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Everything posted by Zeno

  1. Yes, that's exactly what comments are. The compiler leaves them out when it creates the executable. Set the boolean to true above the lines where it sets your map, x, and y locations (SetPlayerMap(index, mapnum), and such). Set it to false below the lines, after they've been set. The if statement in your sub Render_Graphics stops itself from continuing, thereby stopping frames from updating, before your position is completely set. This should stop the problem identified above. If you run into any troubles, I'd say just switch engines. I know for example that Ecipse The Final Frontier uses GettingMap as a Boolean to do the same thing (but also uses it in far more places). It's probably a hand-me-down bugfix from Eclipse Mega or its predecessor.
  2. Zeno

    Newbie Questions

    > And could you give an example? I would be very grateful. If you are mostly looking to copy tutorials into an engine, you should check out the custom versions section of the forum first, as you might save yourself some work. Many of them are just stable engines bundled with a handful of tutorials. You can look at past tutorials to learn how to create new features. Tutorials are found in the Tutorials board, directly under Questions & Answers. You can find many codes in the Source subboard, as well as a few in the main tutorials board. You'll be able to create your own if you try to understand how a tutorial works in the engine. You'll also become less likely to create bugs. Eclipse 3.0 uses Direct7 (DX7) graphics. You cannot use any DX8 tutorials without changing the graphics part of the code. I can't speak to which tutorials would be compatible with 3.0's mechanics (such as movement, combat, stats, etc.).
  3. Zeno

    Bank glitch

    > yea i already found PicCurrency but i dont know what the issue is :) Based on Stein's advice, search your _code _using search term "PicCurrency" to find where the error is. He doesn't mean it's visually or literally on the picture, but that it happens where the code for PicCurrency is.
  4. _**It's over 9000!**_ 9510 Vegetas
  5. * * * The following is posted on behalf of JellyTime (most recently -Link-), who was having some difficulties with the topic prefixes not showing up. * * * Hello, I'm [JellyTime](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/user/60740-jellytime/) also known as DeathTheKid or many other names here at eclipse. I've been a member since 2008 UN-officially. My programming experience is at a medium level compared to most users here at eclipse. I've worked with numerous projects such as SilverDale, PokemonRumbleOnline,Nin Online as well as being a developer for EVB now known as VBE. I think my experience and such can speak for its self. I can code from scratch in DirectX7 to a nice extent meaning I can probably implement most of what you want made. I can also implement tutorials for a small fee just for the use of my time, this depending on the number of tutorials and the length of each. Examples: I'd feel happy to show you my work over skype, have someone vouch for me or just have you look around eclipse. Feel free to add me on skype: zarachi6 or pm me [here](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/user/60740-jellytime/) on eclipse about anything you need done in DirectX7 or any tutorial you need added and we can discuss prices, I'm easy to negotiate with and could use the spare cash.
  6. > I still don't understand what BYOND is. Is it a gaming making community or a game publishing one like Steam? Moreso the first, sort of the latter. [http://www.byond.com/](http://www.byond.com/)
  7. [This](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2226374/test-if-port-open-and-forwarded-using-php) could help.
  8. I actually thought Wing made this. So many name changes around here… I can't keep up. D:
  9. You shouldn't feel bad or stupid because it's an honest beginner mistake, but you've taken my code way too literally… you gave me a good chuckle. Programmers often annotate their code using comments. Where I wrote 'variables and 'code were comments. I wrote it that way as a signal to you that the if statement should come between the variables and the code of your sub. You should not be erasing or replacing anything in your Render_Graphics sub, only placing that If -- Then after the Dims and before the rest of the code. It made no sense to post an actual Render_Graphics sub since I don't even know which engine you're using, much less how it renders. You will also need to add this anywhere in modGeneral: ``` Public PauseRender As Boolean ``` Now for the hardest part, you need to actually turn that boolean switch on and off. To do this, you must find the place where your character's location is being set that causes this glitch. I'm not really sure offhand, and really it's impossible to say where you haven't told us which engine you're using, but it's probably in modHandleData. Try doing a search for SetPlayerMap of your entire project within the VB6 IDE.
  10. Good consistency among GUI parts and you've used bevel/emboss (not sure which) well. FYI, your inventory is a [Hermann grid](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grid_illusion). Not a big deal, but kinda hurting my eyes. I wonder if it will stay as one once populated with items?
  11. A lot of the custom versions are feature-rich, which is a mixed bag. It's great for anyone looking for specific features like pets or elemental attributes. Unfortunately it also means that you may have to remove unused features to make it more efficient. Many of the features have small bugs. If you want something simple, you want something stable. The custom versions of EVB tend to perform poorly there compared to the other engines. CS:DE is pretty polished and runs well. Eclipse VB is quite stable as well (it will probably become less stable with upcoming development, and then more stable again as kinks are worked out).
  12. Ahbi is right. You will need the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE to edit this, as it involves altering the source code. I recommend searching outside of this forum for how to obtain a copy. In my experiences, a free, trial, or portable version will only lead to more problems. If the engine you're using is still being updated and supported, you should bring this thread to the attention of the engine's developer as a bug report.
  13. > Aren't those tilesets isometric? You're drunk! Go home haha Looks great. I also really enjoy the GUI. I particularly like how the bottom is a bar. There's room for optimizing the graphics there by not always rerendering, though it might be so slight to not be worth the bother. Just wondering, why have you decided to make your alpha blending at night be tile-based and not pixel-based? It looks unique, but also a little cheesy, like an old (and I mean _old_) rogue-like game.
  14. > Actually, the hardest part would be to do platforming. > > You'd need the editor to be able to make tiles a certain Z height. > > Jumping roof to roof, the engine must be able to calculate the distance jump-able by difference in height, distance in length and maybe jump strength. I would just make it be a flat distance of x. If you're on a roof and try to walk to a tile that's not a roof, check if there's a roof within x tiles of the roof you're on and, if so, jump. Not as cool, but way easier. These tiles look fantastic. I particularly like the tree leaves and the wooden fence. You've got a knack for impressionism.
  15. Not a big fan of the font, nor the all-capitals. I think it's pretty sharp.
  16. I like it a lot. I agree that it needed something at the top, but that picture isn't doing it for me. The proportions are good and all, just the content of the image seems inconsistent with the style, and probably a bit out of place regardless of what this is for. (I'm guessing it's a placeholder though? I can never be sure haha)
  17. Zeno

    Bank and shop

    > what about trade that doesnt seem to work the same way? It does, just not in that sub. You can search VB6 for "picCover.Visible = True" to disable it anywhere. I haven't edited this code. Read the comments. ``` Private Sub HandleTrade(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() InTrade = Buffer.ReadLong 'This one! Change it to false. frmMain.picCover.Visible = True 'Not this one! D: frmMain.picTrade.Visible = True BltTrade Set Buffer = Nothing ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandleTrade", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ```
  18. Zeno

    Currency label

    It is very difficult to help you without understanding what you are trying to do. > What do you mean?
  19. Zeno

    GIF Images In-game

    To explain a bit more for you, Corlune, the client renders frame by frame, often around 40+ FPS, so as far as I know inherent frame changes of GIF files won't work (since it's being constantly redrawn, you can imagine it's normally on frame 1). Instead we use timers and variables to store the location of the current frame in a laid-out image file.
  20. A lot goes on in the engine at once. What is happening is that your player's map is being updated, then the screen drawn, then the player's x,y coordinates updated. So for a frame (maybe not all the time, maybe 2 frames sometimes), your character appears in their original x,y location on the new map - which is wrong. In my opinion this problem occurs because your engine uses split-second screen transitions between maps, instead of a short fade out and in (which, although not especially complicated to add, is perhaps outside the scope of a Q&A. You can find many example sources from other games online). A quick fix is to add a boolean trigger to not render the game until after both pieces of information is sent, although this is adding an if statement that would trigger the same amount of times as your FPS, which isn't a big deal, but it is a slight performance nerf. For example: ``` 'put this in modGeneral Public PauseRender As Boolean Sub WarpCode 'dimmed variables PauseRender = True 'code PauseRender = False End Sub Sub Render_Graphics 'variables If PauseRender = True then exit sub 'code End Sub ```
  21. Zeno

    Paperdoll render?

    Sinnix, if there are auras, then there is already paperdoll in the engine. The real question then is how to add extra paperdoll layers. DirectX renders back-to-front, so anything behind the player must be rendered before the sprite, and anything above rendered after. You can look at the existing code for auras to get a better idea of how to add extra paperdoll layers. You could also download a source with paperdolls (most of the engines here) to get a better idea.
  22. Zeno


    Hi Geotri, This really depends on which engine you're using. The following may not all apply in DX7, but the idea is similar. You will need to add and edit subs in your modInput (sub HandleMouseDown, HandleMouseUp, HandleMouseMove, and create/edit subs for the mouse down / mouse up / double click as needed), modGraphics/modDirectDraw (the actual rendering of the image), and modGeneral (in many engines, image rendering constants in Sub InitialiseGUI). I suggest looking at and mimicking how the buttons already work, because you will essentially be making a large button. Copying the methods of your engine could be a better start than getting public advice, because it adds consistency to your engine and provides an excellent learning opportunity for how your engine already works. Let me know if you need support while doing this. For many engines a good search term within VB6 is "buttons("
  23. Zeno

    Bank glitch

    I don't, but I bet you'll find it if you search your source for PicCurrency. VB6 has a pretty good built-in search function. :)
  24. > -snip- I'm currently studying video game design with Train2Game and one of my assignments is to use the Eclipse Origins engine -snip- That is awesome. The links lel provided are to pretty high quality tiles. Let us know if you have any problems using them. Be sure to use the same naming format as the engine's default tiles. If you're looking for any run-of-the-mill town tiles, they should be included within the engine. The standard seems to be RMXP tiles. Otherwise, you could do a google search for 32x32 town tiles. Since this is for non-commercial, personal, and educational purposes, I doubt licensing is much of an issue, but your instructor will (should) want to see you crediting appropriately. Good luck! :D
  25. Yeah, I'm just unsure whether the events system can alter renders, other than shared values for sprites. Don't really know a lot about it… vb6 is easier than event system imo.
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