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Everything posted by Annahstas

  1. Thank you, when I get on my main computer I am going to go home and try this. Before hand my friend crzy ass had to connect it through vb6 for me to connect to the game. If this works I will be forever grateful. ^^
  2. lol Thank you Erwin. I replied to you all. It's ok pie, when I had to upload them I had to change the format from photoshop to get it upload. But each opinion is there own.
  3. I use paint.net to Photoshop, I like Photoshop's burn tool to make shadowing easier for me as well as the dodge tool the makes lighting easier. Paint.net is simple but you got to do a lot more time in making the things you need.
  4. I laugh out loud at this one. Gottah love Eclipse.
  5. No… That santa looks retarded.... I like the black knight better.
  6. This is good for your first pixel art piece. With more practice you could be great! You potential hun.
  7. As I said in the Topic I am looking for a Team to do Pixel Art for. I find myself to be great if I take my time but moderately OK in a hurry. I enjoy Pixel Art so I try to add as much detail as it allows. The tileset's I create are on a graphed 32x32 sheet, Or I can make them on a 320 Height, 320 Width sheets, to any number divisible by 32\. The sprites I will adjust to whatever sprite you use in making your game. Same as Sprite clothes, items, and other things. If you have specific tileset's, sprite's, item's you need then let me know before agreement to being your Pixel Artist. ~~~~I deleted the site so if you need an example I will make you something simple. I would really like to join something rather new by the way.~~~~ **Look in Spoiler!** I am still adding and fixing the site up so please excuse that issue when you go to look at it. I do have a few wants of my own though for me to work for you. * Game has to be in a promising development. * A few other dedicated Team Mates. * A way to communicate. Skype, Team Viewer, Hamachi, excetra… * A way for your game to be up-dated when needed so I can see progress. * Most important is dedicated active other developers. * An understanding that I am a college student and I am dedicated, I may lag a bit during tests, midterms, or finals to study. For people who need more reassurance I will add a spoiler after I finish my latest tileset, which will be soon. I just wanted to go ahead and get my "Want" out there of needing a team. The best way to getting in contact with me is here either by replying to the post or messaging me. Thank you for reading. ****New I would really like a team where I can make a website for us as well? Or maybe a forum? But my main thing is being a pixel artist. Payment is not required, it would just be nice. ^^ >! **Cloth Starter Armor** ![](http://i39.tinypic.com/szizuv.png) >! **Leather Helmets** ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/2w51u9v.png) >! ![](http://i40.tinypic.com/1z3rodc.png) >! ![](http://i41.tinypic.com/2v119hs.png) >! **Melee Weapon** ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/be8xw9.png) >! The type of sprite I used had bigger arms so it looks a bit odd. I also seem to get better with each piece I make. Hope you like it. >! Added February 29, 2011- >! Random girl. ![](http://i39.tinypic.com/501fdg.png)
  8. Well "If" you guys get going and are active I wouldn't mind working on some pixel art for you guys.
  9. @Bonk: > Wait until your family has to go watch Swan Lake, Wagner's Ring Cycle and Madama Butterfly because your Father is the patron of the Opera House. > > Ironically enough I really enjoyed them. They're so dramatic and beautiful, I was close to tears. The music is truly incredible and the dancing just makes the whole spectacle so… otherworldly. Awwl that was truly very tear filled to see a guy say that. *thumbs up*
  10. Will the game need a lot of graphics? I mean will it be based on more than say 5 tile sheets?
  11. Did you connect your router and let eclipse through your firewall?
  12. Also make sure you name them 1.bmp, 2.bmp, 3.bmp and so on. Having miss counted items suck when you have to go back and redo it all ^^
  13. Well at least you would have a mount ^^
  14. Just try making a sprite that seems to sit. Then have a paper doll under them. Though make it look more prettier. Don't make it look like a rough crappy sketch of what you want. Just mess around with it.
  15. …............................... I am sorry but you are having a dumbass moment. Try going through the tutorials again and learning the fact that you must connect to your server through your router. Robin doesn't have a special server just for us all, he wait's to see if your small brain can actually read the tutorials. I would have been nicer to you but I just don't see a reason to be when you are obviously unable to move a mouse and click Tutorials to read each one. When you have read each one then ask a more logical answer. Until then stop trying to confuse your brain by trying to seem smart. Have a good day! -Annah
  16. Lol Thanks. I hate webs to. I'm thinking about doing it on another site but right now it's on webs lol.
  17. I can do pixel art. But it has to be worth my time and effort. Is this game going any where? Will it eventually make me money? Questions… Questions... Questions...
  18. I doubt you will get this unless your up for a good trade or your willing to pay.
  19. So far this is what I have and I enjoy making sprite items and Paper Dolls. So new things will be added constantly. If you have an idea of some stuff I should add message me here. All Items are made by me unless otherwise said so. I know I'm noobish at it but, I am practicing. I learned what I have so far on my own and from youtube. Here's the link: http://frgz.webs.com/ I most likely wont make you pay me anything if you want a custom item unless it's really time consuming or hard to make. I hope you like ^^ …....... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... .......... .......... .......... ......... **Site Up-Dates:** * *New Thing's Added! (**November 03, 2011**) * Easier Locating * "What's To Come!" Item List! * **New Layout Look**
  20. SPIDER MAN BY: ANNAHSTAS !!!!! ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/1rof1k.jpg) BATMAN BY: ANNAHSTAS !!!! ![](http://i40.tinypic.com/1z6zbqx.jpg) WONDER WOMAN BY: ANNAHSTAS !!!! ![](http://i39.tinypic.com/cusjo.jpg)
  21. Nice I really like this. When I get back ima try this out and see if I can add this in. Thanks ^^
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