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  1. Sekaru


    His link doesn't work. I'll have a look around to see if I can find this. If I recall correctly I wanted it removed from these forums and just about everywhere else but would be nice to preserve this somewhere.
  2. Do those programmers also laugh at you? You called me a dimwit and you insulted my ability to read. I was actually born in Romania and never had access to education so honestly that's pretty hurtful. P.S. Can this topic be renamed to "Seth has no clue about the game industry but will proceed to argue with an actual developer with actual experience and actual games"?
  3. @'Helladen': > All IDEs in Java are not very clean and responsive. Just coming back to laugh at yet another ignorant (and or stupid) statement. Visual Studio is one of the most bloated and messy IDEs out there. On the other hand, you don't even need to install Eclipse. And you wonder why people look down on you lol. Do some research.
  4. You're still using VB6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE Good argument. Better luck next time Seth. You may proceed to nuke the thread to maintain censorship, Eclipse staff.
  5. It's funny cause all the people who are good at what they do look down on you. Anyone who bases their opinion of what programming language to use based on what's popular/what's cool at the time is gonna have a hell of a good time when they realise it's not the language for them. Tip from an actual game developer: use whatever suits your needs for your game. It's funny cause everyone's seen the little snippets of you crying in the admin chat now, having your little tantrums, begging for help. It's alright Seth, sometimes you just need help in life.
  6. > works well on iOS, which in my honest opinion is the only platform to distribute your games on do I actually need to comment on how… I don't actually even know if there's a word to describe how stupid that statement is. > Swift is open-source and new as well - as well as .NET yes because they were the first open source languages. > Microsoft is king of programming languages as well and Apple copied them I really need to get a thesaurus for every idiotic statement you make. Can you stop trying to argue with me? Everyone knows you're going to eventually get offended, cry in the admin chat for help and someone's gonna come to your rescue. You're an idiot who's never made a real game and never will. You understand as much about the game industry as I understand about the fruit industry.
  7. @'YourBestNightmare': > @'Sekaru': > > > LibGDX is cool but it doesn't have anything that I want that I couldn't add myself. If you think the fact that it supports two platforms that are slowly destroying the industry is a worthwhile feature then you need to re-evaluate. > > Maybe they are destroying the industry, but even most bullshit game can make you a lot of money there, because iOS and Android are full of kids who plays bullshit games and what are "borrowing" their parent´s credit card just to buy another bullshit game. I don't need easy money from shitty games. Anyone who does isn't a real developer in my eyes. @'Helladen': > We all know Java has had its last legs. With .NET being cross-platform and now Apple's new programming language Swift also being cross-platform. The two tech giants are going to just demolish Oracle as a side note and just a opinion.. ;) > > The gaming industry is not ruined by mobile games. It is ruined by terrible game designers trying to pocket the normal person who don't like videogames. They play videogames to kill time when they are on break at work, at parties, and other aspects of life where social media doesn't fill the time kill moment. > > Basically, what game designers who have this mentality need to understand, is that you need to realize this niche of people. Hardcore videogame players do not like mobile games and likely never will. Even if you make an awesome game for mobile, they like controllers/physical parts to interact with. These "gamers" are living in the golden age of gaming and gaming has long passed that. The gaming industry as a whole is about to have a giant change in the next 5 to 10 years (next console generation). We're going to go to streaming and eventually touch screen will be the norm. Games will still come out that use keyboard/mice/controller, but really, there will be multiple ways to interact with games in the future. It won't be standardized to really use one form or another to play a videogame. Videogames do not have to meet this golden age definition. I am personally a fan of the golden age of videogames, where games were tough and had the tutorials built in to the levels, because people were treated as humans and not idiots. Although, it is likely we will ever go back to this time again. > > Honestly, if you were born later, you would hold a very different opinion about videogames. It is the human bias. You can never say your opinion is better than anyone elses'. Humans like it easy. Those who grew up playing videogames in the golden age will like games to have the same effect as they grew up playing, but are these games truly better? I don't think so. Our definitions change from each generation. Of course Java is shitty but its by no means on its last legs. When .net developers start getting paid as much as Java developers, give me a shout. If you use Swift you should honestly just kill yourself, it'd be a lot less painful. Tbh I cba to read your paragraph on how you justify making a Flappy Bird clone so I won't.
  8. LibGDX is cool but it doesn't have anything that I want that I couldn't add myself. If you think the fact that it supports two platforms that are slowly destroying the industry is a worthwhile feature then you need to re-evaluate.
  9. @'YourBestNightmare': > @'Sekaru': > > > @'YourBestNightmare': > > > > > Yep, something like Blueprints. Also, when it is in Java, rewriting interface in Swing to support desktop shouldn't be that big problem. Because as others said, developing games on tablets is great, but that you cannot also work on them on your PC is a big limitation. > > > > Swing? Is this 2008? > > Said guy who is using Slick. Swing is great. I've made games that people play. Slick is a nice framework which I haven't found a good alternative for. Swing is a clunky outdated interface framework that you should never cross your mind when making video games.
  10. @'YourBestNightmare': > Yep, something like Blueprints. Also, when it is in Java, rewriting interface in Swing to support desktop shouldn't be that big problem. Because as others said, developing games on tablets is great, but that you cannot also work on them on your PC is a big limitation. Swing? Is this 2008?
  11. @'James': > HTML 5 would be better Java is kind of being phased out lol. good one. there's no point trying to big it up if you're going to use Java2D. no one will bother using it since lib, Slick and LWJGL offer so much more.
  12. @'YourBestNightmare': > @'Sekaru': > > > Lua isn't an acronym. > > > > What framework are you using to make this? > > Sekaru you joined again just to fix grammar? Da teacher. yeah. @'GalacticGlum': > Oops I accidentally wrote Lua in all caps. :P and I'm using Java 2D if that's what you are asking. learn LWJGL/Slick/LibGDX. don't bother with Java2D.
  13. Lua isn't an acronym. What framework are you using to make this?
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