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Everything posted by Dawntide

  1. Okay, is it actually working ingame or are you just saying it is working because there is a "None" Option in the list now?
  2. Try it yourself with an clean copy of Eclipse Origins Even System 2.3, i am pretty sure it does not work…... Here is what i do: I download the 2 attached files, i place them in client/src, i add ModDxShow.bas to my project, i add the reference. I Post ``` strLoad = Dir(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & "*.mp3") Do While strLoad > vbNullString ReDim Preserve musicCache(1 To i) As String musicCache(i) = strLoad strLoad = Dir i = i + 1 Loop ``` under this ``` ' Cache music list strLoad = Dir(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & "*.mid") i = 1 Do While strLoad > vbNullString ReDim Preserve musicCache(1 To i) As String musicCache(i) = strLoad strLoad = Dir i = i + 1 Loop ``` The .mp3 files show up now in the Map Properties, but they do not play at all, not even if i click on "Play". And the .mp3 file i added to the .ini for the main music does not play neither. Usually i would have to add this: ``` 'loop mapmusic if needed and its a mp3 file LoopMp3 ``` But as soon as i add this i get this error: "Sub or function not defined" at: Private Sub HandleStopSound(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim str As String, i As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler For i = 0 To UBound(Sound()) - 1 SoundStop (i) Next ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandleFadeoutBGM", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub So it does not work
  3. Can you do my suggestion with the event editor only, i mean without source edit?
  4. They are posted in rows dude. Cut it with paint
  5. Can someone sum the diffrent types of sprites up for me? 4x4 seems to be rpg maker xp sprites What are the others?
  6. > how do I sign it that would make speaccilly AVG and Norton detecting it when it is not a virus? I don't understand what you want. You want to sign your game as a virus so it is detected by AVG and Norton?
  7. I do not know how to code it neither x( I guess you must check if the killed player is on the same guild as the killer at the code for PK.
  8. Oh okay, i thought you could activate the Event if someone PKs someone in the same guild and then kick him and give him some title next to the name or something like that
  9. It isn't off-topic: > If anyone got more Ideas PM me or write it here It is my idea and i want it to be done :D
  10. Okay, thanks. I would appreciate it if someone could try to do my suggested: -Kick out of guild when PKing a player of the same guild (based on this guild system http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,78441.0.html I know it is really hard to do, but i would love to see it.
  11. I use Eclipse Origins Event System 2.3
  12. If Player(Index).Level = 5 Then Player(Index).stat (o) + 15 Else PlayerMsg Index, "Du benoetigst Level 5.", BrightRed End If Error "expected sub, function or property" at Player(Index).stat (o) + 15
  13. No it does not. Error: "Sub or function not defined" at AddText
  14. 1\. I get a "undefined" error @ AddText, can you help me? 2. If Player(Index).Level >= 5 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, 1, 5, 5) Else AddText "You need to be level 5.", Bright Red End If Needs to be If Player(Index).Level >= 5 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, 1, 5, 5) Else AddText "You need to be level 5.", BrightRed End If 3\. Is the "give item with level" event working now? 4\. I would love to see things like: -Learn Spell with level -Show a dialog with level **-Kick out of guild when PKing a player of the same guild (based on this guild system http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,78441.0.html**
  15. Wow very nice, but when will these codes be activated? Or do you paste them in there to access them ingame with the event editor?
  16. I do not have``` ' music in map properties frmEditor_MapProperties.lstMusic.Clear frmEditor_MapProperties.lstMusic.AddItem "None." strLoad = Dir(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & "*.mid") Do While strLoad > vbNullString frmEditor_MapProperties.lstMusic.AddItem strLoad strLoad = Dir Loop ``` When i paste it in and then add everything as it is in the tutorial i get: "sub or function not defined" at "For i = 0 To UBound(**Sound**()) - 1" in ``` Private Sub HandleStopSound(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim str As String, i As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler For i = 0 To UBound(Sound()) - 1 SoundStop (i) Next ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandleFadeoutBGM", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` fix this or delete this very bad tutorial
  17. Can you set a "cooldown" for the projectile? At the moment the player can shoot them with Ctrl like machine guns.
  18. Where to place those codes to test it?
  19. BUG REPORT: When someone gets kicked out of the guild, the guild menu does not update and it says: Guild: GUILD NAME Please give me a fix!
  20. EDIT: Fixed it myself, nice tutorial!
  21. thanks, i am glad i did everything right! Is there a blank gui around here? Maybe from the developers of eclipse. Would be nice for a custom GUI.
  22. Hey, I am following this tutorial right now: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,80414.0.html But i want to add a imgButton instead of an ugly label, so how to add an imgButton? I added a imgButton to the Main Frame and set its index right, i double clicked it and added a new case: ``` Case 8 'Guild UI UpdateGuildData picCharacter.Visible = False picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False picGuild.Visible = True PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End Select ``` I changed this code, so it matches: ``` Public Const MAX_MAINBUTTONS As Long = 8 ``` 1\. How to move on, what i have to do now to get the button working? 2\. Does anyone have a blank GUI, with all text removed, a blank button without text or atleast a tutorial how to remove the text without destroying the background? thanks!
  23. Dawntide

    Spell item?

    Hey, I implemented projectiles and now i recognized that there is a Item Type "Spell" in my combobox in the item editor frame. Is it there by default? I guess the spell item type is to learn a spell through an item. When i click it and i try to set 1 spell item up i get: "Runtime error 380 invalid property value" I checked all my backup versions of my game and even in the earliest i get this error, so i do not know whats wrong with that. How to fix it? thanks
  24. "runtime error 380 invalid property value" when i open the item editor. I deleted my current items and now the error is gone, but the half of the item editor frame is missing. Even the combobox is bugged, there is no item type in there anymore. help please
  25. Dawntide

    3D Eclipse!

    you do not even need to discuss it. A random new forum user makes a 3d engine in VB 6? too obvious in my opinion
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