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  1. still need help with this. bump
  2. no help? i've been stuck on this for days
  3. @Tokyo: > You need to portforward. [![](http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/756/port7001.jpg)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/port7001.jpg/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) what do I need to change?
  4. Ok well I turned off my windows firewall and turned off my routers firewall and made it open to all ports, still no luck connecting wirelessly with my laptop. still can only connect from the main computer =/
  5. @Baron: > when you open http://canyouseeme.org/ is the "your IP" the same as the above two? I find it very hard to believe that your local ip is identical to your world IP. This is where your issue is I would be guessing. [![](http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/403/portkc.jpg)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/portkc.jpg/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6702/42774000.jpg)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/40/42774000.jpg/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) [![](http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/5320/cmdij.jpg)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/571/cmdij.jpg/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us)
  6. @Baron: > world ip from ipchicken.com is what you give to others to connect with. > > the local ip you get from /cmd and network properties is what your router port forwards inbound traffic to using port forwarding. > > make sure there is no confusion between these two. Both of these are the same. My ip from the website and ip in /cmd are the exact same number. And also I can run my server and use the site http://canyouseeme.org/ to check port 7001 and it says its open. It also creates a connection with my server for only a moment and that shows up under the server console.
  7. @Her0â„¢: > Looks good. I smoke pot myself, I really don't see why you guys are going crazy. I think you did really well with the colors chosen and crystal-like leaves. I'd smoke this, hahah. Haha I like your style man
  8. I have followed Robin's guide over and over on how to get people to connect to my game. I have also changed my router settings to allow the port 7001 on UDP and TCP. My ip address reads the same in /cmd and on the website http://www.ipchicken.com/ (also reads the same in my network properties under local area connection). I have made sure the IP is correct in the config.ini file in the data files folder. I have even tried using no-ip.org and configured the host on there and still after all this I can't get my friend to connect to my server. Any advice? ~Nimbus
  9. @Sicarii: > a leaf is not a bud I know this I just call weed bud normally. Habbit
  10. @Wing: > Way too many colours. I can see why you would think this but all the different light colors are suppose to give the bud a crystallization look.
  11. Lol all of you cmon now…. Who cares if I smoke pot thats irrelevant and has nothing to do with the sprite itself, plus all of you are turning the topic into a debate about weed..... how are the sprites? thats all I care about.
  12. also i made the marijuana sprite my forum profile pic
  13. I was having this problem too for some reason, might be because I used imageshack to upload them… Anyways if you right click the error image and open it in a new tab it works.
  14. Here are a couple of sprites that I made for my game. Marijuana Sprite: ![](http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg11/scaled.php?server=11&filename=weedi.png&res=medium) Axe Sprite: ![](http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg834/scaled.php?server=834&filename=bigassaxe1.jpg&res=medium) Let me know what you think.
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