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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Unless im very much mistaken this code posted above doesn't work because it jsut runs through the entire logic loop every single pass. So you likely only see the 4th frame for one tick each time you attack. GetTickCount effectively returns a "current time" of the server in MS. to make things happen at x time you need to be able to compare what time it is currently to when the action occured. EXAMPLE (NOT ACTUAL CODE, THATS UP TO YOU) player attacks, when attack packet is recieved triggers saves the current tick count to their data in the blt player display loop it gets the current tick count, then subtracts the time we saved earlier. This gives you the difference in time between when the player attacked and when bltplayer runs to draw the player. we then decide how quickly to go through the frames, ie: if difference < 125ms anim = 1; if difference = 125ms anim = 2; if difference = 250ms anim = 3; if difference = 375ms anim = 4; if difference >= 500ms go and do usual display routines.
  2. Baron

    Never Save,

    Are you running / connecting to the same server?
  3. Baron

    Strange Error

    Check his keyboard batteries If he is on wireless. Make sure that the game is actually clicked (ie, the "active" window); also, restart the comp like Robin said, sound advice for any widnows system
  4. this would have to be edited into the source code using vb6. presumably something like this would go into the section that handles spell casting under EO (which im not hugely familiar with)
  5. @sotvotkong: > so i have all my ground textures made, but blending from one to the next on the map i was toying with a few ways of doing things. 1 nice and faded. 2 abrupt edges. just looking for some feedback on what way they think looks better, left or right. > > ![](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/311/1/f/left_or_right_by_sotvotkong-d4fhi9x.jpg) I think you can best achieve good results when you have something in the middle. If your engine supports alpha channels you can make generic tilesets that merge quite well with each other. ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/transfer.png)
  6. Some very talented sprite work there. Like the fishing animation, very nicely stylised and smooth.
  7. Nice little piece of spriting work +kudos!
  8. I cant see that causing the delay… theres something weird going on here...
  9. Baron

    Regen system

    this would be quite doable: add the required resources to the players data archetype make the appropriate getter/setter/saving codes create a timer that ticks every 3 seconds that runs through all online players and adds more to their resource
  10. @Taisune: > Any ideas? I suspect this is to do with the hosts tcp/ip settings. I seem to recall this being an issue when people ran servers off connections that attempted to "bundle" multiple packets together. God I wish i could remember the proper name for it. It is entirely plausible that the admin chat program uses a different set of transmission techniques to the packets sent by the clients. If i recall correctly EO uses byte arrays while most other stuff transfers stuff via winsock packets. Not sure if you could use packets sending to a server expecting byte arrays though, so this might not be the case.
  11. Baron


    @Matlock: > Make sure there is no interpolation. Im using gimp which has it under the "quality" setting when you scale an image. Not sure what it is in other programs. In photoshop its under edit > preferences > General > Image Interpolation > Nearest Neighbour
  12. The funny thing is that this is as ineffectual as tits on a bull. To make them effective the code has to be able to break leetspeak as well as cyrillic similar characters. ie to make fuck3r filtered as well as fйcker etc
  13. coolkid > this usually happens when you try and do something outside the allowable range. ie trying to save map 501 if you have set the maximum map count at 500.
  14. Baron


    I think this is really quite an awesome start. would be interested in seeing more!
  15. @Anna: > Complain about a custom tileset, then post SQUARE graphic work (and ironically probably the ugliest converted Square graphic sets I've seen floating around the scene). :icon_nif: > > This is why people never make their own tilesets. > > Sure the OP tileset had some issues but it was perfectly acceptable for use in an alpha game or a proof-of-concept; certainly just as useful as the crutch of RPG Maker graphics and community graphic resources Eclipse has almost always leeched off of. I wholeheartedly concur. As far as a learning experience or proof of concept graphics set went, this is quite fine. At least it was not just ninja'd graphics from somewhere.
  16. @Kusy: > Don't save images as bitmaps. Don't post small items on a big background while saving them as bitmaps. Don't post small items on a big background that has an extremely eye-fucking color while saving them as bitmaps. don't whinge :D
  17. @Erwin: > Wow, very nice :cheesy: thanks glad you liked them. @Apple: > Wonderful. Did you make these tiles yourself? yes indeed. ground made a long time ago, organics recently except for grasses. @Bonk: > Nice enough, but the colours of the trees look a little off. You could try a less yellow hue, perhaps. I know it's not the trees, but the grass tiles are mega-repetitive. > > Other than that they're great. Palette works well and they're really detailed and well thought out. Good work :) The grass tiles do need some more variety options, I agree. The yellow hue actually works well with some of the other shades of grass I have. The trees are made to work reasonably with a larger palette of grass colours.@Byson: > Blimey, how long did it take you to do those. You must definitely have the virtue of patience my friend, I can't see anything out of place with it. Actually I'm terribly impatient and short tempered. Go figure :S @Dremek: > Wow, you haven't posted anything in a while. I love it all! Except, for one thing I noticed. The sprites are to small in comparison to your tiles. Actually, I think the sprites work even better like this, makes the world feel larger for the display area. I'll mess with it a bit, see if I come across anything I like better.
  18. Updated with new organics
  19. @Owen: > Hmm, so instead of making seals you have been making trees. > /frown. > Haha, to be serious though, it is nice to see someone who actually makes a realistic tileset, most (while still good pixelling) lean on cartoony and i can't say i'm a fan of that. > Really liking it, keep it up. :D I wont lie mate, I lean on realistic because I struggle with more cartoony stuff. I also have unfair advantage in this case too, as my flash engine supports alpha channels so….
  20. @DJMaxus: > Wow, that picture alone reminds me of the old days of scripting on Eclipse. I remember seeing a map like this for an old map generator script I think? Either way yeah these tiles are awesome. Yeah, the old mapgen I wrote for my Genesis server would have produced something similar looking, minus the new trees :) Glad you liked the tiles! Did you used to go by another name ?
  21. hehehe, thanks. Still had them floating around and have never been thrilled with my trees. Finally have some I am happy with.
  22. Been making some new trees for my tileset, thought I'd show off the results :) hope you like em. ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/newtrees1.png) Continued on and started redoing a lot of my organics. ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/newtrees4.png)
  23. @Rory: > Nope, they're it should be no difference. > > My logic is: > The fact that he is using stolen graphics is illegal. > If he simply unencrypted it and kept it in a folder or something, it isn't. > > I think. I'm not a lawyer. xD At the end of the day the creator of the graphics owns the intellectual property rights to them. Encrypted or unencrypted is irrelevant legality wise.
  24. my bet is its being done in Unity.
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