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Everything posted by QCherry

  1. You can fix this? HandleDataSub(CSaveSerial) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSaveSerial) debug have a runtime 9 (serverside) All codes of tutorial inside in source 100% good
  2. Deleted shops and items, and WORKS :D Thanks you and all on this topic! Works totally all - creating etc.
  3. Okay, I change in server this: ``` Private Type TradeItemRec Item As Long ItemValue As Long itembonus As Byte ItemRank As Byte costitem As Long costvalue As Long End Type ```itembonus and itemrank to byte and crashes client same before post
  4. I replace TradeItemRec in server this code: ``` Private Type TradeItemRec Item As Long ItemValue As Long Bonus As Byte Rank As Byte CostItem As Long CostValue As Long End Type ```And on click Shops editor in admin panel, crash CLIENT debug: frmEditor_Shop.lstTradeItem.AddItem I & ": " & .ItemValue & "x " & Trim$(Item(.Item).Name) & " for " & .CostValue & "x " & Trim$(Item(.CostItem).Name) this line (error runtime 9' subscript out of rage)
  5. Look: Client: [http://i.imgur.com/oFbojW3.png](http://i.imgur.com/oFbojW3.png) Server: [http://i.imgur.com/1bgo0eK.png](http://i.imgur.com/1bgo0eK.png)
  6. Hi, I have game on EO 3 source, and have a big problem, when adding new shop and click OK server give me this Run-Time error '9' ![](http://i.imgur.com/Y56jKT5.png) I debug server and have this ![](http://i.imgur.com/xUrXlzj.png?1) ( CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Shop(shopNum)), ByVal VarPtr(ShopData(0)), ShopSize ) line
  7. Quest its not save in quest list!
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