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Everything posted by ReubenNick

  1. > I hate halloween, I just get dumb kids at my door with their 10€ outfits with little to no effort put into them, if even that, trying to take all of my candy, and then they DARE to threaten me with eggs and toilet paper. We'll remember to have a banner for those who dislike Halloween next time also :P
  2. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10665756_745583362179296_1545511395304082502_n.png?oh=598ce1aaa68151b192b3fa30ba4a604c&oe=54DFD4A0&__gda__=1424464401_e506e1d551a39f5bd47d20c7ca6b9a54) Happy Halloween to everyone from the JBS Family! Hope you all enjoy giving out candies, getting candies and "borrowing" candies but remember, safety first in which ever suits you. The year isn't over yet and we've got a host of things in the works! If you haven't already, please support our [patreon](https://headtalker.com/campaigns/jumpbutton-studio-patreon/) and help us do what we love doing with less financial worries, otherwise just support us by word of mouth on the games we have released on the play store. Click on the url in the quotation mark to visit the patreon page. If you had no clue we ever existed, visit [here](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/135505-jumpbutton-studios-games/).
  3. This will be the last post on these forums as its not quite engaging haha, but so you dont miss out on what we're doing; here are two screenshots we've shared on twitter and our facebook page for screenshot saturday with many more to follow on various projects. ![](https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1959519_738201236250842_1057983338670194353_n.png?oh=c7dde8464f53ad19f2e800ac481c1891&oe=54AC4167) ![](https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10700308_738201316250834_8916237991155906398_o.png) Can you beat our highscore for [Viking Dodge](https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viking-Dodge/756001181110274)
  4. Support ([http://www.patreon.com/jumpbuttonstudios](http://www.patreon.com/jumpbuttonstudios)) We wont let you down!
  5. Line Them Up is now live on the play store ([https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jumpbuttonstudio.ltu.android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jumpbuttonstudio.ltu.android)) Viking dodge soon to follow. We're experiencing a few extra bugs that need smashing for smooth gameplay.
  6. Thanks jeff, appreciated :) Guys, the countdown has begun and we are starting the trend! Everyone post something related to vikings, sheeps, dragons, or all of the above and end it with #VikingDodge and be sure to retweet jbs's tweet! #VikingDodge
  7. 10/10/14! Everyone follow our twitter [https://twitter.com/JumpButtonS](https://twitter.com/JumpButtonS) if you have one and this wednesday please support us in promoting a game release that is coming on that date. On wednesday I will post what should be hash tagged to begin the trend. We have a few things lined up and the support will be appreciated.
  8. > -never mind- hmm.. Hope you found what ever it is that you might've asked!
  9. > At first glance, the website looks good, but there are quite a few little areas that need refinement. It's as if a designer designed it, then handed it off to code by someone with no sense of design; lack of padding, poor typography, lack of visual indicators, etc. Still your games look nice, so I wish you the best. The site is still in its infancy :P but thank you for the crit! We plan to put out a survey for visitors in time.
  10. New and improved website and much more! Posting on this site is stopping due to not much activity within this thread but for those of you interested in following our ventures; [https://www.jumpbuttonstudio.com/](https://www.jumpbuttonstudio.com/) P.S We have completed our donation system and donating is now possible! If the current benefits do not hit your interests, be foreinformed that what the future holds will be amazing and our priority will be on all our members but those who went the extra mile to help us get where we get will certainly **NOT** regret it. A link to the donation page can be found on the home screen or simply [click here](https://www.jumpbuttonstudio.com/about/donate/) and you will be redirected to our donation page, thank you to all who donate! Aside from that, the website has been improved behind the scenes and various parts to make both mobile and desktop viewing experience even better! If you previously received an odd error while registering, that will no longer happen. Please be sure to send us reports or feedback through our contact page if you spot anything weird and it will be dealt with.
  11. This should be interesting. Would suggest some of the [things](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/135505-jumpbutton-studios-games/?view=getnewpost) my team are working on.
  12. ![](https://www.jumpbuttonstudio.com/uploads/img_hosting/3_012a78ce3232fbe42225b7def538a5ef-1405376265.png) Our short games department INOP has done it again! Those of you who have moments in life where you want to just pass time, and own an android device; head over to the play store and download [Impulsive Button](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jumpbuttonstudio.impulsivebutton.android)! Many more features to come, as well as games. Rate, and share! Report any issues.
  13. little news guys! Since you have yet to try Space Stroids out for yourselves, we were able to get an early version of the game reviewed for the [Indie Game Magazine](http://indiegamemag.com/igm-july-2014-issue-39/). Go purchase a copy which is $3 and head over to page 40 to read more about our project! A short screenshot of the first paragraph, the entire article is quite a nice review for the build we were able to put together. ![](http://s13.postimg.org/x7hzp6u93/Screenshot_2014_07_02_22_49_17.png) **"Impressively Entertaining"** ~ **_Indie Game Magazine_**
  14. Thank you Colonello =] Weekly Sneak 7 live! http://youtu.be/LR7iqWDPO-Y
  15. I'll be watching you guys haha, but if I might add.. I highly suggest you guys go through an entire game design document process of games you come up with and plan everything out, including how you want to market the game as well if its a game you'll be selling. When we first began, projects for my developer family were usually just mentioned, and than pursued with no actual full plan behind it and well, that's where we went wrong with Psithyroi Online if you were around for that project. When a big idea comes to you, no matter how good it sounds to make or how ever tempted you might get, make sure you compare it to the resources you have at hand. Ask yourselves how much time would be needed to ensure the project will make it somewhere, and at which point (if you do decide to place a price on said project) would be a good idea to introduce it to Kickstarter, Indiegogo, itch.io, etc to raise funds. How ever much you might feel the need for money to further your team as a whole, it wont come unless you're presenting something you yourself would throw money at. I'm sure you guys already knew that but just including my bits. Look forward to seeing where you guys go :) you seem to have a pretty good team already, hopefully you wont go through the process of having to recruit new members because of a loss of another. That is pretty horrifying on its own.
  16. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10491333_681030371967929_1050893918239230359_o.jpg) Jumpbutton Studio presents, Space Stroids! Coming to you in July! The sneak for this week will be focused on this project so look forward to learning more from developers Ace, and Vin. Once again follow us on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/JumpButtonStudio).
  17. Weekly Sneak 6! http://youtu.be/SqibN419qdI
  18. ![](http://i.imgur.com/nD1yoec.jpg) First Hype week leading to the first week of July's game release, Space Stroids. We're hard at work polishing what we can, implementing more to the game and trying to make something worth playing a demo of, and purchasing. Official release date is to be announced but know it is early July once again, and the game is going to be priced at .99 cents for the full PC version. Should there be a huge demand to have it ported over to mobile, we will look into that afterwards. Next week we've got another teaser hype coming your way ![](http://treos.org/images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif)
  19. Credit goes to team mate @Rory :P but I shall pass on your compliment! I've got an eye on Nin as well. In other news.. Next week will be the sneak dedicated to Rainbow Hippie to start things off, we've updated our banner which shows the shirt designs we'll be selling once the video goes live! Head over and like the RH [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/jbsrainbowhippie) page today! ![](https://www.jumpbuttonstudio.com/uploads/img_hosting/3_18e33117b242590662f7e67b06ecb14f-1402692933.png)
  20. Check out our [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/JumpButtonStudio) page! and like, and here is a teaser to what we've been grinding at for the last 3 days and will now switch to normal development for an early July release. Space-Stroids will likely be featured in Indie Game Magazine's July issue as well, so that is wonderful. =] http://youtu.be/JHU9JEUuTzY
  21. Update 1.2 has been released on the play store. Quite a few bug fixes and some graphical additions. Things are looking good! Pass the game on and help support. Nothing to see here, move along =] ![](https://www.jumpbuttonstudio.com/uploads/img_hosting/3_335f4288cb50cadaab25247837347e67-1400391098.png)
  22. > Looking good guys :) Although i can never get past 3… Highest is 12 for me haha :p difficulty might be tweaked a bit but the challenge is fun.
  23. ![](https://www.jumpbuttonstudio.com/img/logo.png)As we prepare for the summer, this thread will be used to mention released games and how to play them. Our first of many to come mobile game releases on the play store, Rainbow Hippie! Engage in hippie-balloon warfare in this action packed arcade thriller! Dodge obstacles, puke rainbows and try to beat your high score! Indulge your liberal self in this radical reflex-testing barrel-dodging hippie fiesta! **~ Pop ~** Over 7 different colors of balloons! But watch out, popping the black balloons will surely 'harsh your mellow'! **~ Puke ~** Spew rainbow vomit at your targets! **~ Dodge ~** Narrowly escape increasingly difficult obstacles! Propel yourself through the air with your hair! ![](https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1.0-9/1969125_650946744976292_3865379262312355914_n.png) [Get It Now](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jbs.rainbowhippie)
  24. > Go to the video, click on "Share", then "Embed". Copy/paste. Thanks, though I already knew how to embed videos. Anyhow, as I said, I will look into embedding the videos later on. I won't be doing it until after we've released our next video.
  25. > So, I went to watch your video. > > 20 seconds of your logo Woohoo. > > 25 seconds of extremely fast swapping artwork, with very little time per image to actually look at it for what it is in detail. > > Followed by 30 seconds of your logo. Yay. > > Followed by about 20 more seconds of fast swapping artwork, again. > > Followed by your logo, for the remainder of the video. > > 2 minute video. ~50 seconds of it is actually demonstrating something. > > In your defense, I had my volume off, so I assume there was a voice-over, but you would want to make something actually to the point. Each video has a purpose and yes there is voice over. There is always the pause option if it was too fast for you, but I'll keep the thought in mind for sneaks after the 5th episode. > If you want a good example of update videos, look at those for Overgrowth by Wolfire. Thanks. We recently started the sneaks so if its not to your taste, sorry. We do it how we are able to. > Surprised someone else decided to call him out on pitching his youtube channel and Facebook page. > He offered nothing here. ZooooOOOOOoom. Sound that shit made when it went right over your head. I offered links with information ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) and a short information about the project. If there's any specific offer you'd like let me know and i'll see what I can do. > Well, it makes sense to me. Why would he re-write all the information for you to read when you can listen to it? I guess he could have embed the videos in to the OP, though. I'll look into embedding the videos later on.
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