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Everything posted by PVJsquad

  1. **Clock v0.2** replace the timer with GetTickCount **Timer** can be slow because your computer so I recommend you replace your timers with **GetTickCount**, just change a few components and easy to do >! **Change the version 0.0 to 0.1** http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75323.msg810153#msg810153 **Change the version 0.1 to 0.2** http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic=75323.msg829877#msg829877 **–Client Work--** Open frmMain -Add the pictureBox name is **picTime** -Add the checkbox in picOptions name is **chkClock** in picTime add : -label name is **lblTimer** set properties: -PicTime -left : 368 -top : 8 -width : 121 -height :49 -lblTimer -left : 120 -top : 360 -width : 2895 Oke lets Coding :) open the **modGameLogic** and add this : search this code : ``` FrameTime = Tick ' Set the time second loop time to the first. ```under it add : ``` If Tick > 0 Then frmMain.lblTimer.Caption = KeepTwoDigit(Hour(Now)) & ":" & KeepTwoDigit(Minute(Now)) & ":" & KeepTwoDigit(Second(Now)) ``` and add this code in the bottom **modGameLogic** : ``` Private Function KeepTwoDigit(Num As Integer) If (Num < 10) Then KeepTwoDigit = "0" & Num Else KeepTwoDigit = Num End If End Function ``` Double click the **chkClock** and add this ``` If chkClock.Value = 0 Then picTime.visible = True Else picTime.visible = False End If ``` AND start look the time :) good time same in your PC and **nothing has changed** **ss:** >! Time With **GetTickCount** ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/aaae03047f82d60f9d25a386f405c13e.bmp) **Old Post v0.1** >! **Clock v0.1** make the clock show options I just added a little feature, but this is very simple once you possibly can but I know provides only the >! >! **Change the version 0.0 to 0.1** http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75323.msg810153#msg810153 >! **–Client Work--** >! Open frmMain >! -Add the pictureBox name is **picTime** -Add the checkbox in picOptions name is **chkClock** >! in picTime add : -label name is **lblTimer** -**timer** >! set properties: -PicTime -left : 368 -top : 8 -width : 121 -height :49 >! -lblTimer -left : 120 -top : 360 -width : 2895 >! -timer -interval : 1000 >! Oke lets Coding :) double click the **timer** and add this : ``` Private Sub Timer1_Timer() lbltimer.Caption = KeepTwoDigit(Hour(Now)) & ":" & KeepTwoDigit(Minute(Now)) & ":" & KeepTwoDigit(Second(Now)) End Sub ``` and add thi code in the bottom CODE **frmMain**: ``` Private Function KeepTwoDigit(Num As Integer) If (Num < 10) Then KeepTwoDigit = "0" & Num Else KeepTwoDigit = Num End If End Function ``` Double click the **chkClock** and add this ``` If chkClock.Value = 0 Then picTime.visible = True Else picTime.visible = False End If ``` AND start look the time :) good time same in your PC >! **ss:** >! Before check ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/4a4c55484a0b0a88b74e0c28a772c555.JPG) After Check ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/c0b7a1cc20b8a42503c8145830e321a0.JPG) **Old Post v0.0** >! It's a simple tutorial don't forget it >! **–Client Work--** >! Open frmMain >! -Add the pictureBox name is **picTime** >! in picTime add : -label name is **lblTimer** -**timer** >! set properties: -PicTime -left : 368 -top : 8 -width : 121 -height :49 >! -lblTimer -left : 120 -top : 360 -width : 2895 >! -timer -interval : 1000 >! Oke lets Coding :) double click the **timer** and add this : ``` Private Sub Timer1_Timer() lbltimer.Caption = KeepTwoDigit(Hour(Now)) & ":" & KeepTwoDigit(Minute(Now)) & ":" & KeepTwoDigit(Second(Now)) End Sub ``` and add thi code in the bottom CODE **frmMain**: ``` Private Function KeepTwoDigit(Num As Integer) If (Num < 10) Then KeepTwoDigit = "0" & Num Else KeepTwoDigit = Num End If End Function ``` AND start look the time :) good time same in your PC >! **ss:** >! >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/26bfcf7e0d05aa9e70057d4540777307.bmp)
  2. @harvest24: > you add in Sub PlayerWarp ? > > or Place this at the top of "Sub JoinGame" > > Dim i As Long, j As Long I place it in top Sub JoinGame But still erorr Subscript out of range
  3. @Zarkaus: > nice armor XD:) Thank's
  4. @Zarkaus: > nice XD i might put up the angel wings i has , XD i only use it for tests. :3 and gives u 5 cookies out of 15 cookies on ur work. still bit rough edged. you mean I have to make angel wings? I am sorry to use translation
  5. @crzy: > Ambiguous means your using the PetCache in two different spots for two different things. Go back and look and see where your using PetCache. Make sure its only being used once. Most likely you have it twice int ModTypes defining it twice. I've deleted it again but still an error, error is equal to the uppermost
  6. still not work >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/19977dd0a53839ff0ad475273a7b733b.JPG) I place it in **modGlobals** only still not work I place it in **modTypes** only not work I place in **modGlobals** and **modTypes** not work Why please tell what the wrong?
  7. please i have problem in my project why: :mad: **Subscript out of range** in **Sub JoinGame(ByVal index As Long)** If PetMapCache(Player(index).Map).UpperBound > 0 Then why please tell me what wrong **SS:** >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f18c869ac56d70f4c3b8beda3436678f.JPG)
  8. @Aeri: > I'm a tad confused as to why the wing protrudes over the arm in the top frame, but otherwise it's looking good. Did you make it? Yap I Make it,maybe you use a different sprite, I recommend you use this sprite http://chara.krobiz.com/chara.php
  9. @Prince: > Better way, Zip those resource which made by you in a rar. Okay
  10. @Prince: > Cool wing. I gonne use it Thank's Next paperdoll is scarlet costume wait for this Okay not much like this picture: ![](http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7103/tek4e70a7d216d367143311.png) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e198b651a20b759b39e5d8e6abb24bed.png)
  11. here it is Devil Wings available klik here [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75278.msg806385.html#new](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75278.msg806385.html)
  12. Its This Time **here** : >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/9af5c73c82005585a1ea02247814c8fb.png) After Use : >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/dc299bc65e86439cb0c457ee7f10f78b.png) Sorry the under sprite not Update wkwkwkw
  13. @Murdock: > That's a nice paperdoll well done Thank's next i will make a wings :)
  14. @Sealbreaker: > I meant that since you already realised the animation IS ugly I didn't need to tell you that. > > -seal sorry hehe my english langguage is bad
  15. @sotvotkong: > i like it. good work there. thank's, next i will make a devil wings for paperdoll Don't Forget it ;)
  16. Here we Go!!! but this armor for a magic or other ;-) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/66d3decba6bcfc89e8a0f8bbf685ebe8.png) Note: I make it no copy in other,and appreciate the work of others
  17. @Sealbreaker: > Just read this before saying it's ugly (in other words). Well, since you already realised that, good luck on further tries graphical wise. > > -seal if you mean the animation is better considered to seal? sorry my bad english
  18. I have A animation for all may be useful The name Is **ECLIPSE ENERGY** ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/02c724e295814a1575d0fe9a62ac6dc4.bmp) sorry my animation is ugly :P :P
  19. I mean like sprites are suitable to be used as a pet but not like cats, dogs, birds that are too general but if you know what I mean please tell me. And thanks to Your Info **example:pet i mean** >! ![](http://www.untamed.wild-refuge.net/images/rpgxp/ff/phoenix.png) ![](http://www.untamed.wild-refuge.net/images/rpgxp/ff/bahamut.png) **Thank's for your Sprite but i'm not use RMVX i'm use RMXP :cheesy: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:**
  20. hello all, if you guys could help me find the character for my pet in the game, this was possible monsters:)
  21. Cool Thank's :) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fa0fc84f4b09650e29227fcb34116b02.bmp)
  22. whether in EO 2.0 can make balloon chat. because I need it if there is please let please help me :sad: :sad:
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