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Everything posted by mitlark

  1. Well, the party stuff is solved now, thanks Prince for the report, it was a stupid bug x'D (just forgot some code when trespassing stuff to 1.5.0 :#P). As for alphablend… well... I suppose that someday I will try it again, I already tried it but didn't worked x'D (and I don't like the newform way, well at least if I get it to work properly x'D). And of course, if it rips the performance, I will not add it. @Sekaru: > Also I suggest you redo the gui a bit (…) Well, I will try something then. The GUI by now is not at it's best, mostly because it's opensource, I just did the dirty work. Reorganizing and changing the look is something that it's better to be done by "users" by themselves. It's just changing the form and voilà, all the codes are properly done to fit ;). But anyway, thanks for the suggestions, that leaves me something to "meditate" :). Now, thanks to Richy, in the next version, will be a cool thing regarding quests :D. He has all the rights regarding it, so if he wants, he will do a tutorial for it (it is nothing related to me). I will look something to be POLISHED before releasing next version (like GUI and maybe re-research alphablend, it seems interesting), L'ark Mitsinikos
  2. Well, it's not boring, but you need to fill that space with something else, at least if we use the theory of "player types" (achievers, explorers, socializers, killers). That is if we treat this idea as a normal MMORPG (and is just theoretically). Anyway, the idea seems very good. Instead of making a full game with it, you can implement the dreaming stuff to another game. I can think of at least 2 commercial MMORPGs that use something similar to this: -Mabinogi, in the story quest where you get the control of some adventurers in some kind of dream (?). -Dream of Mirror Online, where you needed to obtain artifacts and memory fragments (or something like that, I don't remember). Also, Assassins Creed comes to my mind xD, but that's not a MMORPG. (Kinda) sorry if I came with useless facts, L'ark Mitsinikos
  3. Well, by now it is as you left it, but it's easy to use speechbox messages instead of chat messages. It's simply using the SpeechWindow instead of PlayerMsg. Other than this, is the same as you already did :P, although the next thing I want to do is NPC killing/interact support for quest completion (I have something in mind for that) and maybe Yes/No buttons (I need a new client package). Thanks for the comment, L'ark Mitsinikos
  4. @Admir: > I like the face graphic at speechbox, however those image a bit bigger. why you don't make face graphic same like at character stats in original EO? Because it's easily done by your-self ;). Salut, L'arkie Boy
  5. So… this thread is for letting everyone see that you're x years old in the moment you posted? Surely is useful :). I'm 620169240 seconds old. And yeah, I did ALL the "calculation" for just a meaningless post. Best regards, L'ark Mitsinikos
  6. Well, actually you can hide all the GUI using PgUp button, and hotbar with PgDown. –~~-- Topic updated with 3rd version. Not much has changed tough, but I think that it's fine as is. http://www.mediafire.com/?zo1mu7sko112e69 CHANGES: -EO XtendZone Mod 0.2
  7. It's VERY good, and I like it. Feels like a compiled form of scripting (yeah, I know that the sadscripting was basic itself, or kind of). It has that much of ways to make quests that simply is lovely :3\. With a little improvement, it could be the ultimate one >=D. As for example, it's easy to merge it with any visual text hud (NPC Speechbox as example) to get nice conversations. Great work, L'ark Mitsinikos
  8. You said that the straight part was not going to be seen by players, but maybe for composition purposes (the place it takes) it could help to improve it. As for anything else, everything seems just great. Nice work. Best regards, L'ark Mitsinikos
  9. My bad, I forgot the bin D:. Anyway… [![](http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/7426/desktopum.th.jpg)](http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/7426/desktopum.jpg) :), L'ark Mitsinikos
  10. xD, don't worry, I don't mind, at least if you don't take me to trials >:T (that would make me lose my time, and time is money itself D:
  11. http://www.petesqbsite.com/sections/tutorials/tuts/tsugumo/ It works for anything. Best regards, L'ark Mitsinikos
  12. My bad, my last supposition regarding the hotbar was wrong. It's not "old spells" that made them work, it's already learned spells. Since I passed all the data, my character had some spells on it. Those old learned spells worked with the hotbar, but when I relearned them (forgetting them and using again the learning scroll), they just didn't worked. (And well, I though about using the old spell editor, now I'm cornered x'D, anyway, let's get back to testing…). About that error, It seems that it tries to load the spell name or something, but it gets nil as result and there comes the property crash. When I did that error, I opened the items, selected an empty slot, put spell on the item type, and reselected that same new item (changing to, for example, other scroll and coming back to my new item). Maybe I made too long the explanation, spare my life, L'ark Mitsinikos
  13. It's better to not use lines inside of a really small graphic, since you need to "pack details" in a very reduced space. Instead of that, try to difference areas using colors and shadows. In this example… well, I think that it illustrates in some way... at least I hope so. ![](http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1064/lilexample.png) Left one has inner lines, right one uses shadows to difference between "objects". Hope that it helps you, your attempt seems pretty well, keep up spriting ;D, L'ark Mitsinikos
  14. Just the ~~worst~~ best =D (okay, I will leave lame jokes), you're the man Robin =DD. When is next version going out? =DDDD (I'm not looking for answers, I can guess it). Now partying just rocks >=D, L'ark Mitsinikos
  15. 'localhost', without the quotes. But… you can see it by yourself :S, you downloaded the EO, you still have a nifty .zip backup. If you deleted it, just re-download, don't be lazy >:). Assure yourself to always make backups. Best regards, L'ark Mitsinikos
  16. Regarding the malfunctioning hotbar, I tested it by mere coincidence with some old spells (data from 1.3.1), and it just seemed to work O.o. And this bug is already localized, I think. The 'Runtime error 380: Invalid property value' when you're using editors. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/9327/image1ymt.png I reselect the same skill… and voilà. http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4059/image2qbq.png Salut, L'ark Mitsinikos
  17. Sorry, but no. >! ![](http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/8974/wipsmw9.png) They don't even resemble. :), L'ark Mitsinikos
  18. And the classic joke? ![](http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/6206/desktopml.jpg) :B, L'arkie Boy (again)
  19. What? That's lame, you can't drag and drop people in your party… Err I mean, it's just perfect >:). Probably you have now loads of people arguing "why don't you release it already??? I wanna try!!!!!1!", I'm one of those probably :D. Here concludes my moral help, by now, good luck with the bugfixing ;3 (if there are any), L'ark Mitsinikos
  20. Hello anybody. Well, since I'm like… uhhh, one of those extra-rare sharing guys, I will share this with you all. It's a (only male by now) character template. And of course, I gladly accept any critics and stuff. I will NOT make characters for your use. It's pointless. > [![](http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/6500/maletemplate.png)](https://www.safecreative.org/work/1102038415647) > [![](http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/4260/femaletemplate.png)](http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/4260/femaletemplate.png) > > The image is in PNG format, so when you're going to use it in EO, you know, you need to convert it to BMP. For you to use it, only assure yourself to use it under [![](http://I.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/3.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) Mainly, you can OBVIOUSLY modify it, but don't use it for profit. Hope that it doesn't make problems, does it? ¬¬. Now, to the examples, later, L'ark Mitsinikos / Orochii Zouveleki
  21. Nice place holders :). Hope it doesn't get common x'D. Sorry, I just had to say it :B, L'arkie Boy
  22. @Zetasis: > Does this only rotate up and down or can it do left and right also? I'm not pretty sure, but aren't you referring to flip horizontal/vertical? If yes, no it doesn't. You can easily flip with other programs. MSPaint as example. And is failproof. If you meant to say that if it can rotate clock-wise, either use negatives OR angles higher than 180º. Best regards, L'ark Mitsinikos
  23. @MrMiguu: > I like how this version contains mostly bug-fixes and optimizations. Nice job ;) This is a must then, right? :D. Really it's a very good job, L'ark Mitsinikos
  24. You can even freely download RMXP/VX RTP packages in Enterbrain's Website if you want. Just because that way you can get them in a better way, not just ripping them or something ._.? Just remember to use them preferably as placeholders ;D. [External Link](http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download-rtp.html) It's not illegal for personal use (at least if you use it to play a RMXP/VX game…), but if you're going to make profit don't even think about using it. You know, these graphics are just overused x'D, and still is the legal stuff. Hope it helps you, L'ark Mitsinikos
  25. mitlark


    Well, you first open the administration panel (write a message saying "/admin" without the quotes at the chatbox), then click at the "Map" button, and voilà, use it like a strange version of MS Paint =D. That's not clear right? D:, L'ark Mitsinikos
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