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Everything posted by Naruto

  1. Death the line is a splitter so somthing can go below + heres what its like fully coded ![](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/2788/4758933fd7d34839a337047.png)
  2. So soon i will be starting on the website for zone-a heres what i had in mind ![](http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/9569/92db0df7f3744b69aaacfe8.png) what do you guys think and how could it be improved?
  3. This was fixed along time ago should of asked admin or mod to lock it thanks any way whitepinkbun
  4. Naruto

    Font opinion

    I think the second not to big but not to small
  5. I get an error here``` frmMain.Socket.RemoteHost = Options.IP ``` Invalid operation at current state error number 40020
  6. Naruto


    Private Sub Form_Load() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler picCurrency.Left = txtChat.Left picCurrency.Top = txtChat.Top picDialogue.Top = txtChat.Top picDialogue.Left = txtChat.Left picCover.Top = picScreen.Top - 1 picCover.Left = picScreen.Left - 1 picCover.Height = picScreen.Height + 2 picCover.Width = picScreen.Width + 2 txtFocus.Top = Me.ScaleHeight + 200 txtFocus.Left = Me.ScaleWidth + 200 'Make sure everything is lined up 'picInventory.Top = picCharacter.Top 'picInventory.Left = picCharacter.Left 'picSpells.Top = picCharacter.Top 'picSpells.Left = picCharacter.Left 'picOptions.Top = picCharacter.Top 'picOptions.Left = picCharacter.Left 'picParty.Top = picOptions.Top 'picParty.Left = picOptions.Left 'picSpells.Top = picOptions.Top 'picSpells.Left = picOptions.Left 'picWhosOn.Top = picOptions.Top 'picWhosOn.Left = picOptions.Left 'picInspectPlayer.Top = picOptions.Top 'picInspectPlayer.Left = picOptions.Left picOfferQuest.Top = picEventChat.Top picOfferQuest.Left = picEventChat.Left picEventItemReq.Top = picEventChat.Top picEventItemReq.Left = picEventChat.Left picInventory.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picQuestLog.Visible = False picCharacter.Visible = False picParty.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False picTrade.Visible = False ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "Form_Load", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub
  7. Naruto


    When i try to compile the client i get this error Variable not defined and it takes me to txtChat everyone of them i havn't edited anything to do with txtChat and only edited the size for loading please help
  8. I get an error saying licence infomation for this component not found at this line frmMain.picBuff(1).Visible = False i tried reinstalling the run time files just incase did nothing though ``` Sub DestroyTCP() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler 'Hide the Buff Pictures if we get disconnected or choose to disconnect frmMain.picBuff(1).Visible = False ```
  9. Naruto

    Game Launcher

    This looks amazing cant wait for release
  10. Thank you ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  11. I can apply for website maker just pm me on forums
  12. I would but he's only released the server and client.exe no .vbp or anything
  13. > Jpeg? Impossibru ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png) I meant png my mistake
  14. -Stupid comment- looked back a few pages just made myself look silly
  15. It's just an image named light.jpeg other it and it follows the character how do i add this?
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