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Everything posted by lexkymbeth

  1. lexkymbeth

    Admin panel

    @zelch: > What should I start off messing with? Newbie games :3 lol… well modText has name customs e.x:``` name = $trim(getplayer(index).name & " Lvl: " & $trim(getplayer(index).level ```. mess with that it probably most easiest
  2. This requires: Drop Box More then one host Step one : Make a folder in drop box. step two : Rite click and share to host. Step three : place sever data, and sever.exe in drob box. (Wait for it to be done and green check-mark) Run sever on both computers. Thus allowing data from both severs run into one like the img below Pretty much edit on one map > wah-bam! gose to other sever so dose player stuff Totaly safe. (share option only shares with person you picked) Could be used for cleint to. just make a folder for your team and pace game and data files
  3. When my npc attacks me. the npc froze me like million times. am i doing something wrong?
  4. Well i tried to go to mybb's website. it didn't load? any one wanna try for me? it just loads and loads and loads. [http://www.mybb.com/](http://www.mybb.com/)
  5. x10hosting works very well. you get every thing for free
  6. @Prince: > It've been posted tons of this feature. oh well i made this one for my game. its probably the most easy thing to change on the client lol
  7. @greendixy: > I am getting an error it highlights TextAdd on this line > > ``` > Call TextAdd(GetPlayerName(Index) & " said: " & Msg & " !!!!!", QBColor(BrightRed)) > ``` > no errors with original way this should be in your sever. textadd post a msg to sever try.. ``` Call TextAdd(GetPlayerName(Index) & " said: " & Msg & " !!!!!") ```color code works on mying but nor others
  8. @Erwin: -.- its client not sever
  9. @Christye: > If Player(Index).GuildID > 0 Then > GuildIndex = Player(Index).GuildID > message = GetPlayerName(Index) & ": " & Msg > Call SendDataToGuild(GuildIndex, message) > > "GuildID" Method or Data member not found @Erwin: > Do you have GuildID as Integer at server side in PlayerRec?
  10. 1 Sever worked Thanks! 2 Missing some things. like you said, Guild-ID as Integer you gave us only one for client. which would be guild as string. we need all of theme for it to work :p Edit: also missing Call SendDataToGuild. it keeps erroring me ;o
  11. gah after i fix one thing i get more errors lol, .GuildID could not be found. same problem on sever tho.
  12. Wait would we need to make a new guy? i just looked at the code and it set the guild at 0 when they sign up
  13. @GoldSide: > why when I managed to create a guild, look frmGuild. no invite button and leave button why? > > whether the time of entry guild guild name listed above nickname? > or not. > > sorry because when it makes the guild, no changes are prominent same thing happen to me. hes fixing it @Erwin: > I'm working on a fix.
  14. nope. when i try to compel, says ReOrderChat not identified
  15. still don't work. i cant add guild press make guild and nothing happens
  16. uhh gah.. hmm what did i do wrong. it highlights ShowOffline = "False" says its missing? ``` dim buffer as clsbuffer frmGuild.listUsers.Clear Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CRequestGuildList ShowOffline = "False" Buffer.WriteString ShowOffline SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing DoEvents frmGuild.Show If Player(MyIndex).Guild = "" Then frmGuild.cmdMakeGuild.Visible = True frmGuild.cmdInvite.Visible = False frmGuild.Frame1.Visible = False Else frmGuild.cmdMakeGuild.Visible = False frmGuild.cmdInvite.Visible = True frmGuild.Frame1.Visible = True End If ```
  17. in client modtext look for sub drawplayername replace the hole sub with ``` Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal Index As Long) Dim TextX As Long Dim TextY As Long Dim color As Long Dim Name As String ' Check access level If GetPlayerPK(Index) = NO Then Select Case GetPlayerAccess(Index) Case 0 color = QBColor(7) Case 1 color = QBColor(1) Case 2 color = QBColor(2) Case 3 color = QBColor(4) Case 4 color = QBColor(6) End Select Else color = QBColor(BrightRed) End If If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & " - Lvl: " & GetPlayerLevel(Index) ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 1 Then Name = "[Player Relations] " & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & " - LvL: " & GetPlayerLevel(Index) ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 2 Then Name = "[Builder] " & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & " - LvL: " & GetPlayerLevel(Index) ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 3 Then Name = "[Admin] " & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & " - LvL: " & GetPlayerLevel(Index) ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 4 Then Name = "[Dev] " & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & " - LvL: " & GetPlayerLevel(Index) End If ' calc pos TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(Name))) If GetPlayerSprite(Index) < 1 Or GetPlayerSprite(Index) > NumCharacters Then TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - 16 Else ' Determine location for text TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).lHeight / 4) + 16 End If ' Draw name Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, color) ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "DrawPlayerName", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` name should come out to be, say.. Dev wold be [dev] Name - Level: 64 (Color would be Gold) Feel free to edit and thank me for doing this :p Coverted: ``` Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal index As Long) Dim textX As Long, textY As Long, Text As String, textSize As Long, colour As Long If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 0 Then Text = Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - Lvl: " & Player(index).Level ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 1 Then Text = "[TESTER] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 2 Then Text = "[DEVELOPER] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 3 Then Text = "[ADMIN] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 4 Then Text = "[OWNER] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level End If textSize = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Text) ' get the colour If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 0 Then colour = White ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 1 Then colour = Blue ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 2 Then colour = Green ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 3 Then colour = Red ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 4 Then colour = Yellow End If textX = Player(index).x * PIC_X + Player(index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (textSize \ 2) textY = Player(index).y * PIC_Y + Player(index).yOffset - 32 If GetPlayerSprite(index) >= 1 And GetPlayerSprite(index)
  18. [added Send to sever] "Sends msg to sever if its bad. Like if you want to mute them or what ever [added Let admins swear] if you have swear filter replace with this code: ``` Public Function CheckForSwears(Index As Long, Msg As String) ' ######### ' ###SFS### ' ######### ' Edits by Lex Dim SplitStr() As String Dim SwearWords As String Dim i As Integer ' alow admins swear If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 3 Then Exit Function End If ' There are NO spaces between each swear. SwearWords = "test,test2" SplitStr = Split(SwearWords, ",") ' log and star bad words For i = 0 To UBound(SplitStr) If InStr(1, LCase(Msg$), SplitStr(i), 1) Then Call TextAdd(GetPlayerName(Index) & " said: " & Msg & " !!!!!") Msg = Replace$((Msg), (SplitStr(i)), LCase(String(Len(SplitStr(i)), "*")), , , 1) End If Next i End Function ``` if you don't have Swear filter [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,74678.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,74678.0.html) Any problums? Post :p
  19. im looking for the walk threw players that is built into CS:DE. trying to disable it and its not the same as EO. any help? looked in the spot were it would be and its not there thanks
  20. i've been looking around and cant find this. any one care to help? going to make new kinda pvp map type thanks
  21. you are banned because i think your the guy accost the street watching me when i walk home O.o
  22. Were do i add a new member EX: it goes player, mod, mapper, admin, dev. i want to add in there PvP guardian between admin and dev, were is this located at? thanks, EDIT: I found it, Delete post
  23. Process.Start("C:\Program Files\blahblah") @Vincent if you mean were it goose. dub click exit and there :p
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