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  1. Would anyone mind rewriting this tutorial and making it alot cleaner and also for E.O 2.0?? I tried it many times and its really messy seeing as he left out so much and never changed to original post to update the errors and such… Please and thank you!
  2. I was playing through some killing quests and i noticed you have to kill the npcs yourself, even if you're in a party you don't get the kill count unless you kill the target. Is there any way i could fix it so while in a party you will get the kill count as all party members kill the quest npcs?
  3. Thank you, thats alot better.
  4. I have VB6, I'm asking for some help as to how i would add that to source. Maybe a tutorial or anything to guide me along would be helpful.
  5. Can anyone help me with adding animation to NPCs so that they are constantly moving. exsample a bird would keep flapping its wings while still being on the same tile. Also adding animation to tiles so that water moves and fire blows in the wind.
  6. I'm in the same boat and it seems no one wants to help explain how to make the buttons or commands work.
  7. The mini hp and mana bars have always been solid and as for mine its alot better with the 3d-ish effect and i like how the pixels look too. But thats your opinion, just because its pixel art doesnt mean i cant play with it and make it to my own taste, Besides they look alot sharper.
  8. Just a few things i've been messing with in photoshop that turned out looking really nice in game. Not finished with the main gui yet. ![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n535/makaveil2010/49.jpg) ![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n535/makaveil2010/bars.jpg) ![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n535/makaveil2010/1.jpg) ![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n535/makaveil2010/main-1.jpg) ![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n535/makaveil2010/NewBitmapImage-2.jpg)
  9. I need help with whole "frmMain" part where you need to add labels. I followed everything in the tutorial but my add friend and remove labels dont work?
  10. I take it you don't know what a spell/skill cool down system is because if you did you would know its there to stop spamming. Anyways the whole reason would be so that a Warrior type class doesnt have to target the npc by clicking just to use the skills they have that are 1 tile in range, unlike a mage say who has 7 tiles in range to attack using spells.
  11. I was thinking of adding an auto target system, to make it easier to cast spells/skills for players once they have attacked an npc, instead of having to click on the npc to target it. How would i go about this, so that when they the player hits the control button it auto targets the npcs? I'm not the best with VB6 but i know a bit, any help would be great, thanks in advance.
  12. thugangel


    double click on the key you made while stand infront of the locked tile.
  13. I followed the code but after testing in game I found a bug with it as it shows the party leader twice in the party interface now, any help? Also the leave party button doesnt work either says "you're not in a party". "Edit" I fixed the problem by re-adding the code into a fresh copy of my game. ![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n535/makaveil2010/partyerror.jpg)
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