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Everything posted by Meisterstuck

  1. @dxxknight: > Edit* > > **My submission:** > > >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/ca2420421ff6b9a952c7775865a66b61.png) > > hope this one is alright. :D You're gon' win
  2. Yeah it's the same exact tileset. I actually stole the idea from the starting town in Zenonia 3 ![](http://www.downloadatoz.com/resources/201105/pic/1305708394.jpg)
  3. "Once maps are submitted, editing is out of the question." too late now I guess
  4. ![](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lztvmy1VBx1rnum2bo1_r1_1280.png) Does this count?
  5. "Maps Must be made with Eclipse" :'[
  6. @Sick: > Looks great, quick question though, where and how do I edit the conversations? I'm so glad you asked so I didn't have to
  7. @VictorLD: > Here's the mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?d2i4aolisjdy0dl
  8. That's what I want, the basic version with the interface.ini file (So that's why I'm asking if anyone has a mirror rather than just downloading it from Robin's bundle).
  9. @eric125: > It's not out yet I'm literally looking at a download link on the first page right now, shits broken though
  10. Update: I've got someone on the project, no longer need help at the moment. Thank you!
  11. I already have. That's how I learned the coding is over my head.
  12. I don't know what the hell happened but it seemed to stop after I made some changes, but after I changed them back to see if they're what fixed it, it remained fixed. So anyone with the same problem in the future looking at this, sorry I couldn't help
  13. ![](http://i43.tinypic.com/14ccufb.png) I know it does it when it gets to be too much for the comp, but all I did was change my picscreen from 992x544 to 1024x576\. My resolution is 1366x768\. Not really sure what the problem is and I don't think anyone's asked before. Might only be me
  14. It's beautiful, but yeah the buttons. I think it's just throwing me off because everything else is 2d and that's got a 3d look. Just use what you used to go around the item as the button border
  15. Ever since I was sixteen or something I've wanted to play it but my 256 ram at the time made it impossible. Ive checked it out over the years wanting to play and I don't know why it took me so long but I JUST downloaded it like last week. Gotta say, not really worth the lust I had…. :/ On the other hand though, R.O.S.E. isn't too bad at all and Ragnarok 2 looks promising
  16. So here's the story, I was working in EO and I made what I thought was a nice GUI. Was pretty proud of it, but then I got a glimpse of Crystalshire and..oh my god. It was the same feeling I got when I first discovered Bob Dylan. I mean, yeah it was great and all, but as a musician he made me never wanna touch an instrument again because I knew I could never be as good. But I digress. It was from this point on I knew I needed transparency, and without it, the project wouldn't be worth doing. After learning about the performance hindering in EO I thought I was screwed. But then I found some amazing news, CS:DE! Couldn't believe that, if done right, I could have a GUI as great as what I've seen. I quickly learned that editing the GUI in CS:DE was far beyond what I was capable of. I can't do it by myself, which kinda sucks, but that's what this sections for anyway. So, to anyone that can help me with a GUI in CS:DE, get it contact with me and we'll go over some preferences/ideas I've got. I'm looking to pay somewhere around $50, preferably a bit under, _but_ depending on how good I feel it is, I'll go a little higher. And if we agree that you'll make me one, and I don't end up liking it, I can compensate maybe $10/$15 for your troubles. Thanks for reading, hope to hear from one of you soon!:]
  17. I think I might be a jerk for posting on this thread. I just cant figure out this script. I got it to work perfectly with the shop, but that's because there's a walk through right in front of me. I guess I don't know what this means "_You will need to add a new XM As Integer and YM As Integer for each picture you wish to make moveable_." Do you mean I'm supposed to do..``` Private MoveForm As Boolean Private MouseX As Long Private MouseY As Long Private PresentX As Long Private PresentY As Long Dim XM3 As Integer Dim YM3 As Integer Dim XM3 As Integer Dim YM3 As Integer ```With two or how ever many each? Or do I name them something different or put them somewhere else or…? And the ReleaseCapture thing, man, I don't know what's going on with that. Dude I suck :/
  18. So I opened up my old ass Konfuse vbp and then just went to hit make .exe, and vb is telling me "Compile error, sub or function not defined" about ``` Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Long Dim Ending As String For i = 1 To 3 If i = 1 Then Ending = ".gif" If i = 2 Then Ending = ".jpg" If i = 3 Then Ending = ".png" If FileExist("GUI\MainMenu" & Ending) Then frmMainMenu.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GUI\MainMenu" & Ending) Next i Call MainMenuInit End Sub ``` So the FileExist is the problem. Wat do?
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