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  1. @chevalier: > Hello I'm a problem when I use the spell debug points me to this line. > > ``` > Player(index).Stat(Stat) = value > ``` > the server in modPlayer > Public Sub SetPlayerStat > > more time nothing happens and does not work > > Edit: Deleted from the server and the spells work, does not show the counter buff? Of course if you delete that line it won't work. I think you inserted the code wrong, since the others got it working. Or you are using a custom verson of Eclipse. But no matter what you do, the whole system is wrong, it does increase the number of your stats but somewhy it doesn't affects the attacks… I basicly stopped Eclipse but maybe somebody will fix it.
  2. I think i said that this code might contains bugs. And insted of just copy and pasting you should try to understand what the code does. It always adds the bonus permanently to your stats. Yeah that might not be the best way to do this. The stats are only set back if the timer runs out or the player loggs out. So if the server crashes nothing would set it back the way it was. You should set it back with a security check if the server would crash (thats what the ClearBuffs sub does). Also by crying here that you got an RTE 9 error will help me nothing. You should debug it, and tell us where did you got that error. I may could help with it. Nobody will or even could fix eníthing if you just say, it's not working.
  3. @ChrisWR: > Yep , just double checked that and everythings there. > > When im in vb6 i can see everything , but when i run the game nothings there (neither of the scrollbars, labels, or the buffer settings framework) Well idk then but its not a big deal, its only a little design element so jut set the Frame's visibility to true and arrange it so it won't be in the way.
  4. @ChrisWR: > ok , i was getting an 380 error as somone before said and i replaced the code and i dont get the error anymore , but the scroll bars nor labels show up O.o You mean the whole frame doesn't show up when you select the buffer type in the list? Do you have this part? > Now open **frmEditor_Spell** an Click on cmbType and add to it's list "Buffer". Now double click cmbType and below > ``` > Spell(EditorIndex).Type = cmbType.ListIndex > > ```Add: > ``` > If cmbType.ListIndex = 5 Then > frmBuff.Visible = True > Else > frmBuff.Visible = False > End If > > ```
  5. @SicosisDF: > I have an error when a character enters the game, te error is in the server and says: > And looks to: > > ``` > Public Sub HandleBuffs(ByVal index As Long, ByVal BuffNum As Long) > With TempPlayer(index).Buff(BuffNum) > If .Used And .spellNum > 0 Then > If GetTickCount - .StartTime >= (Spell(.spellNum).BuffDur * 60000) Then > Call SetPlayerStat(index, .Type, GetPlayerRawStat(index, .Type) - .Plus) > SendPlayerData index > Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your " & Spell(.spellNum).Name & " has ended.", BrightRed) > .Used = False > .Plus = 0 > .spellNum = 0 > .StartTime = 0 > End If > End If > End With > End Sub > ``` > Any idea? :sad: Which line is it highlining?
  6. @Savints: > Is its affected by base stats? for example, I am a warrior with 5STR 5END 5AGI at level 1, just starting the game, I play up to level 30, and messed something up along the way in my stat build, I use a stat reset potion, do you go back to your base stats? or does everything get reset back to 0. It uses the base stats of your character's class from your classes.ini in your server's data files. Well.. It resets your points then it gives them back so you can use them again. Also it doesn't reset anything else, so you will keep your lvl.
  7. 3rd tut… This is pretty basic stuff... Client side: In **modConstants** below the: ``` Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SPELL As Byte = 8 ```Add: ``` Public Const ITEM_TYPE_STAT_RESET As Byte = 9 ``` In **frmEditor_Item** add cmbType's list: Stat reset potion Server Side: In **modConstants** below the: ``` Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SPELL As Byte = 8 ```Add: ``` Public Const ITEM_TYPE_STAT_RESET As Byte = 9 ``` In **modPlayer**, in the sub UseItem add below: ``` Case ITEM_TYPE_SPELL ' stat requirements For i = 1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1 If GetPlayerRawStat(index, i) < Item(itemnum).Stat_Req(i) Then PlayerMsg index, "You do not meet the stat requirements to use this item.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If Next ' level requirement If GetPlayerLevel(index) < Item(itemnum).LevelReq Then PlayerMsg index, "You do not meet the level requirement to use this item.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If ' class requirement If Item(itemnum).ClassReq > 0 Then If Not GetPlayerClass(index) = Item(itemnum).ClassReq Then PlayerMsg index, "You do not meet the class requirement to use this item.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If End If ' access requirement If Not GetPlayerAccess(index) >= Item(itemnum).AccessReq Then PlayerMsg index, "You do not meet the access requirement to use this item.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If ' Get the spell num n = Item(itemnum).Data1 If n > 0 Then ' Make sure they are the right class If Spell(n).ClassReq = GetPlayerClass(index) Or Spell(n).ClassReq = 0 Then ' Make sure they are the right level i = Spell(n).LevelReq If i
  8. @Kalizaya: > could someone upload the client and server with the Buffer type spell included so we can download it? ;) I really not gonna upload it installed. It's not a big deal to install it youself (you just need to copy and paste…), and if you can't even do that, you should learn more before trying to make anything. Also like RyokuHasu mentoined, if you happen to don't have VB6 then you should get it becouse without it you can't modify anything in the Eclipse Origins Engine.
  9. Like Robin have pointed it out, it is much easier if you just do it with for loop.Like this: ``` Function GetPlayerDefense(ByVal index As Long) As Long Dim i As Long GetPlayerDefense = 0 ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or index Player_HighIndex Then Exit Function End If GetPlayerDefense = GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) For i = 2 To 4 If GetPlayerEquipment(index, i) > 0 Then GetPlayerDefense = GetPlayerDefense + Item(GetPlayerEquipment(index, i)).Data2 End If Next End Function ```
  10. @RyokuHasu: > This is the best way in my opinion. Because then you have Non moveing Npcs, but your NPCS then can move when you want them too. Well, you can do it that way, but i like it this way… It's better in my opinion..
  11. @Kermit: > Now i cant find Function CanPayerAttackPlayer Anywhere. > And i did Search entire project. It's in modCombat…..
  12. @sotvotkong: > ok heres the fix. for the 380 runtime error on spell editor opening. and no you dont need to delete your old spells either. and yes the buffs work i tested em out just now. > > replace this > ``` > .scrlBuffType.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffType > .scrlBuff.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffDur > ``` > with this > ``` > If .cmbType.ListIndex = 5 Then > .scrlBuffType.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffType > .scrlBuff.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).BuffDur > Else > End If > ``` Oh, good to hear that :)… Jimmy Black please reply back if that fixed for you too. If it did then i'll edit the tutorial above...
  13. @Jimmy: > Yes (attachment) Try to change both in the client and the server, in modTypes the "BuffType As Byte" to "BuffType As Long" If thats not working, are you using a custom eclipse? (like nova or galaxy)
  14. @sotvotkong: > yea i dont get any compiling errors on either side. only in the game when i try to edit spells do i get the error. Please run the client from vb and when the game crashes click debug and show me what line its highlining. I believe the problem is only at you, because others seems it have working.. Maybe you had some changes already in the spells? or maybe you useing a custom eclipse?
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