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Everything posted by Baron

  1. > it keeps erroring on loading classes, saying "file not found" and its always the class ini's. I copied an pasted up to class6 but it then searches for class7, if i put class7 in it will try and load class8 Are you using the 3.0.0 download? I've just run that up no problems at [http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/Destiny_v15.html](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/Destiny_v15.html)
  2. > Oh hey it's like the only other Aussie around here. I remember this thing. Killing many ghosts for great justice (okay. Great doubloons). > > I have nothing against flash but I don't plan to learn it, still, awesome contribution. Actionscript is quite an easy one to pick up. If you can code in VB6 you'll be fine with as2
  3. > Looks awesome so far Baron. Once you get the source out I hope someone continues this on and updates it to keep this version going. Like General, I'm not a huge fan of Flash, but at least this gives more options for Eclipse users and people can make web based clients now. I still don't get why people hate flash so much. Its performance heavy sure, but its a 2d game we're making, not a 3d monstrousity.
  4. http://www.nintendo.com/corp/faq.jsp#graphics > **May I use Nintendo games/music/graphics/web site contents?** > > We appreciate the interest in Nintendo and in all our video game products. To us, it represents a great sign of success and recognition of the Nintendo brand. > > "Nintendo" is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Nintendo owns extensive intellectual property rights in all of its products, including video game systems, game titles, characters, game software, graphics, artwork, and screen shots. Nintendo also retains rights in content on Nintendo's web sites, including articles, artwork, screen shots and other files. Trademarks and copyrights for third-party games and characters are owned by the companies that market or license those products. > > While we are grateful for all the requests for permission to use Nintendo properties, we are not able to grant such requests. We receive thousands of requests and we do not have adequate staffing to review them all. Therefore, our general policy is to decline requests for permission for the use of Nintendo properties. > > Although we are not able to grant permission, use of Nintendo's properties without formal permission by Nintendo may still be allowed under the relevant laws of the particular jurisdiction involved. Thus, we encourage you to seek your own legal counsel if you have any questions about whether your particular proposed use is permitted without Nintendo's authorization. Nintendo cannot provide legal advice. > > We appreciate your support.
  5. > So it means the client it's flash, so it can be uploaded and played on browsers? yes. > So I edit the game?,. The source of the game is. Exe as Baron Thank edit! excellent job The source is coming shortly. Last night I just wanted to get something out that was playable for people to fiddle with > Help Error source > > ![](http://g1303.hizliresim.com/17/9/kwxdj.png) There is no useful information here. As far as I am aware the serve rno longer had major dependencies like this. If you had allowed it to show what it was refernecing I could have done something with that.
  6. > Baron, thou art a genius. ![^_^](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//happy.png)
  7. Uploaded an "entry level" setup as the primary link. No client source but enough to let people have a play. Source download to follow.
  8. > If this goes to plan then i will bow down to you. that rarely happens. It has been working historically but shifted comps between now and last time I was messing with it. Something about win 7 disagrees with the thrid party com library. In the process of shifting it all back to winsock just to get it running again.
  9. Unlocked again but be warned something bizarre is going on with the TCP/IP socket server functionality. Blows out when it sends the logon packet.
  10. > So I downloaded the engine and ran the HTML file provided. When I opened it nothing much happened, a small loading bar flashed for about half a second, and then the window went blank. Is it because of my stupidity or something more serious? The black screen means that the html page has not loaded the .swf file, because the download isnt provided with one. It must be compiled. This isn't an "out of the box instant game engine" deployment, but is more aimed at people who are keen/capable to have a bit of a dig at the guts of this thing. You will need a copy of flash CS5 or higher to work easily with this. I have not compiled an instantly playable .swf because normally you would deploy the .swf to a website locked to that address, which requires you to change code located inside the dev IDE of flash cs5. Perhaps I should take this down until I have a more streamlined process for getting new users a hang of it. Maybe make a couple of vids of deployment pipeline might help everybody.
  11. VERSION NOTES**v3_0_0 RELEASE BUILD** * Rewrite of JEtbyte sockets back to winsock. Will deal with performance implications down the line. for right now the sheer irritation of dependencies has gotten me fed up. * Clean up and packaging of files for a "playable" version to whet appetites **v3_0_1 UNRELEASED** * Added packet handling for additional editors * Added tab key field highlighting to major menus for improved usability * Added tooltips module for consistent display of tooltip information - minor bughunting required * Added tooltips to inventory items * Added personal display of name and guild affiliation * Added healthbars for NPC's * Added mouseover of enemies revealing name + healthbar * Resolved some movement bugs * Added list module for consistent display of editing menus * Added NPC Editor - Minor bughunting may be needed * Added Additional admin menu button commands, warpto,warpmeto etc * Added Targeting system…. bughunting and player feedback needed * Added Spell Editor - Major bughunting + rewrites of existing behaviour still required * Changed news feed to display as proper html text. Formatting etc can all be achieved from serverside news.ini * Added Item Editor - Pretty solid actually * Added screenshots to forum thread * Ratified some strange coding (my own fault, nobody else to blame) * Fixed undo states in map editor, revert up to 20 state changes * Wrote and added Matrix filters for programatically shifting display colors. Thinking it may be possible to specify matrices to achieve advanced color effects on items / players / spells / maps * Added Ghosting to map editor at cursor. Lets you see what is placing where before commiting a change. * Fixed selection glitching causing accidental map editor placements [Mar 21st 2013] * Fixed glitching item tooltips in inventory editor * Soulbound items now binding correctly and cannot be thrown away (previous vb6 soulbinding was client side) * Cleaned up Inventory code to make it more readable for source users * Reorganised the library to make everything findable. Lazy Asset handling had to be corrected * Added character menu, added functionality to spend and upgrade stats per historic clients. * Added options menu, even though really until I add more sound etc there isn't much point… * Added spellbook menu, ready for spells implementation
  12. HOW TO DO CERTAIN THINGS HOW TO START THE SERVER / CLIENT IF YOU GET JUST A BLACK SCREEN, SEE THIS. >! SERVER: >! Open VB6 Server > Server Source Code > Server.vbp >! Press the Play button at top or compile to a new server.exe >! _Common problems included not referencing the Jetbyte socket server dll._ >! _It has been included in the folder (from root:)_ >! _VB6 Server > JETBYTE SOCKET SERVER DLL_ >! _Make sure it is ticked. This is a library of simpler commands for creating / managing socket servers older versions of Eclipse depend on._ >! CLIENT: >! Open Destiny_v15.fla >! Ctrl + Enter will export to a .swf >! _Common problems include failing to remove the URL lock toggle to disable Site Locking._ >! _See frame 1 layer CODE actionscript lines as below, extra comments in ORANGE_ >! /* Global trigger for sitelocking and connection address details. */ >! CHANGING THIS TO FALSE RUNS THE CLIENT LOCALLY, INSTEAD OF AS A DEPLOYED SWF ON A WEBSITE >! _global.PUBLISHINGTIME = true; >! // disable menu allowing you to change frame etc >! Stage.showMenu=false >! /* Domain to lock the swf file to. Will not work outside of this location. */ >! IF UPLOADING SOMEWHERE, PUT THE DOMAIN YOU ARE UPLOADING TO HERE >! var LockToDomain:String = "stripedelephants.com"; >! /* Server host IP Address */ >! CHANGE THIS TO WHERE YOUR SERVER IS HOSTED >! var HostIP:String = ""; USING THE DEFAULT LOGIN WITH EXISTING OP POWERS >! With both the server running and the client running (either via web or in Adobe Flash IDE or equivalent) use the login details as shown >! Username Baron >! Password Baron ACCESSING THE ADMINISTRATOR MENUS >! When in game press F1 and select your menu.
  13. PRETTY PICTURES (AS OF V301) ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/Login.png) Admin Menu: >! ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/Admin_Menu.png) Map Editor: >! ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/Map_Editor.png) Inventory & Help Tooltips >! ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/Tooltips_Inv_Display.png) Spell Editor: >! ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/Spell_Editor.png) List Menu Selectors for items etc >! ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/List_Menus.png) Item Editor: >! ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/Item_Editor.png) NPC Editor (due to be restyled to be consistent). >! ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/ECLIPSE/v301/NPC_Editor.png)
  14. Hi all! A lot of you might not know me which is cool, but I used to be pretty heavily involved here. Way back when I was involved I started a complete rebuild of the Eclipse game client in Adobe's incredibly popular and widely utilised .swf format. At the time i started programming this i was *very* new to Actionscript programming. Eventually I became good and fixed most of the bugs the client had. Currently it suffers from a lack of features as i just don't have the time to sink into it to make it sing the way it needs to. Given that I have no time to finish this the way I'd like to anymore, I've decided to give it away to the Eclipse Community, who have been a wonderfully generous, creative and supportive group of people worthy of spending the time to get to know. But lets get down to the nitty gritty then: **WHERE TO DOWNLOAD?** (if anyone wants to mirror I'll link you up here too) Version 3_0_1 - Complete Source (Still Needs Work) [www.luckyeddy.com/FlashEclipse/v3_0_1.rar](http://www.luckyeddy.com/FlashEclipse/v3_0_1.rar) REPORTING BUGS: **If you do not follow these rules I will not respond, I will delete your query.** **LIST YOUR CLIENT VERSION** **SCREENSHOT ANYTHING RELEVANT** **DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW YOU GENERATED THE PROBLEM. THE SCREEN IS BLACK IS NOT A BUG REPORT.** FLASH ECLIPSE FAQ: **WHY WOULD SOMEBODY USE THIS?** Lack of media exposure has always been a fatal deployment problem for some of the amazing games that have cycled through here over the time I've been here. Utilising this engine lets you deploy your games to all the major flash portals out there. [http://www.newgrounds.com/](http://www.newgrounds.com/) for example. The .swf's work swimmingly there (or did when last tested anyhow). It is not uncommon for halfway decent games to get 6 digit view numbers, with better ones getting upwards of that still. This is enough to get a solid kickstart and build a community on. **GENERAL FEATURESET?** * You get the benefits of native .png functionality of alpha channels on *everything*. Tiles, animations, spell effects, fireballs, weather, you name it. * It has all the server backend of most the features native to the older versions of Eclipse… just add the menus and you're up and running. * Map editor is rather awesome, lot of layers and functionality, expandable. * You're not programming a game in VB6\. This is incredibly awesome. Seriously. * Actionscript 2 has a *massive* amount of resources available online for doing just about everything. **THINGS TO BE AWARE OF?** * Some editors are unfinished. Some are complete and pretty. * It's based on older and (arguably) less stable versions of Eclipse. Personally never had issues under loading at 20+ simultaneous users online for extended periods. * The server is still VB6… So to add new featuresets you'll need to know Flash ActionScript *and* VB6\. Or do what I did and learn it as you go. * The Actionscript code is in parts not sensibly located. I would not do this if i was writing the engine again. Ask and I'll try to point you in right direction… * Flash .swf's are a *very* open format. There is every chance people can disassemble the client, so always treat it as untrustworthy and perform suitable logic checks. * You can prevent different sites "hosting" your content by using the URL locking your file. details below. * The tileset has been created by myself but I release it **LICENSING DETAILS:** The original works as built upon are not subject to the heavy handed licenses introduced later in Eclipses' Development. The source code for the Eclipse SERVER is as previous, a credit to all those who worked on it previously (gl with that) The Flash Eclipse client and source code including the graphics included therein (except for sprites) have been created by me for the purposes of a game that never saw release. As such I release them under the following license: [http://creativecommo…icenses/by/3.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) Attribution is to be to Edward Taylor, with even this attribution willing to be waived if you drop me an email with a link to your playable work and I agree. **QUESTIONS?** If you have genuine queries about the engine or issues getting it to run, please post here and I will do my best to respond with step by step solutions. If there are bugs or issues with the upload let me know and I will resolve as promptly as possible.
  15. Baron


    @Eckhart: > Don't, if you're far enough away it doesn't look grainy. Unless your sand is like, really huge o.0
  16. ![](http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTk0OTAzOTY2NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzcwMzM4MQ@@._V1._SY317_CR0,0,214,317_.jpg)
  17. @Soul: > Posts don't count in Forum Games or Off-Topic. Enjoy. thank goodness for that.
  18. @Soul: > Hence, pretty much the process I described above, except for the animation which I didn't really expect. My only problem with the animation is that it would require a change to the graphics engine (modifying it to loop through all the frames). I'm not sure how well it would scale, because looping through animations for every tile on a map could be quite taxing. Yeah, I didn't say I liked this solution, just that using .gif files was possible. I know historically you could use them for menus and such, but not sure for sprites. and even if you did they most certainly wouldn't animate without code changes like above.
  19. Baron


    ![](http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/292436/292436,1245687281,1/stock-photo-aerial-view-of-a-heart-shaped-island-in-a-turquoise-water-with-a-yacht-as-a-concept-for-quiet-and-32478718.jpg) Add some details!
  20. there are plenty of samples of gifs and directx playing ball together http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=30716&lngWId=1 But at the end of the day modifying the display routines to just have more frames for idle animations etc would work just as well.
  21. Baron

    WIP Pixel Art

    @-Jake-: > Ok, calm down guys lol > > I tried this, what do you guys think? > ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/b5f6061b479415e6a6fcd77dce357157.png) thats a ton better. I agree with Aeri's comment. it looked a bit lazy before, but that change seems to fix it right up.
  22. @Tokyo: > So here once more. > ![](http://i40.tinypic.com/14wsnxc.png) > magnified view = ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/14ujmo5.png) I like this one best so far :D
  23. Baron

    WIP Pixel Art

    transitions are fairly crucial to any tileset. Even square looking games have transitions. without transitions you have something harking back to ye days of old ![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/NetHack_for_Windows_Screenshot.png) ![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Cotw-screen.gif)
  24. Ok so we're definitely talking to thge right addresses then, especially if your server shows a connection from the open port checking tool. Here onwards it gets harder to debug though. Check there are no active firewalls terminating uninvnited connections to that port and program. Check your router doesn't have security options preventing connections to the port range you're using.
  25. @Mortal: > ill try xD and isnt mirage better than eo?? EO is a stripped down engine. Some of the older engines have more features, but have more bugs and are less stable. http://freemmorpgmaker.com/Baron/EE_V1_Debugged_Compiled.rar http://httP://freemmorpgmaker.com/Baron/EE_V1_Debugged_Source.rar those have the three character features you are chasing.
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