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Everything posted by Zeno

  1. This does not happen in my copy of EFF. Make sure this code is in your modCombat Sub SpellNPCEffect server-side: ``` If MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(Index).Vital(Vital) + Damage GetNpcMaxVital(Index, Vitals.HP) Then MapNpc(mapnum).NPC(Index).Vital(Vitals.HP) = GetNpcMaxVital(Index, Vitals.HP) End If Call SendVital(Index, HP) ```
  2. Zeno


    @Matthew: change htpp to http :P I'm guessing you've changed the dimensions of the menu image. You will also need to change the location of the buttons and text.
  3. Zeno

    How do i code this

    > mannnn.. well is there a way to switch my maps to the new engines? An easy way on a platter? Very unlikely. There are a couple map converters floating around, but likely not for that specific engine. You'd need to make a converter to put the ED map variables in the correct spots in the Eclipse arrays and to set anything else in the arrays to 0.
  4. Zeno

    How do i code this

    I've heard of and used Elysium Diamond. Elysium was a great engine in its hey-day, at the time one of the main alternatives to Eclipse and Konfuze. I don't have the ED source handy, but look at the top of sub bltPlayerName in modDirectX (or modDirectDraw) for ``` color = ``` It should be in an if statement involving PK status with a select case on player access. Replace the select case with color = black (however black is coded - look at your standard player) and leave if statement with the PK color = red intact.
  5. Zeno

    Help this file.

    > Re install the run times A good idea, except this has nothing to do with Eclipse runtimes. It's MySQL :P [MyVBQL](http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/showcode.asp?lngWId=1&txtCodeId=36742) is available from the developer. Anything else you can probably get [from MySQL](http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/).
  6. I don't have the CS:DE source handy, but here's how you'd do it very easily in EFF, which also uses DX8\. Possible that the animations are done a little differently (see final note). Doing the following will render an animation under your character when below 25% HP. If you'd like it to be over, you'll have to move that animation uniquely past DrawPlayer in render_graphics (DX8 renders back-to-front; since most animations should be below, you can't move all of them). In modGlobals add: ``` HurtAnimTrigger As Boolean ``` In SetPlayerVitals, add: ``` If Index = MyIndex Then If Vital = hp Then If value = MAX_BYTE Then AnimationIndex = 1 With AnimInstance(AnimationIndex) .Animation = 34 .x = Player(Index).x .y = Player(Index).y .LockType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER .lockindex = Index .Used(0) = True .Used(1) = True End With HurtAnimTrigger = True End If Else: HurtAnimTrigger = False End If End If End If ``` You can remove the "If Index=MyIndex Then" and the last "End If" if you'd like the animation to trigger for any other players whose hp vital you're privy to (I think just party members, as discussed above). Change 34 to your desired animation # and the engine should take care of the rest. The boolean ensures that this will only happen once per cross below 25% and will not be triggered again while from below 25% to below 25%, such as through regen. Note: if lock types aren't supported, add HurtAnimIndex as Byte in modGlobals. Set HurtAnimIndex= AnimationIndex in SetPlayerVitals. In the DrawPlayerSub, set AnimInstance(HurtAnimIndex).x and .y to equal x and y. I think the animation will always be a pixel behind though, because it happens before the player is drawn, so it would get its x from the previous player x…
  7. Zeno

    Server Selection

    > I'm not sure if I understand fully. You wish to make it so that when a player starts the client he chooses a server and that changes the port in the Config file. This will require some scripting but not much I think though I'm not sure if changing info affects the client once started. (like when you edit your graphics and nothing happens till you restart your client.) More likely, he wants several IP/ports in the config ini and a GUI-enhanced option to choose between them. The biggest issue I see here is with transferring data between servers. As is stands, the client only communicates with the server and the server to the client. You'll end up needing a metaserver to transfer data between the servers - like admin edits and character stats.
  8. > [There ya go.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127309-eclipse-nightly-releases-24-30/) Ah I see. Yeah… that sucks. All but the chatbox is DX8.
  9. Ne[o]X, thank you for doing this. It's an excellent contribution to the community. I hope you're having people show up and challenging yourself at the same time. Honestly, I wouldn't include the images of what you produced on the first day in a game, although it has technical merit. Clutter is a pet peeve in aesthetics as well as domestics for me, but where beginners overwhelmingly tend to the simplistic in their mapping, your influence could balance them to a happier medium. Thank you for helping others. I think this is also an opportunity to gather a bit of feedback on your own methods - which are very good, just a bit overdone. Wish you the best on this. I haven't seen any updates, but I'm hoping you'll keep it up. If it's feeling like too much, consider changing it to fewer days of the week or a weekly event.
  10. My guess is it's trying to jam a string into long. Add Colour as Long between data3 and sound within the chatrec server-side.
  11. > You are talking about a fully rendered DX8 engine. He needs it for 3.0. The only 3.0 version I've been able to find is 3.0.21 (which is a fully rendered DX8 version). It works perfectly.
  12. > here this when im paste the other menu background > > [https://imageshack.u…71/67925102.png](https://imageshack.us/scaled/large/571/67925102.png) > > and there when im connect the game > > [https://imageshack.u…59/27340929.png](https://imageshack.us/scaled/large/259/27340929.png) > > its still give me first background and not what im use… > > what to do ? There are two possibilities here: 1. You have replaced the wrong image file. I have no idea which image file is the correct background image for the menu - I suggest you replace all of them which look like the old background. 2. That image is hardcoded into the source. This is very unlikely. You would probably find better support for the Resbak engine wherever you found it.
  13. I don't suppose you have walkthrough toggled in the admin panel? It allows you to step through things you otherwise couldn't - useful, for example, in getting coordinates while mapping.
  14. Zeno

    Tileset error

    Can't speak for all, but this is definitely not an appropriate volume or quality of information for me to help. * What engine are you using? * Can you post a screenshot of the error line from the VB6 IDE? * Is it exactly 200? Or is it exactly 256?
  15. If you're using Corel Paint Shop Pro, you should get comfortable with the batch processing feature. You can use it to record a series of actions (which you actually perform in real time) and then apply it to however many files you want. In my experiences, five minutes of playing around with it was better than any tutorial. Also, you can use the magic wand (within the 3 selection options of the toolkit) with a low tolerance (say, the 0-5 range) to select all of a colour, and then press delete to remove that colour. Use the contiguous toggle if only touching pixels should be included.
  16. You don't need to reinvent the wheel or program any text-related things, just stop a picture from being rendered. This is DX8\. The chat is already rendered into the game screen, and the GUI has no interaction with it, other than being behind it and sharing some position variables (which are set elsewhere from the rendering, so it completely doesn't matter if the image renders or not). As far as I know the GUI index for the chatbox is 1 across the board (if not, it will be the #.png of your chatbox in the GUI folder), so search in Sub DrawGUI for a line like this:``` RenderTexture Tex_GUI(1) ``` And comment it out like so:``` 'RenderTexture Tex_GUI(1) ``` There should be two of those lines within an if/else/then statement. Text is rendered after that statement in RenderChatTextBuffer - it will still be rendered even if the chatbox is not. The chat scrolling buttons would still be rendered. You can use most image editors to make them more transparent. You could remove them by deleting their for-next loop. You could also change their position in modGeneral InitialiseGUI to move them more out of the way, or adjust their sizes if you care to change their graphics to something less bulky.
  17. If you mean you commented the lines out by adding ' before each line - that would make no difference.
  18. Zeno

    Map showing

    Well, if you've got a map, just make extra atlasx,atlasy variables in the maprec and for editing in the mapeditor. Then render a "you are here" style thing on top of the map using those x,y coordinates. Might be easiest to just store the picture as an item or a misc and then render the item texture. X by y (in pixels) coordinates would work much better than a 10x10 grid. Look at how the up/down/left/right variables are stored in the mapeditor, and mimic those for two new coordinate variables. You'll need to add an input method for each in frmMapEditor. You'll also need to mimic the send and handle data subs for maps and map editing to include the new variables. To render the map, you'll first need to load it as a texture. Look under the GUI textures - probably the best spot. If going the GUI route, you'll also need to add the GUI in modGeneral InitialiseGUI and in modInput's OpenGUIwindow. Name your file the next ascending number in the GUI folder, and have the filenum equal to the GUI number. Look at how the other buttons work to display GUIs. It's basically when the mouse goes down and then back up on a button, it goes to a select case in OpenGUIWindow and the relevant guiwindow(GUI_####).visible switches in value. You will need to add another button, and another select case in modinput's menu_mousedown and menu_mouseup. You won't need any mouse functions in the map itself unless you want to add a close button in the mapwindow itself (if you do, you'll also need to add in another button, which is another 6-10 steps). You'll need to add the GUI in HandleMouseMove if you want it to be draggable.
  19. Zeno

    Copile error

    Open frmServer.log and read it. It's a text file - an error log. It should be in the src folder. It's happening because you have an error. Did you try what I quoted above? Version mismatch is pretty good thinking.
  20. ^I think we can safely assume 32x32 or 32x64. I was thinking - in art it's sometimes recommended to focus on the edges. You can use less visual space to present more visual information. Like, if you place a couple tree tops on the bottom, or some branches and half a log on the left, you get a lot more visual impact with a lot less work. That said, when you're mapping a game you have to make sure the tiles line up between maps, which is often a lot more work in the end, but IMO it's worth it. Looks more natural and less centred on the middle, and a surefire way to add fluidity to an area!
  21. Zeno

    Map showing

    Why render an entire form when you can just render a picture box like nearly every other in-game menu? More efficient for programming and executing. A grid is one thing, quite simple. A map is quite another. Unless you have some way of making the graphics, a generated map would take a lot of processing power. VB6 is such a hog haha! Plus a generated map would take a fair bit of programming and debugging. If you had thumbnails of the maps, you could just render them over the grid, and then render the player position on top. Either way, this is going to be a lot of work for you. IMO for this to run well you'd also have to add a couple attribute under MapRec - something like GridX as Long, GridY As Long to store the map's location in the grid. You'd need a spot for these in the map editor, and to update the mapediting subs, sends, and handles. I'd recommend also storing in a new modGeneral variable "Public GameMap(0 to 100) As Long" the mapnumber of the grid slot (i've used 100 because it's the 10x10 in your example). The most intuitive indexing would probably be (Number -1)*10 + (LetterNumber-1). With GridX and GridY variables, you can easily add the grid location after the map name.
  22. Zeno

    Copile error

    > Make sure to also register in System32 as these are not 64-bit dlls, they are 32-bit. [Seems you also had this problem last year](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/129253-mscomctlocx-could-not-be-loaded/page__st__20). Was your issue fixed by registering the OCX? Someone posted a potential solution in that thread: > I know that this topic is a bit old but you didn't update the post if you have it working or not. If you do nice I would like to post another solution to this problem if someone else runs across the same issue. > > Open you VB6 project in notepad and find this line. > > Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX > > See the 2.0 in that line if it is 2.0 on yours as well then change it to 2.1 > > If you have 2.1 then change it to 2.0 or if you don't want to guess check the ocx version that is currently installed but the most common versions are those two then just save the notepad and open your project the regular way. > > Good Luck If that doesn't work - is there any extra information in your frmServer.log?
  23. Well. That sucks. If you've edited any of the following, it may have caused it. * Server and client packet enumerations (especially any changes above CMapDropItem or SSpawnItem; should be identical between server & client) * ModTypes MapItemRec on either side * TCP Protocols (send from client, server handles) * Client - SendDropItem * Client - HandleSpawnItem * Server - HandleMapDropItem * Server - PlayerMapDropItem * Server- SpawnItemSlot * Server- SendSpawnItemToMap The data path is basically (C)Senddropitem -> (S)handlemapdropitem -> (S)playermapdropitem -> (S)SpawnItemSlot ->(S)SendSpawnItemToMap ->(C)HandleSpawnItem If NPC drops work normally, the issue is within the first 3 in that path.
  24. > Ok I know now How to Increase the Fps,but I dont know how to set it exactly! > > here the Image: [http://www.pic-uploa…Bitmap.jpg.html](http://www.pic-upload.de/view-19518421/Neue-Bitmap.jpg.html) No. Those are server-side timers. Very little to do with client-side FPS. If I could hazard a guess, player activity is for things like stun timers, regen, casting, etc., whereas active map is for UpdateMapLogic.
  25. > Nope Eclipse Mega doesn't have menu, but if someone can tell me how to activate the menu, i will be glad, can some one upload eclipse mega with the menu please. > > the truth that I'm bad at editing with vb, and if someone could add the menu for me, that is all that I need. > > PLEASE!! A monkey's uncle could put the menu in. You only have to delete seven single quotation marks - no need to add in or code anything. Follow the directions [here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/133325-6-icons-in-the-corner-of-eclipse-mega/).
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