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Everything posted by theobjop

  1. theobjop

    Huge Gui Edit

    Anyone?? I clicked move to front and I clicked the screen move to back. It still doesn't show on top of the picScreen?
  2. theobjop

    Huge Gui Edit

    Fixed, but my buttons and health bars aren't in front of picScreen?
  3. theobjop

    Huge Gui Edit

    Can you give more instructions, I'm still not getting it. Do I need to make them all single images?
  4. theobjop

    Huge Gui Edit

    Yes but how do I get it imported into vb6\. Like actually show on the screen in vb6.
  5. theobjop

    Huge Gui Edit

    Is it possible to get images/layouts [main.bmp (Graphics -> Gui)] to show in VB6? I would like to see this so I know where I am supposed to put all the inv, skills, chat, etc. ![](http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/8669/mainve.png)
  6. hmm.. I'll try. EDIT: IT DOES! Thx!
  7. I have a book on advanced vb programming… Do you think if I hit myself as hard as I can with it I will pop out the answer? I can make the screen scrolling work, probably better for big maps. My brother has a terrible graphics card I just wanted to see if I could get it to fullscreen so he could see the whole thing. Learn to use the Modify button, please! -Yami
  8. I have both? ' options Public Options As OptionsRec ' Type recs Private Type OptionsRec Game_Name As String SavePass As Byte Password As String * NAME_LENGTH Username As String * ACCOUNT_LENGTH IP As String Port As Long MenuMusic As String Music As Byte Sound As Byte Debug As Byte End Type
  9. So you are simply saying make it a maxed x/y map and have screen scrolling…?
  10. I'm using the Downloads -> Main Download I downloaded 2 - 1 days ago.
  11. I have vb6 its a fresh installed I followed tutorial, I was just editing the GUI. ![](http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/4571/erroryz.png)
  12. Thx but now I can't find Private/Public Sub UpdateDescWindow??
  13. theobjop


    In the shop click sell first then double click the item you want to sell
  14. Dynamic Resizing - Fullscreen, widening, and bigger maps? How would someone do this? If you know can you make a tutorial or send me code for it?
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