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Everything posted by RyokuHasu

  1. Well the cheap way to do it is limit the dagger to a single class then limit the spell to the same class =P But it wouldn't be hard to add an equipment check to spells. PM me if you want to here my idea. * * * Edit: Resolved
  2. HOORAY! SOME ONE WHO CAN FOLLOW A TUT PROPERLY!!! I solute you! Let me take a look at your problem.
  3. O.o…. Quest don't use sound... that's the weird thing.
  4. RyokuHasu

    New GUI

    Hmmm… my other choice was a light Sandy gradient... I did this because I was bored to be honest, I'll go make the smooth tan-ish version now XD
  5. RyokuHasu

    New GUI

    Ok Lyn, I'll see where the comments go, then try your idea if they are mostly against the current look =D
  6. RyokuHasu

    New GUI

    I was trying to resurface some of my GUI and I want some opinion on it. I'll redo the items if you think its a good look. ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/28c3/2khdproedq8cqww5g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/7e6c/vai28sr97s8lyc55g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/56b5/djr54lgm0ns94uw5g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/725f/g60akd2iylvknnf5g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/cef4/5k7ae4sjbzkvsy55g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/bda4/pyafvhh4yocp8lq5g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/4d74/bkvxuh4yb2lo9no5g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/5e70/d6w31843m7ejnbp5g.jpg) ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/f2bd/xha9539hyyxdf795g.jpg)
  7. @Boynaar: > -Snip- Besides rap being just about the lowest form of music, and the fact that it doesn't help and it just makes you look like a jackass typing like that… Your solution makes no sense, you spent more time making yourself look like an idiot than working on the problem. No one here wants to read an answer buried in a mountain of cRAP.
  8. Chrome can properly display several CSS/Webkit functions and other things that IE and FireFox are not properly quipped to handle. one example is web kit gradient ``` background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #cc00cc), color-stop(1, #550055) ); background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #550055 5%, #cc00cc 100% ); ``` Firefox inverts the gradient and IE Doesn't even make the attempt to display it.
  9. CSDE is uses DX8, not 9, try re-installing that. Or re-install the run-time files for EO/CSDE.
  10. O.o…. errrmmm it works with any Item type, it doesn't have to be an equipped item.... it shouldnt work that way >.<
  11. … The error has nothing to do with adding the quest system, so something went VERY wrong and I have no Idea how that could have been affected. Did you make a back-up?
  12. This is a complicated tutorial, make a back up copy of your game before you try and add this, it works, but only if you do it right. * * * @iHero: > Hm, pretty cool. But it is basic … > I was working on one, I'm going to edit it. > > -pic- Well good luck with that.
  13. Besides, The part that is missing is from the convo system tutorial, Justn messed up this time XD… unless you did that tut too, the you should fix that
  14. @Mortal: > Compile error… > Method or Data member not found The obviously you are missing that. "Method or data member not found" means you didn't add it is the same thing as "variable not defined", i know you have at least have the ability to problem solve what you are missing. This is the simplest error and can be solved by looking at the highlighted part then loiking back at the tut. This isn't directed at Mortal Angel, It's directed to anyone asking for others to fix "variable not defined" or "Method or data member not found" ANYONE can fix these, you all are just to lazy to.
  15. that and the same update to HP/MP I have in the sub that applies the buff, I still need to add that here XD
  16. @Erwin: > Make his behaviour Quest. Wrong, that was the older version, this one has a checkbox for quest giver and the behaviour should be set to friendly. @ Mortal Angels The problem is most likely that you placed the stuff in modCombat in the wrong spot and that is giving you a logic error. Post your CanPlayerAttackNPC Sub, its the place most people have the hardest time adding this.
  17. you can also write to .ini files using PutVar. But you wouldn't want to make any major systems based off reading .ini files, just sub systems and such
  18. No he's talking to the first admin with the Insta-Bann button =D
  19. @DarkScythe57: in another topic you said you were going to use Pvo and not EO… this wont fit into that. (atleast I think it wont)
  20. About the hotbar thing… did you add the Hotbar fix?
  21. is still playing on his private server, now killing mobs and ignoring Siedge. Im not gonna vote for something just because you ask me to, that makes you no better than a high school girl during American Idol finals. its annoying. If i vote on something its because i care for it. You shouldn't ask at random to people who don't give a fig.
  22. …. NO... turns on his private MC server and starts making more redstone traps
  23. RyokuHasu


    @Peter120: > And also Advanced doors, keys, and switches are working too now XD, thanks again YAY! =D glad you are using that! Cant wait to see a project page if you make one ;D
  24. RyokuHasu


    "End Result" assuming there are no other edits….
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