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Everything posted by Sada

  1. Nope, I think you'll have to program that in the source :) Edit: Open the server code, the sub routine which changes a players class is below (it's part of the modplayer.bas file) ``` Sub SetPlayerClass(ByVal index As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long) Player(index).Class = ClassNum End Sub ```to use it type in the code below on the event that changes the players class, (maybe a section in the admin cp?) ``` SetPlayerClass(the player's ID, the class id which you want to set it to) ```
  2. This would be nice for people who have a domain or static IP, If you are hosting from your computer and have a dynamic ip, this is probably a very bad idea (the permenant ip thing in the client)
  3. Thanks, I think it would be a nice little addition, more user friendly to the admins and allows them to do it remotely rather than only the server host having access. Thanks for the response guys, i'll prob get working on it tomorrow, it's 3:30am atm so I need some rest :)
  4. Ok, so I took a look over the source of eclipse and was wondering is there any real reason that's preventing us from making an admin section to edit classes? Something in the design of the code that's getting in the way? Just looking for some insight before I go coding away only to realise that it's a no hoper! :P Thanks in advance.
  5. Was this really worth making another topic about? why didn't you just post in shawns topic.
  6. Just a small note, a larger amount of functionality can be added to this by changing it to a % based system So instead of… exp = Npc(npcNum).exp * EXPRATE you would put... exp = (Npc(npcNum).exp / 100) * EXPRATE) :) allows an easy way to get 150% etc.
  7. For the purpose of learning using scanf will suffice, you should use gets() as you learn to program better as you can do error checking and what not. Pretty much everywhere will teach you to initially use scanf() because it's easy, you don't want to be bogged down with lots to remember when you're first starting out, Soul was just being pedantic.
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