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Everything posted by Anonymious

  1. > Now what people I'm woking if we wan to make one game wich will be perfect i need like 20-30 peoples or 50 . I know is hard to get people's but i wll try , if you don't try you can't get nafing ! > Please look this if you wan to join ???? It is pretty possible, I have a friend who is working on a pokemon game, he made a team that counts around the 30 people in just 1 month. He fired the half of them because they were immature. I don't know what your main language is, but I suggest you to get someone who can translate from your main language to english. I think this is the best first step you could do.
  2. Negum Storm has now it's own Twitter and YouTube, the banner has been resized. Please send me a message if you have this banner on your signature. > ``` > [url] > [img]http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/7981/banner2mw.png[/img][/url] > ```![](http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/7981/banner2mw.png) [![](http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8015/youtubeiconte.png)](http://www.youtube.com/NegumStorm)[![](http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/6336/twittericoncn.png)](https://twitter.com/#!/NegumStorm) All followers on Twitter, sbscribers on YouTube and banner users will get a special gift in the game. This gift is to show my respect for the people who are supporting me.
  3. @Spork: > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn46p9mWH5I Haha, I lol'ed on that. Poor man…
  4. It works, it's easy, good idea and thanks.
  5. @Aeri: > Sorry to burst your bubble, bro, but the Quran is wrong. I mean, isn't it somewhat hypocritical to say that rape is wrong but killing someone isn't, regardless of what they've done? > > All religion is a mess of crap. 'xcept perhaps for Pastafarianism. The Quran is not wrong, it's the most fair book of all the holy books. Allah is more then just our god, he is also our judge. Imagine you are the judge, someone raped your sister, and you must decide what will happen with the raper of your sister, what would you decide?
  6. @Zonova: > I'm a muslim and i like your attitude :3 I hope Allah will praise you the best for being a muslim.
  7. I am a Muslim, according to the Quran, the raper must be killed, it doesn't matter if the raper is a man or a women. If the raped women gets pregnant, she is only allowed to do abortion before the 4th month of pregnancy, or else it's not abortion anymore, but a murder. EDIT: I can't understand how a raped women will accept to marry the one who raped her.
  8. Nice update, I really would use it if my game could use it, but my game is platform. @SuperSake: > You're an idiot and a hypocrite. ;v I don't understand what made me an idiot and a hypocrite.
  9. I like your sprites a lot, good for games where you only can walk with W and S… @Chief: > blallbldkdfsj Hey look it's Mr TrollFace ^^
  10. @Chief: > You spelled "anonymous" wrong. That's because there is already an account called Anonymous
  11. Hey, if you are making your art with Actionscript3, then I really need you soon. I will just send you a pm.
  12. > Strategy (turn based and real time game modes possible, like chess and AoE). I already have this idea, but there is not a real single player mode possible for that, or else it will require me to make the bots very intelligent wich will make single player mode less boring. If I am going to make it possible to add bots in the multiplayer mode, then I have to make the bots very intelligent. Actually I like this idea because I like RTS and TBS games, but I don't think there are many people who like that kind of games.
  13. I have ever played a game like that, but it was a browser text based game. I like the idea, but as you can see, I am making a game without a storyline and not an rpg. It have to be a game that is based on rounds, like a battle of 8 minutes or a fight untill one of all the people in the same round gets 3000 points, or untill one of the 2 teams captures the flag. And if I want to make a scavenger hunt of sorts, it will not require me to create a new engine, I can just use Eclipse Origins with some modifications for it. I will make a storyline and an adventure, but it will be a single player adventure only, maybe a party system for missions would be possible but I don't want to host for it, for multiplayer you can go to the lobby and join a fight.
  14. [![](http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8015/youtubeiconte.png)](http://www.youtube.com/NegumStorm)[![](http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/6336/twittericoncn.png)](https://twitter.com/#!/NegumStorm) ![](http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/8778/logosbz.png) **Negum Storm** About Negum Storm, > **Negum Storm is a multiplayer platform combat game, it's just like the old versions of Dragon > Ball Z, but multiplayer. Negum Storm will also have an adventure mode, with a storyline and quests of cource. > Negum Storm will be featured with many game systems, like leveling, trading, clans, friends and various game modes. It's more then just a game, there are not a lot of multiplayer platform combat games.** Screenshots >! ![](http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/8628/menuuhz.png) >! > This menu will be in flash, it will contain Login, Register, Adventure, News, Settings and Credits. Currently all the credits goes to me. Video >! Coming Soon… **I would like to see people supporting me with this banner. If you have this banner on your signature, send me a pm please. Everyone who have this banner on his signature will get a special gift in Negum Storm. Also all followers on Twitter and subscripers on Youtube will get the special gift.** > ``` > [url] > [img]http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/7981/banner2mw.png[/img][/url] > ```![](http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/7981/banner2mw.png) [![](http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8015/youtubeiconte.png)](http://www.youtube.com/NegumStorm)[![](http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/6336/twittericoncn.png)](https://twitter.com/#!/NegumStorm) Website coming soon. Yours sincerely Anonymous
  15. Idk if this will help, but.. I remember ones I made something, when the space button is down the do it… That causes too many assignments, sometimes a crash, because when the space is down, it's still down untill it's up. Maybe you have to do it like when the A/S/D/W buttons are up.. and not down.. I am not sure if this helps...
  16. @ℕḯℊℌ☂☾: > Nice thing ye got there eh? Yeah ^^ I am actually going to work on more projects. But because I still didn't start working on them, I am not gonna tell what they are.
  17. @renzo: > Studies have shown that, in fact, the smaller the size of a person's brain allows the neural network to connect each function at a faster rate for a shorter distance thus giving them a higher IQ. To have a working brain at the size of an atom would probably be the epitome of intelligence. Do you think it's logic that a brain have the size of an atom? Since millions of years, the human's brain is getting larger. If the human is getting smarter, why didn't his brain get smaller? You should not just believe any scientist, scientists also fail.
  18. @Admiral: > Technically our brains are 99.999% vacuum, right down to each level of a particles existence. Take this vacuum away, and our brains become a condensed singularity that is so small it couldn't even be seen by a microscope. I was talking about an inner body part called "Brains". Not about philosophical theories, about how humans think.
  19. @Bcm27: > Which would make you what? And if the "this" was a hyperlink…Epic fail.. Whaha "This" hyperlink, no it is not.. If you just had the brains in the size of an atom, you would understand it. And I have no doubt that your brains are larger than an atom, at least two times larger.
  20. Without the way Eclipse is made, I would never be "This".
  21. Hello I just wanna know about the game makers. What do you use, EO2.0 or CS:DE? I am actually using EO2.0 and teaching myself, the CS:DE source code and DirectDraw8, so I will make this as an option too.
  22. after clicking advanced you are goung to click "Port forwarding". You are not going to do anything with the IP. just leave it and go to portforwarding. there in portforwarding you have to do the shit.
  23. @ShlomiNet: > ok thanks ,but in the end… > type only Name1 > and 2time the Ports? > or i need to type the IP/NO-IP? I know a good name, Shabalaragapotakinaki. 2 times the port = yes. IP/No-Ip only in your config.ini of your client.
  24. [Follow this tutorial, only at the end change the port(4000) to the prot of your game.](http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dlink/DIR-615/Eclipse.htm) If you done this go to [here](http://whatismyipaddress.com/). Copy your IP and past it on the section "IP=" in "\Eclipse Origins\client\data files\Config.ini". Ps. In "\Eclipse Origins\client\data files\Config.ini" you can see the port you are using for your game.
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