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Everything posted by XerShade

  1. Well why not just add new variables to the enumeratio….oh right they arn't doing something that would be efficient and easy to edit. But in all seriousness I find that tutorial to go against my coding laws. Equipment types should be an enumeration so you can loop through it and make drawing on the UI and other code easier, an example of this would be like: Sub DrawEquipment() Dim Columns as Byte, Row as Byte, Column as Byte Columns = 4 For i = 1 to Equipment.Count Row = i / Columns Column = i mod Columns X = Column * Pic_X Y = Row * Pic_Y Next End Sub Again that is only an example but you should get the point.
  2. > I honestly don't see why it matters if the source is complete or not, or if development is on-going or not. If people learned how to NOT necro threads, those projects would cease to exist and/or would be completely buried by new and more relevant projects that ARE in development or on-going. Releasing a unfinished version in the long run hurts you as it may make you look lazy or unskilled. I personally have been spent almost two weeks working on this one class in C# for my interface code, the fact that is the base code that powers the interface not with standing. The point I am trying to get across is that people should work on **ONE** feature at a time, test it and work out the bugs in it, especially if other features are dependent on it. (*coughs*MAPS*coughs*) Another thing that I find is many of my friends keep asking me when my project will be done and I keep telling them that it will be done when it is done because I honestly don't know when it will be and **i REFUSE to release some half assed piece of shit that serves no purpose to anyone** and will only bring rants and flamming my way.
  3. I am looking for some coding work as searching for an actual job isn't working out so well at the moment and I am on the wait list for the programs I want in college so I have a fair bit of free time right now.**Things that I have worked on:** * Github -> [https://github.com/XerShade/](https://github.com/XerShade/) * Legends of Arteix Modern -> [http://www.arteix.com/forums/](http://www.arteix.com/forums/) * Mirage Source (Custom Version) * Eclipse Advance (Custom Version) **What programming languages can I use?**Here is a short list: * C# * [Visual Basic .Net](http://www.xershade.tk/services/programming-visual-basic/) * [Visual Basic 6](http://www.xershade.tk/services/programming-visual-basic/) * MySql * php **How much do I charge for work?**I will generally decide this depending on the project and how big the project is. I am really fair about this.If you are interested please send me a PM with what you need, I am also always on Skype and MSN when I am using my computer, the contact info is below.**Contact Info** * Skype Username: XerShade
  4. Look in the mouse down, up, and move events for starters. After that its simple math and AI.
  5. > look for InitialiseGUI, and moveable GUI is hard for certain ppl. Deathbeam could do it but it would drop the FPS like fukin 20 Since when would ducking window.X = MouseX cause a FPS drop of 20, what are you nuts?!
  6. > please give source for > > Semi-transparent trees - When player is behind tree, that tree will be semi-transparent to disable griefing and hiding behind trees. To be honest the semi-transparent trees idea is stupid, it takes away the fun of trying to get away from people waiting to ambush you.
  7. this should be in the event handler. ``` if(Player[Index].InEvent) { return; } Player[Index].InEvent = true; ``` then on the exit calls ``` Player[Index].InEvent = false; ```
  8. > so, you make a variable blockinput, and set it to 0. > > when player gets in talk, set to 1, when it closes, set to 0 > > and in ctrl press sub, add when blockinput = 1 then exit sub > > easy ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) That would be client side though, you would want to implement this fix on the server, client side checks can always be hacked around.
  9. Try putting the message last, so it triggers the switch and stuff before they see the message.
  10. I have a legal copy yes, and I have it running in compatability mode for XP and still hangs.
  11. I do not know why but recently my copy of Visual Basic 6 will not load projects anymore. The loading bar gets to about 20% then the IDE hangs and I have to end task it. I have tried re-installing it multiple times and for some reason it will not work. The only thing I can think of to fix it would be to wipe my main partition and re-install windows but I would rather not do that. -XerShade
  12. > Well, it happenned on the new version. > > When I restarted the game though, it was fine. > > Also I know that isnt a bug, but I think someone posted a fix or something. > > Anyway, good work. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) I did fix it, he refuses to put it into the code of EA.
  13. > Is your computer bad? If so.. Im sorry that you dont have updated equipment? Yo stupid, he said it wasn't. Sorry for the insult but did you even read his post? But anyways its strange, it loads fast on my netbook which is 3 years old and has no so good speed with some things.
  14. Can you add my map fix and clipper in the next version, getting pussy whipped of having to re-add it when i replace source.
  15. > Thank you very much Death ;P !! > > Oh about «now Damage spells will scale from Intellingence and healing spells from Willpower» > > so isn't there a way to select wich stat scale with wich spell ? :/ Add a variable to SpellRec like StatUsed then adjust the combat methods.
  16. Don't know if this is the right forum for this but whatever. I recently finished a Let's Play of Golden Sun and am working on the Lost Age now, jsut though I would post here to get some feed back. **Current Let's Plays** **Gauntlet Dark Legacy:** [http://www.youtube.c…wEiw0LqomvRFbHr](http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4J7w6g9hyuPKJ34O2wEiw0LqomvRFbHr) **Future Let's Plays** **The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess** **Final Fantasy I** **Golden Sun** **Golden Sun: The Lost Age** **Final Fantasy Mystic Quest** Also my channel can be found at these links. [http://www.youtube.com/XerShade](http://www.youtube.com/XerShade) - My Channel **Note** If you have a request for a game please send me a message on YouTube and I will look into getting the game and doing it.
  17. @clark did you make sire that it wasn't in VX mode for sprites? And if so he needs to check that the math is being done properly, it looks like you are dividing by 3 there not 4.
  18. Another present for you guys, a clipper to clip things that extend over the map. ``` Public Sub DrawClipper() Dim X As Long, Y As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long, Color As Long ' Set the color Color = D3DColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255) ' Should I clip horizontally? If (Map.MaxY < MAX_MAPY) Then ' Clip the top. X = 0 Y = 0 Width = ScreenWidth Height = ConvertMapY(0) Call RenderTexture(Tex_White, X, Y, 0, 0, Width, Height, PIC_X, PIC_Y, Color) ' Clip the bottom. X = 0 Y = ConvertMapY((Map.MaxY + 1) * PIC_Y) Width = ScreenWidth Height = ConvertMapY(0) Call RenderTexture(Tex_White, X, Y, 0, 0, Width, Height, PIC_X, PIC_Y, Color) End If ' Should I clip vertically? If (Map.MaxX < MAX_MAPX) Then ' Clip the top. X = 0 Y = 0 Width = ConvertMapX(0) Height = ScreenHeight Call RenderTexture(Tex_White, X, Y, 0, 0, Width, Height, PIC_X, PIC_Y, Color) ' Clip the bottom. X = ConvertMapX((Map.MaxX + 1) * PIC_X) Y = 0 Width = ConvertMapX(0) Height = ScreenHeight Call RenderTexture(Tex_White, X, Y, 0, 0, Width, Height, PIC_X, PIC_Y, Color) End If End Sub ```
  19. I managed to fix the map positioning bug when it is too small. Add this code to UpdateCamera just before the **With TileView** code. ``` If (Map.MaxX < MAX_MAPX) Then offsetX = (PIC_X) * ((Map.MaxX - (ScreenWidth / PIC_X)) * -0.5) If Not (Map.MaxX Mod 2) = 0 Then StartX = StartX + 1 EndX = StartX + EndXValue End If End If If (Map.MaxY < MAX_MAPY) Then offsetY = (PIC_Y) * ((Map.MaxY - (ScreenHeight / PIC_Y)) * -0.5) If Not (Map.MaxY Mod 2) = 0 Then StartY = StartY + 1 EndY = StartY + EndYValue End If End If ```
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