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Everything posted by tsuki

  1. @Robin: > Post your server-side and client-side 'SpellRec's here. Both of them. Client ``` Private Type SpellRec Name As String * NAME_LENGTH Desc As String * 255 Sound As String * NAME_LENGTH Type As Byte MPCost As Long LevelReq As Long AccessReq As Long ClassReq As Long CastTime As Long CDTime As Long Icon As Long Map As Long x As Long y As Long Dir As Byte Vital As Long Duration As Long Interval As Long Range As Byte IsAoE As Boolean AoE As Long CastAnim As Long SpellAnim As Long StunDuration As Long BuffType As Byte BuffDur As Long Sprite As Long End Type ``` Server ``` Private Type SpellRec Name As String * NAME_LENGTH Desc As String * 255 Sound As String * NAME_LENGTH Type As Byte MPCost As Long LevelReq As Long AccessReq As Long ClassReq As Long CastTime As Long CDTime As Long Icon As Long Map As Long x As Long y As Long Dir As Byte Vital As Long Duration As Long Interval As Long Range As Byte IsAoE As Boolean AoE As Long CastAnim As Long SpellAnim As Long StunDuration As Long Sprite As Long BuffType As Byte BuffDur As Long End Type ```
  2. Hello people, this if my first tutorial. I know it's very simple but I hope some people find it useful. **Only Client-side** In this tutorial I'll teach you how to change the default sprite with pink background to a custom image with class description (or anything else you want) **The default Character Creation Menu:** [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f4d137879f5a17c39fe761e810c15cc2.png)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#f4d137879f5a17c39fe761e810c15cc2.png) **After modification:** [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/1d509bc7afedea0bb174aa2bd86400ed.png)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#1d509bc7afedea0bb174aa2bd86400ed.png) Before start tutorial I'll explain the concept for the newbies. When you open the character creation menu theres a picturebox named picSprite that shows the sprites of the selected class. What I did was create another picturebox where I'll be showing a custom image with the same selected sprite's name. Let's start. For this tutorial I'll be using an image that I created quickly just for it. I'll be attaching all the images used and the blank model, but it's very recommended that you create your own models for more exclusive game graphics. **1.** Open the frmMenu and click on the picturebox named picCharacter. **2.** Inside picCharacter create another picturebox named picDesc or whatever name you want (but remember that picturebox's name must be matching with the code) **3.** Set the size of the picDesc for same size of your custom description image. (in this tutorial I've used 385x137 but you're free to use any size you want, just remember that picturebox's size and the image's size must be matching) **4.** Set the BorderStyle of picDesc to **0 - None** [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/b8be7f3b7dd1596805372f730628f0e4.jpg)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#b8be7f3b7dd1596805372f730628f0e4.jpg) **5.** Be sure that picDesc is above the picSprite and **DON'T** delete the picSprite **6\.** Arrange the position of the elements as you want **7.** **Go to modDirectDraw7 > Public Sub NewCharacterBltSprite** and find these lines: ``` If frmMenu.optMale.Value = True Then Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).MaleSprite(newCharSprite) Else Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).FemaleSprite(newCharSprite) End If ``` and chage them to ``` If frmMenu.optMale.Value = True Then Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).MaleSprite(newCharSprite) frmMenu.picDesc.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\picdesc\" & Sprite & ".jpg") Else Sprite = Class(frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1).FemaleSprite(newCharSprite) frmMenu.picDesc.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\picdesc\" & Sprite & ".jpg") End If ``` **8.** Create the picdesc directory The **\data files\graphics\picdesc\** is the the directory of the description picture. The **frmMenu.picDesc** is the frame name **OBS:** In case of you use same sprite for different classes, do a copy of the sprite, because the displayed picture's number will be equal with the selected sprite's number. Sorry about my english, I'm form Brazil. :embarrassed: Hope someone find it useful.
  3. I did everything again… same error. but thanks.
  4. When I replace the .scrlBuffType.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffType .scrlBuff.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffDur with If .cmbType.ListIndex = 5 Then .scrlBuffType.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffType .scrlBuff.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffDur Else End If still gettin' error
  5. @mmearrccii: > Try to change both in the client and the server, in modTypes the "BuffType As Byte" to "BuffType As Long" > If thats not working, are you using a custom eclipse? (like nova or galaxy) Still getting error I'm using the latest version of Eclipse Origins
  6. > Do you have a control named 'scrlBuffType' on the form? Yes (attachment)
  7. after all, when I try to open de editspell menu, the client returns what is in the attachment and when I click on debug, points to this line ``` .scrlBuffType.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffType ```
  8. I'm working in a new warp spell system. Everything is fine, but I don't know how can I put to make visible a specific frame when I use warp spell type :huh: If someone help me, I'll post the tutorial when I done '-' I'm using this, but I don't know how to do a part o code ``` Case SPELL_TYPE_WARP If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NOAP Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp here", BrightRed) Else SendAnimation mapNum, Spell(spellnum).SpellAnim, 0, 0, TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, index PlayerWarp index, Spell(spellnum).Map, Spell(spellnum).x, Spell(spellnum).y SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(index), Spell(spellnum).SpellAnim, 0, 0, TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, index DidCast = True End If ``` the MAP_MORAL_NOAP is the map moral I did to block warp spell the **PlayerWarp index, Spell(spellnum).Map, Spell(spellnum).x, Spell(spellnum).y** is the line to warp to the spells x and y, but I want to make visible a frame with the place list I did I just don't know how I can code to make the frame visible Thanks for anyone that helps me ;D (sorry about my english mistakes, I'm from other country)
  9. I'm using the 2.0 version and the npc don't spell me '-'
  10. tsuki

    [EO] Compile error

    You're right :embarrassed: thanks for the help :cheesy:
  11. tsuki

    [EO] Compile error

    I know i'ts stupid… but I don't have an backup '-' and I don't know what is UDT :sad: I've been working in this project for some weeks and I don't want to do everything again ;/ can anyone tell me the code and where I have to paste ? '-'
  12. tsuki

    [EO] Compile error

    When I try to compile or activate the music option appear a compile error box. How can I fix this? (sorry about my english mistakes, I'm brazilian)
  13. I've not explained as well I want to show the amout of an especific item in a bar of a custom menu. And I want to know what's the code to show it. (sorry about my english mistakes. I'm from other country)
  14. How can I show the number (quantity) os specific currency itens I have? Anybody know a code for this? '-'
  15. tsuki

    [EO] Friend System

    even if the case match, still not show '-' the list stays empty :(
  16. tsuki

    [EO] Friend System

    @blkcrow: > check the listbox's name it has to be lstFriend for the code to work yes. the listbox's name ir lstFriend, but still show no text. Its totally empty I've followed all the steps exactly as the tut. (sorry about my english, I'm from Brazil)
  17. tsuki

    [EO] Friend System

    I did everything as the tut. but de listbox still empty '-'
  18. tsuki

    [EO] Friend System

    Hello, I'm using the latest version of EO and I've tried to use the Friend System (http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68043.0.html) but I can't show the friends in the list :sad: The others functions works perfectly. When I open the account files, I can see the friends. But they don't appears in the friends list on the game. Can anybody tell me how I fix this?
  19. I did the label, and after I did it the error appears when I click in the label :(
  20. When I start up the game and click in any label, appear an error box '-' and after "ok" points to "call" code '-' help-me please this is the image of error ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/1c6298d9a75a3b3a2f00d73d12d3f0eb.png)
  21. Don't works, but thanks ;D
  22. how can I show the tags based in classes? '-'
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