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Everything posted by egemert35

  1. Thanks guys. I'm gonna try.
  2. **First download the 2 attachments, and put them in the src folder of the client, overwrite the one allready there. Then add the files to the project, by clicking in project browser on the right side, and choose add> existing file, and add modDxShow.** I can't see any files.
  3. No. When players die. Example: When my character dies, i need to wait x minutes/seconds for respawn. Sorry, my English is bad.
  4. This is possible? I want to add respawn time for my game.
  5. If your name so away from your character. Try this. Search: ``` Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal Index As Long) ``` Delete sub and paste; ``` Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal Index As Long) Dim TextX As Long Dim TextY As Long Dim Color As Long Dim sTag As String ' Check access level If GetPlayerPK(Index) = NO Then Select Case GetPlayerAccess(Index) Case 0 Color = RGB(255, 96, 0) sTag = vbNullString Case 1 Color = QBColor(BrightCyan) sTag = "[Gm.1] " Case 2 Color = QBColor(BrightCyan) sTag = "[Gm.2] " Case 3 Color = QBColor(BrightGreen) sTag = "[Gm.3] " Case 4 Color = RGB(150, 52, 226) sTag = "[DEV] " End Select Else Color = QBColor(BrightRed) End If If GetPlayerSprite(Index) < 1 Or GetPlayerSprite(Index) > NumCharacters Then TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(sTag & GetPlayerName(Index)))) TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - 128 Else TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(sTag & GetPlayerName(Index)))) TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).lHeight) + 128 End If Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, sTag & GetPlayerName(Index), Color) End Sub ```
  6. Thank you.. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  7. I did and worked thanks. How can i add time changer in frm.server?
  8. ~~Hmm. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) Server side: ![](http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/7216/32126134.png) Runtime error '9' Subscript out of range How can i fix that?~~ I deleted all maps and fixed.
  9. Solved. If you get same bug then follow this way; 1-Look at the Sub picSpells_MouseMove ``` Private Sub picSpells_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Dim spellslot As Long Dim x2 As Long, y2 As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler SpellX = x SpellY = y spellslot = IsPlayerSpell(x, y) If DragSpell > 0 Then Call BltDraggedSpell(x + picSpells.Left, y + picSpells.top) Else If spellslot 0 Then x2 = x + picSpells.Left - picSpellDesc.width - 1 y2 = y + picSpells.top - picSpellDesc.height - 1 UpdateSpellWindow PlayerSpells(spellslot), x2, y2 LastSpellDesc = PlayerSpells(spellslot) Exit Sub End If End If picSpellDesc.Visible = False LastSpellDesc = 0 ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "picSpells_MouseMove", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` 2-Select "Call BltDraggedSpell(x + picSpells.Left, y + picSpells.top)" and ``` If DragSpell > 0 Then Call BltDraggedSpell(x + picSpells.Left, y + picSpells.top) Else ``` 3-Replace with this ``` Call BltDraggedSpell(x, y) ```
  10. Oh sorry, my bad. I am using EO 2.3 and I just edited frmMain. (picInventory, picSpells, picQuest etc. position.)
  11. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5dwtSB3hQ4[/media] Guys how can i fix that?
  12. Hey guys. I just changed button and pic(Inv,Spell,Quest etc.) position. Then this error appeared; http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/6231/adszsbq.png Help me, please.
  13. egemert35

    Standby time

    Thanks for comments. I added Sleep code and my problem is SOLVED. ``` Sleep 4000 ```
  14. egemert35

    Standby time

    Example; When player is to 16 level, he must wait 4 second for appear the animation on him.
  15. egemert35

    Standby time

    Sorry my English is bad. I edited first mesage.Do you understand now?
  16. egemert35

    Standby time

    Hello everybody. I looked Google but i couldn't find anything about this topic. How can i add standby time before "SendAnimation (Player(Index).Map), HICCUP_ANIM, (Player(Index).x), (Player(Index).y)" . ``` Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) + 3) Call SetPlayerExp(index, expRollover) Select Case GetPlayerLevel(index) Case 16 If GetPlayerClass(index) = 1 Then SendAnimation (Player(Index).Map), HICCUP_ANIM, (Player(Index).x), (Player(Index).y) SetPlayerClass index, 6 SetPlayerSprite index, 2 SetPlayerStat index, Strength, GetPlayerStat(index, Strength) + 10 SetPlayerStat index, Endurance, GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) + 10 SetPlayerStat index, Agility, GetPlayerStat(index, Agility) + 5 SetPlayerStat index, Intelligence, GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) + 10 SetPlayerStat index, Willpower, GetPlayerStat(index, Willpower) + 10 SendStats index End If End Select ```
  17. Solved. I added this code: SendAnimation (Player(Index).Map), HICCUP_ANIM, (Player(Index).x), (Player(Index).y) Thank you guys.
  18. **@unnown** [http://imageshack.us…76/37909288.png](http://imageshack.us/a/img843/1676/37909288.png) **@Abhi2011** [http://imageshack.us…36/96012800.png](http://imageshack.us/a/img708/9536/96012800.png) I guess, i can't do this. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  19. Like that? ``` Sub SendAnimations(ByVal Index As Long) Dim i As Long Select Case GetPlayerLevel(Index) Case 16 If GetPlayerClass(Index) = 1 Then SendAnimation mapnum, HICCUP_ANIM, (Player(victim).x), (Player(victim).y) End Select For i = 1 To MAX_ANIMATIONS If LenB(Trim$(Animation(i).Name)) > 0 Then Call SendUpdateAnimationTo(Index, i) End If Next End Sub ``` I got Compile Error: Variable not Defined. SendAnimation **mapnum**, HICCUP_ANIM, (Player(victim).x), (Player(victim).y)
  20. Hey guys, i want to animation on my player when it is 16 level.I tried everything but nothing happened. Code; ModPlayer ``` Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) + 3) Call SetPlayerExp(index, expRollover) Select Case GetPlayerLevel(index) Case 16 If GetPlayerClass(index) = 1 Then SetPlayerClass index, 6 SetPlayerSprite index, 2 SetPlayerStat index, Strength, GetPlayerStat(index, Strength) + 10 SetPlayerStat index, Endurance, GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) + 10 SetPlayerStat index, Agility, GetPlayerStat(index, Agility) + 5 SetPlayerStat index, Intelligence, GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) + 10 SetPlayerStat index, Willpower, GetPlayerStat(index, Willpower) + 10 SendStats index End If End Select ``` Does ​somebody help me? Code coming from here -> [http://www.touchofde…sses-after-lvl/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/130072-changing-classes-after-lvl/) .
  21. Hello Guys, i need some help about Character Classes[I'm making Pokémon game.(EO 2.3)] I added [http://www.touchofde…sses-after-lvl/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/130072-changing-classes-after-lvl/) this system in my game.Example; Class1= Bulbasaur Class2=Ivysaur Class3=Venusaur I need to Hide or Block Class2 and Class3 for character creating screen. (Sorry, my English is bad.) Solved.I found [http://www.touchofde…locked-classes/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/117005-eo-locked-classes/) this topic.
  22. Hi guys. I've this problem.When i press W-A-S-D button on chat, my character is moving. How can i fix this problem? ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) Sorry, my English is bad.
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