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Everything posted by PVJsquad

  1. > Thx but… not solve : / > > > > The project compiled, however Caracter Name in all acess is normal... not edit our crash, without modification... : / start over fresh don't add the system in this thread, if you has been added delete it all , if the tutor you must replace something make it back again then you add my code in my post TADA! you have tag GM in your game
  2. > [http://imageshack.com/a/img856/8208/3idd.jpg](http://imageshack.com/a/img856/8208/3idd.jpg) > > how to solve this? the system is DX7 you use is DX8 i will teach you simple to make GM tag Open **modText** try to find **DrawPlayerName** Replace all draw pk line with this ``` ' Check access level If GetPlayerPK(Index) = NO Then Select Case GetPlayerAccess(Index) Case 0 color = White Name = Trim$(Class(Player(Index).Class).Name) & " " & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) Case 1 color = Orange Name = "[GM]" & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) Case 2 color = Cyan Name = "[MAP]" & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) Case 3 color = BrightGreen Name = "[MOD]" & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) Case 4 color = Yellow Name = "[DEV]" & Trim$(Player(Index).Name) End Select Else color = BrightRed End If ```
  3. alright do you found the error again ? :P
  4. what your engine? if not DX8 don't add the system
  5. You're in the wrong thread, please try to make your topic here [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/forum/123-bug-reports/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/forum/123-bug-reports/)
  6. the real problem lies not in the speed of attack, but lies in how the npc runs slowly when the attack occurred, like we attack the NPC and the NPC will automatically follow us right? well when it was going on the slow movement of NPC. the server that makes it slow was because the pathfinding, where the npc always looking for the right path and sends it to the client and make a whirling like that, no matter the result of the time delay npc start moving and it was not good in view > EDIT: That being said, I am all for making clients process NPC movement, on the basis of tiny timestamped instructions from the server. I'll explain more if you're interested. I'm interest ! :D
  7. **INTRO** every npc driven by server right? nah in it can make npc move as slow as a turtle, I'm not here to discuss about movement speed. but npc walking speed when the players fight NPCs nah I would argue that if the system can adjust the npc is the client, and whether it can npc driven by client but requires only a little data from the server as the location path of the attackers then sent to the client to move the npc. I would like to know the opinion of you all about it. Sorry for bad language because i'm not good in english lesson :p
  8. would not if app.major, app.minor or app.rev not the same as the server, then the client will not run? btw nice i like encrypt system
  9. > Yes :) i complete all system but, the same error on the server >_< can you Screen Shot your error ?
  10. > Bump, have a error in this line > > CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Serial(SerialNum)), ByVal VarPtr(**SerialData(0)**), SerialSize > > in Serial Data, The subscript is out of range. How to fix this D: ? > > > > –-------------- EDIT I FIX THIS **( Client & Server )** > > Public this in ModConstants > > ``` > Public Const SERIAL_LENGTH As Byte = 10 ' Change this value to max length you like in your codes > > ``` > Now, go to modCode in **Public Type SerialRec **change this : > > > > ``` > > Name As String * NAME_LENGTH > ``` > to: > > ``` > > Name As String * SERIAL_LENGTH > ``` > **Client WORK** > > > > Go to frmSerial and click the txtName > > > > ![](http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/38/65/59/val210.png) > > > > Change the MAX LENGTH to Public Const SERIAL_LENGTH As Byte = **10 ** > > > ![](http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/38/65/59/val110.png) > > > > Cya ~ Good Job , now i know why the server always out of range so thanks you for fix
  11. thank's , yeah i'm from Indonesia Much indonesia people in here
  12. yeah you like a pet :poonbox: tell me if you got the bugs :ph34r:
  13. **INTRO** I could not identify which pets and npc, so I made this tutorial just to tell which npc and pets >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/c51709f10c142456a2c25ea9cdccd046.png) **What i Editing or adding?** * **Client : **modGraphics, modText, modHandleData, modTypes * **Server : **modGameLogic **Difficulty :** Medium **Recomended :** Start Over Fresh **Engine :** All Version Suport Lightning's Pet System **Require : **[http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/116108-eo-lightnings-pet-system-completely-bug-free/?hl=](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/116108-eo-lightnings-pet-system-completely-bug-free/?hl=lightning) **Client Side** open **modGrapich **and find in **Render_Graphics()** ``` ' draw npc names For i = 1 To Npc_HighIndex If MapNpc(i).num > 0 Then Call DrawNpcName(i) End If Next ``` replace that code with ``` ' draw npc names For i = 1 To Npc_HighIndex If MapNpc(i).num > 0 Then If TempMapNpc(i).Owner = 1 Then ' pet Call DrawNpcName(i, True) Else Call DrawNpcName(i) End If End If Next ``` go to **modText** find in module ``` Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long) ``` replace to this code ``` Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long, Optional ShowPetName As Boolean = False) ``` add this in **DrawNpcName** ``` Dim PetOwner As String ``` find this code in **DrawNpcName** ``` Select Case NPC(npcNum).Behaviour Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_ATTACKONSIGHT color = BrightRed Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_ATTACKWHENATTACKED color = Yellow Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_GUARD color = Grey Case Else color = BrightGreen End Select ``` below it add ``` If ShowPetName = True Then Name = "[PET]" & Trim$(NPC(npcNum).Name) PetOwner = Trim$(TempMapNpc(Index).PetOwner) Else Name = Trim$(NPC(npcNum).Name) PetOwner = vbNullString End If ``` Go To **modTypes **and find **Private Type TempMapNpcRec** before **End Type** add ``` Owner As Byte ' pet name PetOwner As String ``` Go To **modHandledata **and find **Private Sub HandleSpawnNpc(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)** Find this code ``` .num = buffer.ReadLong .X = buffer.ReadLong .Y = buffer.ReadLong .Dir = buffer.ReadLong .ispet = buffer.ReadByte .PetData.Name = buffer.ReadString .PetData.Owner = buffer.ReadLong ``` below it add ``` TempMapNpc(n).PetOwner = MapNpc(n).PetData.Name ``` find **Private Sub HandleNpcMove(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)** add in that sub ``` dim ispet as byte ``` in that sub find again ``` X = buffer.ReadLong Y = buffer.ReadLong Dir = buffer.ReadLong Movement = buffer.ReadLong ``` below it add ``` ispet = buffer.ReadByte ``` Well done in client side let's coding to server side **SERVER SIDE** Go to **modGameLogic **and find **Sub NpcMove(ByVal mapNum As Long, ByVal MapNpcNum As Long, ByVal Dir As Long, ByVal movement As Long)** ``` Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).x Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).y Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).Dir Buffer.WriteLong movement ``` You will found the code more than one so add this code in all below that code add this ``` Buffer.WriteByte MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).IsPet ' pet ``` fo to sub **Public Sub SpawnNpc(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long, ByVal mapNum As Long, Optional ByVal SetX As Long, Optional ByVal SetY As Long, Optional ForcedSpawn As Boolean = False)** and find ``` ' If we suceeded in spawning then send it to everyone If Spawned Then Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong SSpawnNpc Buffer.WriteLong MapNpcNum Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).Num Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).x Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).y Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).Dir Buffer.WriteByte MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).IsPet Buffer.WriteString MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).petData.Name Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).petData.Owner SendDataToMap mapNum, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing UpdateMapBlock mapNum, MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).y, True End If ``` below ``` Buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).petData.Owner ``` add this line ``` Buffer.WriteByte MapNpc(mapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum).IsPet ``` **Well Done **if you found an errors please tell me :)
  14. > 1\. Stein > > 2\. JC > > 3\. davemax > > 4\. Whack > > 5\. Helladen > > 6\. Richy > > 7\. Death > > 8\. Sherwin > > 9\. Kibblez > > 10\. YOUR MAMA! > > > > PS: I'm still trolling on order because I don't pass bias judgement without proper comparing of ability. The death is me ? :P
  15. I'm not patiently waited for may I know what is in it
  16. hello guys i have problem with my launcher i use [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/128899-download-tutorial-joyces-fixed-updater/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/128899-download-tutorial-joyces-fixed-updater/) for my launcher I've done all what is at his command well I include this in the "update.lo" *I change the .txt extension to be .lo , because my hosting not suport txt file ``` [UPDATER] version=16 ``` and this all version in ftp >! ![](http://indiearmory.com/filehost/files/b2641cde65ddaa78a5755297752ca53d.PNG) in **version.rar** i include >! ![](http://indiearmory.com/filehost/files/61a5df41493b860b04d91ce4944859cf.PNG) And this my launcher place >! ![](http://indiearmory.com/filehost/files/f4973ca85e90ba1b8792e5d6b30534ea.PNG) and I already carry game updates >! ![](http://indiearmory.com/filehost/files/a71b3249ec184d07eb090e64d4fbb31d.PNG) and my **patch** folder still blank nothing file inside do you know what's wrong with doing that? or cause you know what? *sorry bad english
  17. sorry, I had to fix it before -resolved-
  18. I do not understand why when I start the client on my game, sometimes it appears sometimes error 40020, what ever you guys can fix this error? ``` The following error occured at 'TcpInit' in 'modClientTCP'. Run-time error '40020': Invalid operation at current state ```
  19. yes actually this system is great for adding into the EO, but your lack of detail in objects such as the addition of "cmbStyle" You just told him to add it, but I see the listindex takes the contents of ``` ' NPC Types ''Recruitment Public Const NPC_TYPE_NORMAL As Byte = 0 Public Const NPC_TYPE_POKEMON As Byte = 1 ``` a little advice better to use text instead of images on adding objects :ph34r: sorry for bad english
  20. search on google there are many codes that can be used If you are creative you will be able to create powerful system
  21. > bagi bagi XD buat sendiri :p enak ajja dibikinin
  22. > Eh? Hackshield protects your game from being hacked? Rights , that hackshield hack protection made ??me just close the program that I know, not as good hackshield found on amazing game online
  23. let me know what you think of my homemade hackshield gui >! ![](http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1005476_594481990574106_118859645_n.jpg)
  24. what did you say? I don't understand
  25. I think your game name is too long try to change a little short
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