and wanted to have the equipment show up on different parts or on a paperdoll, you know? It's not completely useless, just not that hard. I'm not even intermediate in VB 6 and I figured this one out. I wanted to put it up to show other "n00bs" how to do it lol. Sorry, it doesn't tickle your fancy :P
  21. @Robin: > @Black★Gold: > > > Hes Lvl. 1 and needs 300 exp to level then he equipped some armor and the exp to level raised to 8000. > > Probably something to do with the old EXP formula. All combat systems have been re-programmed. I'm not getting this bug. Is it happening on a vanilla version?
  22. Murdoc

    Item Drop Bug

    @8Dylan8: > why dont you just go to item editor and make gold stackable and everything else not stackable….. I had it set to the wrong value and it wasn't stacking. Doh! :)
  23. **Difficulty** : Beginner *Tested* This is a simple tutorial to show how you can place each equipment type where you want. First go to Sub BltEquipment in modDirectDraw7, and find this code: ``` With rec_pos .Top = EqTop + 20 .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y .Left = EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((I - 1) Mod EqColumns))) .Right = .Left + PIC_X End With ``` Replace that code with this: ``` Select Case Item(itemnum).Type Case ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON With rec_pos .Top = EqTop + 20 .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y .Left = EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((I - 1) Mod EqColumns))) .Right = .Left + PIC_X End With Case ITEM_TYPE_HELMET With rec_pos .Top = EqTop .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y .Left = EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((I - 1) Mod EqColumns))) .Right = .Left + PIC_X End With Case ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR With rec_pos .Top = EqTop .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y .Left = EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((I - 1) Mod EqColumns))) .Right = .Left + PIC_X End With Case ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD With rec_pos .Top = EqTop .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y .Left = EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((I - 1) Mod EqColumns))) .Right = .Left + PIC_X End With End Select ``` Now you can change the placement values for each type. Example : Helmets might have ".Top = EqTop +15" or whichever. If you want to change where the equipment is displayed (instead of default imgChar) do this bit: Create a new picturebox (picEQ for example) and place it where you want. To have the equipment pop up, set the picturebox to Visible=false in properties, and create a button somewhere with: ``` picEQ.Visible=true ``` Go to Sub BltEquipment and change: ``` frmMainGame.picCharacter.Cls ``` to ``` frmMainGame.picEQ.Cls ``` Next we call the Sub BltEquipment when equipment is clicked on or scrolled over for the new picturebox. View Code for frmMainGame and find this: ``` Private Sub picCharacter_Click() Dim EqNum As Long EqNum = IsEqItem(EqX, EqY) If EqNum 0 Then SendUnequip EqNum End If End Sub Private Sub picCharacter_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim EqNum As Long Dim x2 As Long, y2 As Long EqX = X EqY = Y EqNum = IsEqItem(X, Y) If EqNum 0 Then y2 = Y + picCharacter.Top - frmMainGame.picItemDesc.height - 2 x2 = X + picCharacter.Left + 2 UpdateDescWindow GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, EqNum), 0, x2, y2 LastItemDesc = GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, EqNum) ' set it so you don't re-set values Exit Sub End If picItemDesc.Visible = False LastItemDesc = 0 ' no item was last loaded End Sub ``` Replace all the "picCharacter" with "picEQ". And Voila! Let me know if there's any bugs :)
  24. Hmmm looks like a cool game, I'll have to try it sometime :)
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