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Everything posted by XerShade

  1. Well it pretty much does the same as this: [http://php.net/manual/en/function.time.php](http://php.net/manual/en/function.time.php) So these ticks if you /1000 to make them into seconds can work with php scripts. Adding another method in to get the seconds now.
  2. > what does this do exactuly Apparently you can't read as I did say what it does before the code.
  3. A simple class I made in C# that uses Unix Time as a replacement for Environment.Tickcount. ``` /* * Author: XerShade * Author Website: http://www.xershade.tk/ */ using System; namespace UnixTime { /// /// Tick Count object, used to generate time related values. /// Created as a replacement for so the game's time /// does not reset when the computer running it resets. /// public sealed class TickCount { /// /// Defines a object that is created using Unix time's values. /// static DateTime _UnixTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); /// /// Generates the number of ticks since Unix Time started. /// public static Double Get { get { // Use Unix Time and DateTime.Now to calculate the value. return (DateTime.Now - TickCount._UnixTime).TotalMilliseconds; } } /// /// Generates the number of seconds since Unix Time started. /// public static Double Get { get { // Use Unix Time and DateTime.Now to calculate the value. return (DateTime.Now - TickCount._UnixTime).TotalSeconds; } } /// /// Generates the current date as a string. /// public static String GetDate { get { // Use DateTime.Now to calculate the value. return DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); } } /// /// Generates the current date as a short string. /// public static String GetShortDate { get { // Use DateTime.Now to calculate the value. return DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } } /// /// Generates the current time as a string. /// public static String GetTime { get { // Use DateTime.Now to calculate the value. return DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(); } } /// /// Generates the current time as a short string. /// public static String GetShortTime { get { // Use DateTime.Now to calculate the value. return DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); } } } } ```
  4. > Is there anyway to go from mirage to vx? Maybe when I make a universal sprite converter, but for now no.
  5. A simple little program that allows you to easily convert multiple RPG Maker VX style sprite sheets into one big Mirage style sprite sheet. **Important Links** **Website:** FIXING **Download:** FIXING **System Requirements** **OS:** Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 **.Net Framework:** Version 4.5 **Other:** SFML (Included)
  6. > I hate tea, it's disgusting muck (plus it makes me sick). > > Then again, I generally dislike coffee, and can't drink much of it without being sick (caffeine sensitive), so, yeah. xD Yet your character loves his tea…
  7. Coffee is twice as long as tea, there for it is twice as good and each coffee vote is worth 2 votes, ha we win.
  8. > Tea. Coffee is too dark and too gross. Even when you add enough mocha to it, you can still taste those devil beans. Everyone who drinks tea lasts forever so #teaforthewin. You are aware caffine is a neuro toxin used by the caffine plant right? COFFEE FTW!
  9. No it has to be in SetPlayerLevel, im pretty damn sure more then just HandlePlayerData updates the level.
  10. Or you can code it directly into the SetPlayerLevel sub when Myindex is passed to it. Does it automatically then.
  11. Able to work on VB6 again, thank my father for getting me a new pc that doesn't complain about it.
  12. Any game server should always validate incoming data before it even thinks about changing the data it has, also clients should NEVER be able to send packets that change data, admin packets being the exception because the server says "duck off" if you arnt an admin to begin with.
  13. Updated the main post with the code for the Byte Arrays in VB.
  14. > I've added an open-source example and library that contains extension methods (all you'll ever need for Byte Arrays) to Xershade's topic. It's in C# 5, but you can use http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/csharp-to-vb/ to convert C# to VB.NET. Your code is not needed, the example I posted is already done in VB.Net, and why would he want the C# source if the doesn't know C# to begin with.
  15. Ues and tell me how you use default(Object) then, Object does not equal a custom class and then you would get a bad object back, especially if the custom class had data that is built when it is constructed. And they can easily get the source code by looking at my project on my website, I see no reason for your posts. Edit: This is for vb.net, why would they want C# code to begin with.
  16. The source for the library is C#. Also no offense but you really should have used type casting with that, makes using it easier.
  17. Here http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/132165-vbnet-byte-arrays/
  18. Okay compiled this from my engine for VB.Net because I am tired of seeing all the people porting Eclipse to .Net and still using CopyMemory. There is an example project as well as the stand alone DLL file. Be sure to mark your custom classes as ****or it will error, binary formatter is picky about that. **Updated Project Files** [attachment=602:ByteArrayTestWithVBFunctions.zip] **The DLL FIle** [attachment=598:Extensions.ByteArrays.zip]
  19. Just a question but WHY THE HELL ARE YOU USING CopyMemory, .Net has functions to handle byte arrays a lot more safely then copying it to and from RAM.
  20. Easy, just make MapItems part of teh actual map. VB should handle it from there provided the maps are saved correctly.
  21. > Not true at all. I voted SQL/EF with CodeFirst. Enlighten me then ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  22. > It's how I store my un-encrypted passwords. > > Edit: > > No love for JSON / YAML? > > SHAME ON YOU! Ran out of options, blame Marshy Dearest.
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