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Mohenjo Daro

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Everything posted by Mohenjo Daro

  1. I've been working on the Updater today, and I'm about to release an update for it. This will fix the updater not updating itself properly when the exe is renamed, add a new system to let me add missing elements to xml files (so updates don't have to revert your files), and the ability to run the launched programs in admin mode.
  2. @ollixsykes There's a way, I was just curious if I had to add an option for it or if there was currently a way to do it. I'll get to adding the admin permission tomorrow (the updater will auto update so you won't have to redownload it)
  3. @ollixsykes Right click the updater exe, click Properties, Compatibility, and select Run as Administrator. Then, try to run the updater and see if it launches the game as an administrator. Also, I don't know if there will be a prompt if the updater launches the game with admin permission when the updater is run with admin permission.
  4. @ollixsykes Try running the updater in admin mode and see if that launches the game in admin mode. If that doesn't work, I'll see about adding an option for it in the config, but the updater will have to run in admin mode for that to work as well (as far as I know).
  5. @bestboy By speek hacks, I mean players using CheatEngine (or other packet modifiers) to send a ton of a single packet to run, attack, etc. really fast. *** 2GB is the max memory/ram VB6 can use. This might sound really bad, but it's not when setup properly. Currently EO engines are setup to load everything at runtime and keep it all loaded. The pros of this is it's fast, the cons are that it uses a lot of memory. Time for an example of why this is bad: ER uses a different/unique NPC system that has 30 NPC *files* per map. These are small files, but they add up in size. PinkAngel tried changing the map maps (I think it was to 500 or 1,000) and that crashed the server (because 30,000 files add up). For a small game, the max values are fine, but you should keep files that aren't being used loaded, it's a waste of memory. There also is the problem that the server has to loop through each loaded map every server loop (so you have 1 player on and the server still loops through 100 maps). Even if you have a check to only do anything for a map with a player, that's 100 if statements. As I said in the previous post, I'm trying to convert ER to only load the files that are needed, and unload any that aren't. This means the memory used by the server is a lot lower. I'm also splitting files up, so maps have 3 parts (graphical, blocks, and everything else). So I can load the graphical and blocks of a map and send the graphics to a player, then I can use the blocks to move NPCs on that map. The biggest upside to the loading an unloading is that your game can have 20GB of content (Maps, items, spells, NPCs, etc.) and still run with the 2GB or ram. The only time the server will run out of ram and crash is if there are a lot of players online requiring the server to load more files than it can handle (I'm guessing this would be around 500-1,000 players). *** If by EE you mean EverEmber, yes, it's based off EO 2. All engines on the site are free and open source. You can add or remove whatever features you want if you know VB6, or hire someone to do it. You can customize the engine as much as you want.
  6. @ollixsykes I tried my best to make it as simple as possible :) I'm glad I succeeded @Giukko No problem, I wanted to help devs by making an updater they can use
  7. First off, welcome back. The main reason (that I know of) for indie devs using client engines with a database is they're meant to be single player and that's the best way you can make them be multiplayer. Having a server handle everything means the server has more to do and can't handle as many player. Sure it's harder to hack, but less people is a problem. Now for lag... You can have a client handle a lot of info, which means the server does less and there will be less server lag (the server doing something and has to put your request on hold), but that one client handling a lot suffers a *lot* from client lag. Or you can have the server handle everything which means there's quite a bit more server lag, but you don't have one player suffering unplayable lag. *** Ok, now to get into your questions about these engines. What do you mean by MMO? I've seen some engines handle 200 players, others die after 30 players. ER (Eclipse Renewal) and AE (Andur Engine) are pretty similar with the number of players they can handle. After ER 1.9 is released (the next version), ER should be able to handle a lot more players (no one has stress tested ER's player count, so I don't know how much it can handle, I would say double how many it can currently handle). The engine is built on the client and server. You can speed hack, but that's about it. Players can't spawn anything in or duplicate items (that we know of). The server hosts all the files in a data folder (`\server\data\`), there isn't a SQL database or anything of that sort. If you can get a copy of VB6, then you can customize whatever you'd like. AE is also working on adding a script system, and ER is working on adding options for features. These mean you can use the same engine as someone else and have different game features. You can also hire someone, or ask around for a programmer to help you for free. If you have a decent amount of work on done on your game, then programmers are more likely to feel like helping you. *** The biggest limitation you will find are the max counts. The server only has 2GB of memory and loads everything at startup (this is what ER 1.9 is fixing). ER's maps use more memory because of the NPCs than any other engine, so you can't have much more than 100 maps in ER 1.7 to 1.8.X. Making a large game currently isn't always possible if you want a lot of maps, items, NPCs, etc.. A lot of content means a lot for the server to keep loaded. The server also loops through all this data even if it's blank (so if you have 10 maps, the server still loops through all 100 maps). ER is working on fixing this to only use what's needed, AE might change to be based off ER 1.9 after this, Solid's still thinking about it. Keep in mind, loading and unloading is slower than keeping everything loaded, so for smaller games, everything loaded is fine; but for MMOs, loading and unloading is better.
  8. Link to the forums isn't working. I also suggest adding some graphics if you can (banners or something) to the post to make it pop and look like you have some content :)
  9. You can either post bugs in this section of the forums, or use the [Eclipse Renewal Bug Tracker](https://tracker.eclipseorigins.com/#/categories/1). Login with your forum account and submit a bug ticket there. *** This thread is to tell you what information is needed and helpful when creating a bug report. Saying an error number and nothing else makes finding and fixing bugs very difficult, so I'm making a list of needed and helpful information for you to include to help me help you and fix bugs. Remember, finding bugs is usually quite difficult: the more information I have, the better chance I have to find the bug. *** *** **REQUIRED** - This information is needed to help me find a bug, I won't be able to help much without it: * Did you get an error message? If so, what was the message? (Pictures help) * Was the error on the client or server? * What were you doing leading up to the bug? * Can you reproduce the error? (Do you keep getting the bug?) * Have you made any source edits? If so, to what? *** **OPTIONAL** - This information is optional to include but can help find the bug: * Video of the error * The `\server\data folder` (send it via PM if you don't want it public) *** *** **Example report:** Hi, I'm having a bug when I talk to a quest NPC. * Did you get an error message? Yes, `error 9 subscript out of range` * Was the error on the client or server? Client * What were you doing leading up to the bug? I walked over to the quest NPC and pressed Ctrl to talk to it * Can you reproduce the error? Yes, it happens every time * Have you made any source edits? Yes, to the number of map layers *** This report helps me know that there's most likely an issue with the GUI code for quest NPCs. I know where I should start looking so I can fix the error in 5-10 minutes. Just saying "NPCs are buggy" doesn't help me find the bug. ***
  10. You will want to add a check to the server (the server because if a player has a client without a fix, then you can have a bit of trouble). Just check if the value is negative, if it is, then multiple it by -1. *** Find ``` Private Sub HandleAddAuction ``` *** Above ``` Call AddAuction(Index, InvItem, 1, Price) ``` *** Add ``` If Price < 0 Then Price = Price * -1 ``` (Made a quick change, I used > by mistake, it should be < )
  11. No problem, I marked the fix as the answer so anyone in the future can get the fix as well :) Have a good one!
  12. Ok, I tested the following code in AE (based off of Resbak) and it worked. Go to ``` Public Sub CheckAttack() ``` *** Under ``` With TempPlayer(MyIndex) .Attacking = 1 .AttackTimer = GetTickCount End With ``` *** Add ``` If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then If myTarget = MyIndex Then Call AddText("You can’t attack yourself.", BrightRed) Exit Sub End If End If ``` *** MyIndex should be a global, so you shouldn't need to define it. (Don't forget to remove the previous code from the other post).
  13. It can be client or server side. The thing is, it's more work for the server to do when you can just have a check in the client. It doesn't really matter if a player has a client without the fix, it's their fault, so it doesn't need to be server side. Basically, does it affect anyone's game play if a player has a client they shouldn't without this fix? And the answer is no, not really. *** ~~Find~~ ~~Public Sub CheckAttack()~~ *** ~~Under~~ ~~If StunDuration > 0 Then Exit Sub ' stunned, can't attack~~ *** ~~Add This~~ ~~If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then If myTarget = MyIndex Then PlayerMsg Index, "You can’t attack yourself.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If End If~~ *** ~~This change isn't tested, but I did look for variable names so the code should work. Let me know if it does or doesn't :)~~
  14. On the client, find the attack code for the bow, then check your target. Add a check if you're targeting yourself, and exit the sub if you are. It should look something like this: ```If Player(MyIndex).Target = MyIndex Then Exit Sub``` I don't know if that code will work or not, but it should look very similar to that. *** (You will need VB6 to edit this, Visual Studios will not work)
  15. I'm just googling this, so you can as well ([google link](https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&source=hp&ei=8dR0WuYIx761Bc6EhNgO&q=mscomctl.ocx+could+not+be+loaded&oq=mscomctl.ocx+could+&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0l2.8089.18978.0.20082. Try this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11982719/vb6-ide-cannot-load-mscomctl-ocx-after-update-kb-2687323
  16. Make sure you have the runtime (can be downloaded from my signature) and [service pack 6](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5721) installed.
  17. Eclipse Renewal and Andur Engine don't have scripting, take a look at this tutorial: https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86219/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-7-introduction-to-visual-basic-6
  18. I will do my best to keep the following threads up to date as I go so you all can have real time updates as I update ER. So, if you want to see ER's current progress, what's planned, what isn't planned, and the bugs; then check out the links below. *** *** **[ER Version History and Changelog:](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86170/er-version-history-and-changelog)** This is the list of all ER version and change logs. You can look at the current and previous change logs to find out the following information: - What's been added - What's been removed - What's been fixed So if you're curious about the current progress in the upcoming update, then check out this link. *** **[ER Road Map:](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86110/er-road-map)** The road map will show you my plans for the upcoming and future versions of ER. The list can change at any time, and things on it may not happen in the update they're for. This is just a list of what I'm planning and wanting to do, it's not guaranteed to happen. If you want to know what my plans for ER going forward are, then check out this link. *** *** **[ER Bugs:](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86121/er-bugs)** This thread has lists of reported bugs, confirmed bugs, and fixed bugs (along with the update they were fixed in). You can also look at the [Bug Tracker](https://tracker.eclipseorigins.com/tracker#/categories/1). This is a place you can submit and view current bugs in the engine. *** **[ER Suggestions:](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/85928/eclipse-renewal-suggestions)** This thread has the lists of suggested features, planned features, added features, and discarded features. ***
  19. To clear a few things up... Sonart didn't make this engine, the credits go to Robin Perris Jcsnider Jacob Dooolly Rory Soh Sonart is just posting the link to en engine he found. It's a pretty nice looking engine.
  20. Rekt XD Yeah yeah yeah, I'll get to it later
  21. All I'm asking for is the link you used to download ER. I don't care how you got to the link, I care what the link was. I downloaded https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uANIkcqf-iGQlkipiovv9qTxzuv2PDx3/view which is what I think you downloaded, and had no problems starting the server. If you want to make a new map, then open the map editor, there's not reason to delete a map file.
  22. https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86155/er-1-8-3-changelog doesn't have a download link anywhere on it. https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86331/er-1-8-3-release has 2 download links, so which did you download?
  23. @kp420 I asked for a link to what you downloaded. I prefer being sure I downloaded the same thing that you downloaded.
  24. What link did you use to install ER 1.8 from? I want to download a fresh copy of it and see if it works for me or if there's a bug.
  25. More info would be nice: what engine are you using, 2D or 3D, what positions do you need, etc.
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