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Everything posted by Socgreaser

  1. I don't think it is possible to re-create the VX style without a pro, a super pro artist, but I have seen pretty good styles here too.
  2. What about this? ![](http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff267/lunarea_album/Resources/RMVX-Ace/Re-Staff/Smx_byLunarea.png)Not made by me, but its free to use and it looks like Diana ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  3. I really like the pixel art mate.
  4. Socgreaser

    My Pixel Art

    > Sure Here we go again
  5. Socgreaser

    My Pixel Art

    > Yeah, you should leave now, honestly Stava. You're in the wrong community; you're above most of us. You'll be getting requests for really wonky projects like half-arsed pokemon fan games. You just joined yesterday, how can you know that he is "above" us, I have seen pretty decent things. Anyway, the sprites are really good ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  6. **I need:** * Mapers * History Writers * Coders * Etc… So you are doing nothing right? You are just an ideas guy?
  7. > Compose a song to go with the main menu. Oh ok…. ![:biker:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//bike-038.gif)
  8. > Wow…. my first time spelling his name wrong....Thats,.....thats....sad.........I....need....to.....start watching......the other.....pokemon movies..... ![](http://i.qkme.me/3qwbeh.jpg) What do you mean with Main Menu composer?
  9. ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tIzShxAINBY/TyBMdMk-JFI/AAAAAAAAAD0/veOukFJm-c8/s1600/yao+ming+asustado.jpg)
  10. Socgreaser

    Request logo

  11. Or get a VPS which costs money ![](http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/006/423/ragecomic.png)
  12. I understandbutdont, its like dlcsthatcomewiththedisk or grandpanieces or dadsons, its really confusingclear. Anyway, I want to know the origins of Pokemon.
  13. And after the game is released you will claim that everything was made by you right?
  14. > Edit: Nevermind, it is Eclipse Cash. Haha, I was like WTF??????? Too, Hmm I will consider this.
  15. Now you are 13 years old. happy birthday.
  16. Well its really good, although the classes are weird in my opinion, maybe you should do a tree?
  17. Socgreaser


    > People pirate due to the whole _no money_ thing. Even though it goes on sale for ridiculous values, that does not give people the money to buy it. Thinking thinking thinking Yeah, 10 bucks is so expensive, name someone who has a computer, a stable internet connection doesn't have the money. Not having credit/debit(ftw) card or good/bad parents (depends on point of view) is different.
  18. I expect something better next year like the years before.
  19. Socgreaser


    Its over, but my campaing ain't done.
  20. Wow Who is doing the art for your wallpapers and website?
  21. > who did this? v ARTIX.
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