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Everything posted by KoalaHugs

  1. Ahhh thanks so much! ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  2. Haha, i can't be insulted im an idiot. XD And i love you're gif just saying. And i actually used bannedstory for the sprites then altered them to look not so maple story-ish. As far as it goes making a tileset, i'm completely doomed. I've also done that all this week and i can't get it right. I know its 32x32 and everything but oh well. I might end up doing parallex mapping with bannedstory, which i had no idea did mapping or making my own. Thanks. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  3. First off, thank you very much. Second, don't you think i have tried? I'm not an idiot. And besides I edited topic Already. I've been looking for some for a week and can't find anything so i'm just go another way with the project.
  4. Hm, sorry i don't know then. All i can say is too make sure you set it? XD
  5. > Am I the only one who read that as the game he will be making in the future, Not based in the future? Haha! I was wondering the same thing. Why is everybody saying futuristic? Anyways great bridge! ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  6. Is the animation picture file a bitmap image? I had the same problem when it wasn't.
  8. Dang these are nice, i'll credit! ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  9. Thanks so much! ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  10. Hey, I'm not normally the one to request but i'm feeling poonbox whipped right now and can't do it because i got school crud. So does anyone have any RMVX tilesets i can use? I would very much appreciate it! .3.
  11. Thanks oreo and i know about that sigrid but i don't see an item thing. .3.
  12. Well I like it! Just do a bit of shading, but who am I too judge. I stink at spriting. .3.
  13. One, How do I make it where the player starts out with an item but its a different item depending on the class they chose? .3. Two, How do I make it where the players cannot select a certain class when there making chaarcters. I want them to have to do a special holiday class? .3.
  14. Omg thank you for both of those comments! I love annoying avatars, and gravity falls. WABAWABAWABAWABAWABAWABA! :3
  16. Its not FOR him really. He said he would think my poetry was like; "Roses are redish. Violets are blueish. If it wasn't for jesus we'd all be jewish!" But its not that bad. Its not like romanceā€¦ Eew. Hes a perv. =3=
  17. Sorry my keyboard is broken! I'll fix it when i can! D:
  18. if i died today, would you start to cry, or ask the stars about, just why i had to die, or would you brush it off, and just forget that i was gone, then go about your day as if, nothing could go wrong, do you really want to lay here, with me right by your side, after i was buried, could you say you never cried, would you miss the sound, of my laughter in your ears, and drown out the sound of silence, with the falling of your tears, right now i must confess, that even i dont want me here, and i dont think i would miss me, or even shed a tear, for someone like myself, does not deserve true love from you, but if i died today, please tell me what you'd do, would you brush it off, or maybe start to cry, for i need to know the truth, in case, by chance, i die.
  19. Wait, but there is usually like: sever.VBP and server.VBW aren't these files the same thing? Because I can open server.vbw with the express version. And i CAN'T FIND VISUAL BASIC 6! T3T
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