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Everything posted by LucianL.

  1. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @Helladen: > Try this… > ``` > If Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then > If walktime = 0 Then walktime = GetTickCount + 3000 > > If walktime > GetTickCount Then > PlaySound Sound_Walk > walktime = 0 > End If > End If > ``` Same it plays it without any pause. I think i will give it up.
  2. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @Soul: > Your logic is still flawed. Now you say: is a number plus 300000 more than that number alone? Of course it is! That makes no sense. > > ``` > Sub ServerLoop() > ... > Dim walktime As Long > walktime = GetTickCount + ####### > ... > Do While ServerOnline > ... > If walktime > GetTickCount Then > ' play sound > walktime = walktime + ###### > End If > > ``` > That's the basic idea. Tryed it and still the same over play :( and if i do it with do while it froze the client. ``` If Player(index).Moving > 0 Then walktime = GetTickCount + 3000 If walktime > GetTickCount then PlaySound Sound_Walk walktime = walktime + 3000 end if end if ``` ``` walktime = GetTickCount + 3000 Do While Player(index).Moving > 0 If walktime > GetTickCount then PlaySound Sound_Walk walktime = walktime + 3000 end if Loop ```
  3. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    Can you explain me it a little more? How dose GetTickCount work? :P Hehe i think i understand what you told me : ``` walktime = GetTickCount If GetTickCount + 300000 > walktime Then PlaySound Sound_ButtonClick End If ``` It works now and took of a bit of the over loop plays. But now how can i make it to make a pause between one play and another.
  4. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @MrMiguu: > Or call the sound when Player(MyIndex).Moving = 0? No? I tryed something like this if Player(MyIndex).Moving > 0 then Playsound Sound_walk end if but it play the sond creazy, something like: it start to play and the next play start over it and the next one over them and it get wierd. I think it is a way to put a pause before the next play start but i don't know how to do it…
  5. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    @Helladen: > Add a timer for the length of the sound. Make it use a constant for the timer and store it and compare it with the GetTickCount. It would like look something around these lines: If GetTickCount > Constant then play the sound. Constant would be set as GetTickCount + (Sound in seconds * 1000) every time it plays a sound. Here it is and it wont play the song i tryed something like that too. ``` dim walktime as long `````` walktime = GetTickCount + 2000 If GetTickCount > walktime Then PlaySound Sound_Walk End If ``` Maybe i'm using it wrong :(
  6. LucianL.

    Walk sound

    >! Case MOVING_WALKING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 800) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) PlaySound Sound_Walk Tryed to add an walking sound but the engine read it nonstoply and it get wierd. Is there a way to make it play after a few sec again and the again not continued without pause
  7. Ok i will apply it here. ModAttack - basic attack - def With W - with weapon on This is an simple calculation. Here its an exemple how i did the block based on shield: ``` ' LucianL. Public Function CanPlayerBlock(ByVal index As Long) As Boolean Dim rate As Long Dim rndNum As Long Dim shieldnum As Long CanPlayerBlock = False If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Shield) > 0 Then rate = 4 rndNum = RAND(1, 4) If rndNum = rate Then CanPlayerBlock = True End If End If End Function ' LucianL. ``` ``` ' LucianL. If CanPlayerBlock(index) Then shieldnum = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Shield) blockAmount = 0.085 * 3 * GetPlayerStat(index, Forta) * Item(shieldnum).Data2 + (GetPlayerLevel(index) / 6) - RAND(1, (GetPlayerStat(index, Forta) * 2)) Damage = Damage - blockAmount SendActionMsg mapnum, "Ai blocat " & blockAmount & " din dmg!", BrightCyan, 1, (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x * 32 + RAND(4, 8)), (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y * 32 + RAND(4, 8)) End If ' LucianL. ```
  8. Just sended you my application. MODAttack its the modified attack. it mean attack - def. Edited: 2 small misstakes on With W its (all code)-(F5*0.3) and on ModAttack unde with With W its -(0.3*F5) not +(0.3*F5)
  9. Hi. Can someone give me a hint on how to make this work corectly becouse the hp bar its going up and not down how it is supposed. ``` frmMain.imgHPBar.height = ((GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / HPBar_height) / (GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / HPBar_height)) * HPBar_height ```
  10. here it is what i did. the character moves on diagonal but the server dose not save the coords and wrap you back when you move normaly http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,71807.0.html
  11. well she have a few songs writed by own shearch youtube :P
  12. @Peteyyy: > I don't like the voice she puts on, but damn she can rap. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cPW4ySRzAY&feature=related This one show her voice better. P.S. that guy scare me!
  13. @Peteyyy: > Let's see you get at least a 4/10 on the 'professional scale'. Tell me you like her too ? The speed she's singing makes me fly :D
  14. What do you think about she ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khCokQt–l4
  15. I'm trying to make the client have 2 lang, but server send the message for the lang that joined the last one. Can you help me? client side: **frmlang**: ``` Private Sub Option1_Click() lang = 1 Call Main frmlang.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() lang = 2 Call Main frmlang.Visible = False End Sub ``` **modClientTCP**, on **Public Sub SendLogin**, under **Buffer.WriteLong App.Revision**: ``` Buffer.WriteLong lang ``` **modConstants**: ``` Public Limba As Byte ``` server side: **modConstants**: ``` Public Const Limba As Byte = 1 Public en As Byte ``` **modHandleData**, on **HandleLogin**: ``` If Buffer.ReadLong = Limba Then en = True Else en = False End If ``` modPlayer, on joingame: - this one its working becouse server set the languange on every join ``` If en = True Then Call GlobalMsg("English", JoinLeftColor) Else Call GlobalMsg("y language", JoinLeftColor) End If ``` **modCombat**, on **CanPlayerAttackPlayer**: - ok so here if an en client join the game the message will be language 1 for all the other clients, then if a non en client join all the clients get the message with language 2\. any hints ? ``` If Not Map(GetPlayerMap(attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Then If GetPlayerPK(victim) = NO Then If en = True Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Language 1!", BrightRed) Else Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Language 2!", BrightRed) End If ``` Update: The message language 1 and 2 will show when you attack another player in a safe zone.
  16. Hi i wonder why it dose not save my coordonates after i move on diagonal. On server side i modified only on modPlayer, sub PlayerMove. Should i look anywhere else ? Well there are more then 1 think wrong so i hope someone take a look on the source and give me a clue where should i look and modific
  17. lol i made a retouch of your girl, you got the sketch and a colored one with my palette chose. Take a look i think she look a littel more feminin. P.S. uh btw maybe you want to make her abs a little more fat becouse my girl its a little anorexic
  18. LucianL.

    Grafic Pack

    Well here its a little experiment and i like them both, left one has black out lines and the right one has darker green and brown on out lines and made the tree to cast shadow on the ground will give the impresion of hight i think. And i think you both got right at all
  19. LucianL.

    Grafic Pack

    Black lines (i was lazy to do that before add them to eclipse tile set :P), cliff and wall. Got it and i will improve it, it will take me a few days but i will improve it. Thanks
  20. LucianL.

    Grafic Pack

    Hi i'm new here and i need a few advise, here its my grafic pack untill now. I worked before with pixel by pixel grafic but never made an game. >! ![](http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/892/screenshotxi.png) What do you think ?
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