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Everything posted by abhi2011

  1. Hey guys, I was thinking of Unix Epoch and the rollback in 2038 because of an overflow. My question directly relates to the tick rollback we have in servers which run for more that some 25 days. Unix Epoch uses a 32bit signed integer for time representation in seconds. And as far as I understand vb6 uses a 32 bit integer as well (the long datatype). So why does a tick rollback happen on servers when using GetTickCount after running the server for a number of days? And why did we ever use GetTickCount. Could we have used UnixEpoch and used the time we got as a base and increment it ever second on out own basis resyncing it ever day or hour or something? Edit: Get Tick Count is in milliseconds and Unix Epoch is in seconds that's why Epoch can go a long way while GetTickCount can't
  2. > Instead of using Visual Basic 6 controls, I was using DirectX 8 to render custom ones. Could you expand on this? I don't understand how you used DirectX8 to render custom ones. The nearest I can get is that each "control" would render by itself using DirectX8?
  3. > Cant be done without replacing other crucial letters. You'll need to customize EO2 a little bit. Who did EO2 come into this?
  4. Don't bump your topic every 12 hrs or so. Give people time to reply. Bump after a day or two Now on to the point. AFAIK I don't think you can change the font in Eclipse 4.0.
  5. Hey guys, I was just thinking on how we could improve structurally the engine. I got into the idea of using classes rather than type structures and using VB6 Controls for a GUI. What it is is basically a VB6 Control that has properties such as width, height, x, y, Name, Path to texture etc. These would all be put in to the game just like adding in Picture boxes and Command Buttons. The game would work as normal but rather than the GUI rendering being basically hard-coded it would render onto this control. Something like this: > Control: ctrlGUI1 > > > > Properties: > > Name: The name of the control > > Path: The location of the texture. It should be relative to the project. > > X coord: Understandable > > Y Coord: Understandable > > Height: Understandable > > Width: Understandable The rendering would be something like this: > RenderGUI {Control Object} And RenderGUI would call RenderTexture which would render the texture. As far as rendering the texture goes I'm not sure how it would be done. Not sure if I have a private pic property onto which the texture would be "rendered". Not sure if this would work and whether it would support Alpha channels. Another method would be render the texture in the normal way with the only changes being the x, y, width, height and path is taken from the control making the control a store of meta-data for the gui. Another "add-on" would be events like key events or mouse events such as mouse clicks and stuff. VB6 already provides an API so what not just use it? My thought would be to rather have the event fire change a global variable or such fire and the game on it's update loop updates the game. Not sure how async this'll go but it should be pretty mcuh async. On of the advantages to this would be an easy GUI editor. (But this could be possible with a standalone VB6 or .NET app which dumps an XML or binary file which the client reads.) And I think the only problem would be implementation which would be the biggest problem and lag. I would like to know your opinion. Would this be something cool for the Engine? Or do you think it's not worth the effort? Yes I know the language is pretty much dead but hey it would be fun to try it out.
  6. TehDoug got smacked with a shotgun.
  7. Hi guys, I was brainstorming to find a way to render a line in DX8 for a various purposes and I found that DX8 didn't have a method to render a line with a width. It'll always have a width of I think 1 pixel. So I googled and found the only way this was possible is by rendering a Quadrilateral with a length and a width. So here is my function for this: ``` Public Sub RenderLine(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, width As Long, ByVal length As Long, ByVal Colour As Long, Optional ByVal Horizontal As Boolean = True) Dim linev(0 To 3) As TLVERTEX, i As Long ' THIS PROCEDURE DOES NOT USE D3DPT_LINESTRIP. It USES QUADS TO SIMULATE A LINE. For i = 0 To 3 linev(i).color = dx8Colour(colour, -1) linev(i).RHW = 1 Next If Horizontal Then linev(0).x = x linev(0).y = y linev(1).x = x + width linev(1).y = y linev(2).x = x linev(2).y = y + length linev(3).x = x + width linev(3).y = y + length Else linev(0).x = x linev(0).y = y linev(1).x = x + length linev(1).y = y linev(2).x = x linev(2).y = y + width linev(3).x = x + length linev(3).y = y + width End If Call D3DDevice8.DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, linev(0), FVF_Size) End Sub ``` This accepts a x and y coordinate as the start position of the "line" and a length for the line and it's width. A color can also be given. The last variable is for determining how to render the line. Along the x axis or the y axis. One problem to this that you can't (or I don't think you can) render a line diagonally. If you can't understand a specific part of the above code post below and I'll be glad to help.
  8. Maddy got slapped with a rubber chicken.
  9. > Answer to… > > > > First question.. The header sent back to the browser with the text or file contents is not necessary at all I have found out. It IS best practice to send a proper one back though before the data though. Things like the MIME type need to be filled out properly, and the cache expire date etc. But like I said I have had success on just not sending a header back at all just sending the raw data its expecting :P > > > > Second question.. Yep. > > > > No problem. ;) How do I compile a PHP script from the webserver? I tried just running the php.exe but I have no Idea how to get the output.
  10. > Abhi is a great programmer, I've seen his work first hand. Strongly suggest contacting him. > Abhi is a really good and fast programmer. He made lot of good work. I recommend him. > Abhi is an awesome program, > > Seen some of his work and it rocks! > > If santa says so it's true santa knows everything! > > > > Never worked with him though Thanks guys
  11. > Well there are no other genders in existence except for Male and Female. If you wanted to add another sex type the only thing left really logically would be None for robots or plants or something(Genderless). Gay is a sexual preference… really if sexual preference is something youd honestly want as a character creation feature you should make a completely new system revolving around it cause it really wouldnt contribute much to gameplay adding it to sex constants aside from comedic break at character creation xD I see that you are necroposting a lot.
  12. > I know Im at the lonely bottom and will hardly be knoticed back here, but for anyone that wants the same thing but a direct X 8 version for newer engines could use wayback machine to access the link to Eclipse Dawn releases and grab the latest copy back there and rip it. Just search Night everywhere, grab the time related stuff etc. Granted it still needs more work to it like saving time etc or setting day night from server side to be truely complete its still great to get somethin in there :) Or you could have someone do it for you
  13. > Ive actually made an advanced path finding and movement system i could easily add something like direction facing on my engine, if your still in need pm me and ill set up a time period to help you implement one :) This post is nearly 2 months old. (Just one day :P) Check the date of the last post before posting.
  14. > When first I've encountered this problem at [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/129546-how-to-fix-unrecoverable-dx8-error](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/129546-how-to-fix-unrecoverable-dx8-error/#entry853412) > > > > > > I've tried everything and still can not > > > > Now At the time I bought RAM for my notebook and it can solve the problem > > > > Maybe I say Eclipse Origins game who has a DX8 is requires at least 1/2 GB or 1 GB of ram > > > > > > Sorry if less right or wrong, because just want to inform course > > > > > > thank you for your attention :-) Not sure why you'll need 1gb of ram? It doesn't use much memory at all. Unrecoverable dx8 error can happen becuase of a faulty rendering sub because only Render_Graphics has an error handler and the call stack moves up until it can get a error handler. It can also happen I believe when DX8 or rather D3D_Device loses it's priority for rendering.
  15. > Pretty good deal. People wanting some nice features for cheap prices would be wise to give this a gander. > I can only recommend him. He works fast, cheap and good :D > I can only say that he work fast,.. Hmm Bug fixing for $0.5 only? Hehehe.. I'm going to offer you a work of Bug Fixing with a Massive Bug on that Engine for only $0.5 .. Be sure to prepare :D > Good and fast work you will not get better anywhere! Thanks guys
  16. abhi2011

    New Editor

    If you need any more help then don't hesitate to ask.
  17. You can upload them to some file sharing website or cloud hosting solution as a zip file and post the link here. Sites like DropBox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Mediafire, Mega.co.nz should work perfectly.
  18. Hi guys, I'm a VB6 programmer who has been programming for the last 4 years. I'm fairly experienced in VB6\. I don't claim to be an expert but I'll try my best and do any of your requests. I do not have much examples to present. But I have programmed for a few people and for Nin Online. People will hopefully vouch for me. I have done a few projects for these games like a working Graphics Encrypter, an Auth Server with MySQL connection and a fully working Asynchronous updater. Pricing for work done will be starting from $3 and all bug fixes of your project will be $0.50. I strive for my work to be as bug-free as possible. Any and all bugs found in your project which was caused due to my system can be reported and I will patch them for you. If you wish for me to program for your project then please shoot me a pm or post on this topic. You may also add me on Skype. Some vouches: >! Sir Skyward of River >! SynterGames >! Kazuto >! Zopto >! Dr. Kid >! ZelProject >! Santa-Clause >! Seth >! Spyze >! whitespirits – Abhi2011
  19. That caches all the textures. I think the transitioning is based on a timer? Check out the timers in the menu and see how it done. Then check out MenuLoop
  20. abhi2011

    New Editor

    The error might be taking place but not being raised. Go to the error log and check if there are any new entries. To make it easier in the future change Options -> Debug to 0. The value of SpellData is set by using an API call. This line in the given method does it. ``` CopyMemory SpellData(0), ByVal VarPtr(Spell(SpellNum)), SpellSize ``` What is done is that SpellData is first declared and it's size/dimension is set which is equal to the number of bytes in the spellrec. This "buffer" is given to the copymemory directly as the first parameter. As the second parameter the pointer of the the spell rec is passed and then finally the size of the rec is passed. What copymemory does is it takes this "buffer" and starts setting the data from the spell rec starting from the first variable sequentially downwards on to the buffer. The amount of data copied it the SpellSize. This byte buffer is then added into the packet buffer.
  21. Hey guys, It's my vacation so I thought why do some work before school starts. I am a VB6 programmer who has been working with the Eclipse Origins engine for the last 3 years. I strive to have all my work bugfree and have it submitted on time. I don't have any pictures or examples but I have worked for a few people/game like Nin Online and Zel Online and I'm pretty sure a handful of people who know me can vouch for me. Pricing can vary depending upon how much work is to be done. It can also be free at times depending upon how time consuming it is. If you want work to be done shoot me a pm or post in the topic below I'll get in touch with you. Sorry for not making this topic professional but I'm not good at making topics only at programming :p Abhi2011
  22. Do you mean an image that is shown for a few seconds and then quickly fades off?
  23. > You can send headers back directly at the very top of the 'blob of text' or 'string' controlling things to like expiry dates, redirection, etc, but most modern browsers don't require a header you can usually get away with just sending the data or contents of file, etc and closing the connection. As soon as the connection for that item is closed it will appear loaded in the web browser. > > You could serv up real files, even parse them certain ones with php.exe, or use 'virtual/fake' files by just setting up a Select Case statement in the 'request handler function' you make.. send back certain things based on request filenames, etc. So if the webserver is to send data to the browser will the header be identical or will it be the same. And the data sent would just be a wall of HTML and stuff or parsed php files right? Thanks for the big wall of text. I actually really liked that
  24. How about I make a tutorial for this tmmrw?
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