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Everything posted by Connor

  1. @Soul: > Origins and Elysium are completely different engines. You cannot transfer maps unless you make a converter. ^This. Wrong section too.
  2. @da_gad_pader: > u will need a 4x5 sprite (4 frame hor x 5 frame ver) Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it 4 vertical x 5 horizontal? Very useful though, I'll check this out! :)
  3. @Lavos: > That should be around map properties, i thinkā€¦someone correct me if im wrong. I think it's in modConstants based on the couple of minutes a spent searching. Found two or three threads on page 2 of the help forum. Here: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,73399.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,73399.0.html)
  4. Connor

    I need help

    Probably in your system tray.
  5. Connor

    Masking trouble

    Zoom right in, the very top left pixel is the color of the transparency.
  6. Connor

    NPC Problem

    What did you name them? You should name them 1.bmp, 2.bmp, 3.bmp and so on. If that isn't the problem, re-post and we'll see what we can do!
  7. Or you could just leave the NPC without any drops. Then there's 0 chance of it actually dropping an item. ;)
  8. I highly doubt you'll ever find a free server host. It's just one of them things you need money for I guess..
  9. I'm using EO v2. Downloaded straight from the downloads page, didn't have the stuff it says it does. Could someone make a working version of this tutorial, for EO v2? Would be a BIG help. :)
  10. Connor

    Robins Admin Access

    Thanks for everything Robin. Good luck with the future.
  11. I've packed it all into one .zip file and moved them into there appropriate sub-categories for easy adding.
  12. Mine doesn't have this part.. ``` For i = 1 To MAX_BYTE Call BltActionMsg(i) Next i ``` I've searched everywhere in modDirectDraw7. Any help? :)
  13. Connor


    I figured this out a few minutes after posting. Thanks anyway! I just need to work out how to make a good looking GUI by moving the stuff around. ;)
  14. Connor


    How do I edit my GUI? I've got VB6, I open frmMain and move the stuff to the places I want, then save it. When I open the client again, nothing has changed and everything is where it was before! It's starting to annoy me, so any straight up answers would be really great right now. :huh:
  15. It's easy to do! Eclipse Origins should come with a few tilesets already placed in your graphics folder of your client. Simply run your server, and login using your client. Now go into your server and under the "Players" tab, right click your name and make yourself administrator. Once you're administrator go back into the game and press Insert or "INS". You'll then get a bunch of Administrator tools, go into map editor. Then you just click on the part of the map you want from your tilesets, such as a block of grass. Click it then place it in the place you want on the game map. (It's hard to explain, hope you can figure it out though!)
  16. Thanks again mate, greatly appreciate your input! :)
  17. @Rose: > ;D > > Other News: > > ![](http://i55.tinypic.com/2j60110.png) That looks interesting! Can't wait for the next release, I'll be using it for my game once projectiles are added! Thanks for everything!
  18. They look great, I'll probably edit them a bit from how they look now. I'll give credit to you for the original sprite maker, if you could make more ships it'll be great! Will these sprites work fine if I dump them straight into the client folder? EDIT: Just saw what was in the package, it'll work great! I'll base my sprites from these, thanks a lot. You'll get credits if I ever release, for sure!
  19. I can't wait for the projectile system! It's a must have for my project, any ETA? Good luck with your project Rose.
  20. Connor


    Hey people. I need to know if it's possible to add projectiles into the game, I need them for the space based game I'm making. Without them I'll need to rethink all my ideas! If anyone could tell me how, it'd be great. Even better if you could make a tutorial for everyone else to see too! :) Thanks. :)
  21. G'day, could someone please supply me with basic Spaceship Sprites? I'd greatly appreciate it, and it would make my life even easier if you could also set it up so it will work when I put it in the graphics folder (sprite sheet kind of thing). If you can't supply me with one, thanks for your input anyway. :)
  22. I'll do my best to ask good quality questions Admiral. ;)
  23. G'day, I'm new here. I've recently downloaded VB6, and decided to plunge right into it and hopefully learn something. I'm sure you'll all get sick of me asking questions soon! Hope to talk to you all once in a while. :)
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