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Everything posted by MadalinV

  1. MadalinV

    Yuko banned.

    Hopefully she can't decrypt the passwords. The account info I use on this site is one of my most used ones. Shame on you admins for trusting someone who is known for doing bad things when they are in power. I would've only trusted her up to Moderator, since mods can only affect threads and these can be restored. Anyway, the deed is done, hopefully no one else gets their hands on my account details in the future (at least from eclipse)
  2. First one has better lightning, better colors (yet not a better color combo, the colors clash because you didn't shade under the leaves and now the brown and green clash at full power) Second one has better POV (the first one looks like it's trying to be a side-scroller tree, and a 2.5D tree at the same time to me), more pronounced shading yet, as @Dr.House said, too many light sources. Overall? can't decide, both have different strong points, read what I and Dr.House said and good luck on your path through evolution.
  3. MadalinV

    Dance Of Death

    Interesting c oncept! May I suggest, from a graphical point of view, why not have the fog in a similar style too? It looks like it's higher quality in some screenshots than the actual tileset.
  4. I'd go with sliders instead of radio boxes, you know, these types with the name in the center and arrows on the left and right of it to go to the next one and to the forward. The curent setup is crowded and doesn't have any space to breathe. However you said it's temporary, so I take it this is not for graphical input as much as feature input.
  5. Looks good, did you use a template? Your navigation bar gets all the way to the left after it's fixed at the top of the page. http://prntscr.com/b5yljo
  6. Damn, that's good! Amazing job!
  7. There are graphic tablets as cheap as 30$ (however not from popular brands). You have potential, so it'd be a good choice to go into it. You need some teaching in anatomy. Your shading is good, for starters, but you should also try to shade the hair and have stronger shadows too. Good luck!
  8. Few basic tips: stay away from emboss and pure black strokes. Instead use a basic gradient and a stroke with a darker tone than the darkest tone in the layer itself. Also don't add stroke to everything, it ruins their beauty.
  9. @'Yuko': > Those are absolutely beautiful. I love your skills. Thank you ^^ I have another commission that has ended, but I'll wait a few days for progress on another one and see.
  10. Open for more commissions :) To learn about each of these factions check out the client's website at k3productions.ca ![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work101.jpg)![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work102.jpg)![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work103.jpg)
  11. @'Dr.House': > the first one would look so great on a soda can Well it's a logo of an old game, just remade in vector and rewritten from Jet Set Radio to Jet Save Radio. But I agree it looks like it's a soda can of a juice with lemon flavor. xD
  12. ![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work99.jpg) ![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work100.jpg) [![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/UIs/ui17.jpg)](http://madalinvlad.deviantart.com/art/UI-UX-for-Harmonia-RPG-Game-603588687) And with this I've hit 100 logos on my portfolio. Thank you all who I have worked with, and for the future clients, I am available for work! ^^
  13. [![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work98.jpg)](http://madalinvlad.net) Also check out my latest blog post at [http://madalinvlad.net/blog/instagram-much/](http://madalinvlad.net/blog/instagram-much/) where I talk about my latest instagram photos (landscape, texture, pattern, macro, etc photography).
  14. [![](http://img14.deviantart.net/0731/i/2016/067/6/6/unxoft_logo_by_madalinvlad-d9udxlz.png) ![](http://img04.deviantart.net/29c3/i/2016/067/6/1/deadpixel_interactive_logo_by_madalinvlad-d9udxmf.png)](http://madalinvlad.net)
  15. [**Read the article concerning this artwork by clicking it or this text** ![](http://img13.deviantart.net/c4b3/i/2016/062/8/9/briliance_of_the_night_by_madalinvlad-d9ts250.png)](http://madalinvlad.net/blog/brilliance-of-the-night/)
  16. @'Dr.House': > Pretty nice, kid. > Keep em posts coming @'Colonello': > These all look great! Glad to have you posting again. :) Thank you :) I'll post some work which won 2nd place in a local contest in a few days. :)
  17. Hello, guys! **Big** update! I just started writing **[a blog](http://madalinvlad.net/blog)** in which I will convey my ideas, mostly related to psychology views and design, but also include freebies once a month or so. To commemorate the start of the blog I've made available a vector raptor head that I previously used in an unsold app icon design. I hope you'll find use of it and thank you if you will follow [**my blog**](http://madalinvlad.net/blog) :) [![](http://img09.deviantart.net/d534/i/2016/060/0/5/raptor_head_freebie_by_madalinvlad-d9tkbbl.png)](http://www.paywithapost.de/pay?id=90485c3e-09d8-481e-ab53-073b26c0a60e)
  18. ![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work94.png)![](http://madalinvlad.net/img/logos/work95.png)
  19. @'Dr.House': > Your website is unprotected, I can browse everything in your directories. > Oh, make the example images bigger when clicked [not only the first ones], can't see anything, but a small image. Thank you for noticing, disabled access of folder list now.
  20. ![](http://img14.deviantart.net/950e/i/2016/037/9/b/hector_and_harriet_logo_design_by_madalinvlad-d9qqee5.png)![](http://pre01.deviantart.net/4d14/th/pre/i/2016/037/4/c/hickory_ridge_logo_design_by_madalinvlad-d9qqeff.png)![](http://img06.deviantart.net/149f/i/2016/037/a/4/senpack_logo_design_by_madalinvlad-d9qqee9.png)![](http://img06.deviantart.net/484f/i/2016/037/d/e/sigourney_cantelo_by_madalinvlad-d9qqeem.png)![](http://img04.deviantart.net/6b2b/i/2016/037/5/f/zaiko_by_madalinvlad-d9qqef3.png)
  21. ![](http://pre04.deviantart.net/2127/th/pre/i/2016/021/d/9/dead_of_night_distillery_by_madalinvlad-d9osbuf.png) ![](http://orig11.deviantart.net/68ba/f/2016/021/2/c/k3_productions_business_card_by_madalinvlad-d9osbu4.png) [![](http://pre11.deviantart.net/c9bd/th/pre/i/2016/021/4/3/k3_productions_logo_by_madalinvlad-d9osbtd.png)](http://k3productions.ca) ![](http://pre08.deviantart.net/94e6/th/pre/i/2016/021/5/a/merikotelli_logo_by_madalinvlad-d9osbui.png) [![](http://orig01.deviantart.net/fbc4/f/2016/021/5/4/photography_contest_by_madalinvlad-d9osbvd.png)](https://www.voubs.com/photo/Photography-contest-cover/e257823f9042c03d9b04d3b9cbb59547) [![](http://orig15.deviantart.net/2751/f/2016/021/8/8/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9oscrw.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-wooden-bridge-rural-area-image64531902)[![](http://orig07.deviantart.net/9867/f/2016/021/a/6/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9oscsw.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-grass-trapped-ice-winter-image64532895)[![](http://orig11.deviantart.net/800a/f/2016/021/f/3/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9oscu1.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-mountain-landscape-forests-winter-image64533480)[![](http://orig04.deviantart.net/12e0/f/2016/021/6/9/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9oscum.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-close-up-snowy-grass-slightly-covered-snow-area-image64532108)[![](http://orig03.deviantart.net/4275/f/2016/021/9/5/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9oscut.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-forest-shot-landscape-close-focus-point-image64523253)[![](http://orig03.deviantart.net/adff/f/2016/021/d/b/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9oscuw.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-dirt-macro-shot-small-pebbles-image64530995)[![](http://orig14.deviantart.net/5b19/f/2016/021/5/0/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9oscvc.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-wood-texture-wooden-door-metal-hinge-image64528176)[![](http://orig03.deviantart.net/2cc0/f/2016/021/7/a/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9osdbr.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-wood-planks-piled-up-fence-mountains-image64529776)[![](http://orig10.deviantart.net/d3a6/f/2016/021/5/f/untitled_by_madalinvlad-d9osekm.png)](http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-metal-net-shot-construction-image64528401)
  22. ![](http://orig00.deviantart.net/be82/f/2016/017/a/b/rebranding_process_of_madalin_vlad_graphic_design_by_madalinvlad-d9oalsz.png)
  23. Hello everyone, I have some great news! Every **new contract** made before **1st of January 2016** gets **20% off**! ![](http://pre04.deviantart.net/fc40/th/pre/i/2015/353/d/f/coverfire_logo_by_madalinvlad-d9kopnf.png)
  24. The contact form should work properly now. You can use it correctly now. Can't wait to see what you guys have in mind for my future commissions :)
  25. Hello again, everyone. I'm sorry but my website contact form is messing with me again, If you sent any commissions throught that please send the same info directly to my e-mail account: [email protected] I am really sorry and will look into it as to why it doesn't send the mails yet again.
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