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Everything posted by Falgern

  1. If you did however actually listen to people it would have been a lot easier. If you press the function key, usually called "Fn" it will change the keyboard commands to their secondary function. In your case, Fn + Delete would send "Insert". I do recommend that you start reading what people write instead of getting angry.
  2. 512MB ram is a bit short to run a desktop environment on. It's recommended to get atleast 1GB of ram. Please understand that linux is not directly supported but the server has to run through Wine and a 3rd party library called Winetricks. If you are new to the linux system this may be tricky to get running.
  3. Sorry, but those prizes are not good enough. One year of webhosting for webdesign and coding? What… no.. just no.
  4. Falgern

    Game Launcher

    There is a free version called Visual Studio Express. [http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads#d-express-windows-desktop](http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads#d-express-windows-desktop)
  5. Falgern

    Game Launcher

    Looks amazing. Can't wait to play around with it. I've never been able to make a proper checksum system in C#
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