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Everything posted by blkcrow

  1. 7 we better hurry saw Magical Aeroplane in the shoutbox
  2. i havent got access to vb6 right now so replace your code with mine and tell me if it works ``` Dim Buffer as clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong SAttack Buffer.WriteLong Index SendDataToMap GetPlayerMap(index), Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ```
  3. > Hey guys, sorry for the post in an old topic, but I've got a problem. > > When I try to compile, I get the error: > > **"Compile Error:** > > **Type Mistach:array or user-defined type expected."** > > in > > ``` > > Set Buffer = New clsBuffer > > Buffer.WriteLong SAttack > > Buffer.WriteLong attackingplayer > > SendDataToMap GetPlayerMap(index), Buffer.ToArray() > > Set Buffer = Nothing > > ``` > > Ain't I suppose to specify Buffer.ToArray() putting "index" in ()? No. In wich line does the error show up? Also sending MyIndex to the server in the checkattck sub its extra uneeded work since attackingplayer will always be equal to index
  4. blkcrow

    [C++] Basics

    > Because it works. > > And is still used by developers. > > There is no C++ compiler not used. > > I only recommended it because the setup is easy. > > You can try eclipse if you want same thing. A compiler is a compiler. No thats not what i meant. Dec c++ has stoped being updated since 2005\. most c++ learning sites dont suggest using it simple simple because it hasnt got any support anymore. Also setting up an IDE isnt that hard there are step by step tutorials in every site
  5. he means to redownload eclipse
  6. blkcrow

    [C++] Basics

    Dev c++? why would you even suggest that its been droped from its developers a long time ago
  7. change the name_lenght (i think its called like that i dont remember) variable
  8. you have to code all that if you dont know how to code you better hire someone that knows to do it for you. But you can also find a tutorial about changing sprites and addapt it to your needs. There were a lot of people asking for the same thing you want the past few days and i am sure someone posted a tutorial Edit: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/124146-eo-transformation-spell/page__hl__transformation](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/124146-eo-transformation-spell/page__hl__transformation)
  9. blkcrow

    Walk Diagonally?

    [8 Directional Movement Tutorial](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/129417-8-directional-movement/)
  10. a message is sent to the player saying it needs to remove the shield first
  11. GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, 1) < 5000
  12. blkcrow


    I prefer code::blocks its very easy to set up and use actually
  13. So you are planning in writing you are own shaders?
  14. The walk around easy way: disable registrations and give account when someone pays you for the game
  15. > I would probably never consider using SDL. I have enough experience with OpenGL & GLSL to just use those, but through my experiences I prefer DirectX. Mainly for small reasons, not that it's easier or anything. May i ask why? Dont take me wrong its not that i want it to be made in SDL I know you have your reasons no to but i want to know what advantage directx9 gives you over SDL for a project such as this
  16. > Thank you ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) You are welcome > This is a great release, I was thinking of this as a possibility for the up coming programming contest since it hasn't been reportedly released until now, great job here. This will most definitely be useful or just fun for many games. Programming contest!? ![:blink:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//blink.png) When? i hope it will be some time before it begins i in the process of moving and i cant code much
  17. blkcrow


    i would love to see a c++ version of eclipse. I have done some c++ programming in the past and i really wanna start again but i though i better wait since i am going to univercity and will have c++ classes. Anyway i am more than willing to learn
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