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Everything posted by Grizzy

  1. @Greendude120: > The wheel typically is at the back of the boat not at the front. oh shit haha good call good call.. everyone ignore that wheel :P
  2. Draken and Samurai I just read your guys so I'm prob about to do a lot of what you both said. Regardless here is my update of what I've got so far today… & Draken I really like the dark blue idea, I didn't even think of that lol :P 7 @ Samurai the texture of the kind of "plank" like wood I want is giving me some trouble lol. ![](http://imageshack.us/m/222/906/map18.png)
  3. Here is the layout of the map and the boat dock and boat. >! ![](http://imageshack.us/m/713/4681/map17.png)
  4. @Draken: > Hopefully the huge 5 army battle at the end will be epic :P I have a feeling that battle could be a big reason why they made it into two movies. I think they have a lot to work with esp in two movies. I've got a feeling the Mirkwood forest will look very epic, no merit just a gut feeling lol.
  5. I hope they don't cut out any of the dwarfs or anything gay. But its looking like (from what I read they) they will have all 13 of them. Which I think will be fun to watch and have a feeling it will be comical at times, as i feel they are in the book. I read Frodo would be in this as well.. someone want to explain to me why? Because I wasn't sure if I missed something with that one.
  6. @Helladen: > I don't think enough went on during that book to make it as great as the other three movies. I disagree. Although I'm not done reading the other books yet. I rly liked the hobbit and the play out of Bilbo Baggins. I think them going through the mountains could be very good if played out correctly.
  7. Anyone as excited as me to watch this? I literally just finished the book and and now reading the lord of the rings and I loved the dwarfs and bilbo and their adventure. I think it will be an awesome movie personally. Long over due prequel. Opinions anyone?
  8. baha I lol'd can I use these for zombies or something lol? I already remade the females tho. Thnx man :P
  9. This is old I started over, but thank u everyone for ur inputs. :P..
  10. Grizzy

    Music Creator

    @Socuine: > FL Studio has a hard learning-curve imho. It's not free, and not newbie friendly. I'll check out this program! Thanks for sharing. (: once u check it out will u post if its worth anything or not?
  11. @PotHead: > Thank you very much for your generous contribution to the community. Might use them in my sidescroller. Np at all man. I'm sure someone will get good use out of them if they r willing to make more stuff on their own. :P
  12. @Robin: > Did you bother trying it out before asking this question? If you would have tried it out, and if you'd read my previous explanation of the system, you'd know that the sprite can be any size you want both vertically _and_ horizontally as long as you have his feet firmly placed on the ground. > > I'm really struggling to understand how you're having problems with getting your head around this. This is a time I think I need to aplogize for my own stupidity. I'm a slightly vein person but I was over analyzing a situation and turned it into something much more than needed to be. I guess I doubted the engine to much or idk what. I just felt like the situation was more than it was and I was adding in factors that weren't there. Anywho thnx Robin, good lookin out.
  13. @Robin: > Unless you're going to be adding streams of piss going down his legs and on to the tile below him then there is absolutely no need to have 32 pixels of space between his feet and the ground. > > Please post an example of an item you are wanting to create which is somehow still visible even though it's going _through_ the ground. I know that, I realized that layer is useless but his head reaches the top of the 32x64\. So I wanted more room for his helmet. I know I have to delete the row below his feet but I wanted to know if the row above could remain or if it would mess stuff up.
  14. @Robin: > You're really overcomplicated a very, very simple system. > > You have a 32x32 square which is your hitbox. The character is then horizontally centralised on top of that with the bottom of the character on the same level as the bottom of the hitbox. > > This isn't a programming issue, this isn't a gameplay system, this is just you not thinking when you were creating your character sprites. Re-align your character sprite _properly_ and you'll be right as rain. But will that not leave me much room for paperdoll items? I know I'm making it more complicated than needs to be, But I want to have rang when it comes to customizable items and the size I can make the items. That really is the whole point of this mess.
  15. Okay maybe I should ref raise my question. What happens if I take off the bottom layer of 32x32\. So it looks like this.. X X X X O X X O X would that make it where the bottom of the sprite can walk next to the blocked tile again or would hte extra row on the top still cause problems. I used to have it like this on my old set.. XOXXOX XOXXOX …. ect ect.
  16. I feel like if ur gonna ask me a question and not even try to give me an answer why post anything at all? I already gave my reason and it involves paperdoll.
  17. @Frosty: > Why not have it read a sprite that's 48x70? I'm not sure if thats real advice or if your mocking me lol. Last time I asked this question I just had to find the answer out myself. Which is prob what I should of done in the 1st place. I was just looking for some surprising advice rather than me no little knowledge.
  18. leave more room for paperdolling.
  19. So I had a question a while back about the 32x64 char I was making. Now I have a new problem. I was making the character, went to test it out in game and noticed a big problem. The way I tiled it out I left a 32x32 around the guy in each direction (in order to leave room for items) and this is a problem because I can't walk down as far as I used to on block tiles and I am now walking on things a lot than I wouldnt have been before. So what do u recommend I do to fix this problem. My idea was to just take the 32x32 that is blew the sprite and that would fix the problem. But rather than do it 1st I'd rather just ask to get input from people who know the engine and have been around longer than me, in case this has ever come up with someone else before. so it looks like this. X = Blank 32x32 O = where the gfx for the sprite are X X X X O X X O X X X X see what I'm going for here? I think deleting the bottom row would fix this. If at all possible I want to keep thr XXX row above the head. Below idc about so much.
  20. All the items and sprite u see in this. Are pretty much in here. Plus quite a few more. A few unfinished items. Ect Ect. And a few u don't see in the video that I made since the video. Have at it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUo1vW9m9vw
  21. These are of no use to me anymore, feel free to use. Please if you use the sprites edit them (mainly the face) a bit so they don't look like mine and. I might make some new items like this just a little different in my game so if that bothers u I wouldn't use lol. :P [http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S0Z465VI](http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S0Z465VI)
  22. I feel like Ron Paul is the only guy who gets what I want.
  23. I'll play. Keepin it real in TN.
  24. ![](http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2209/female1.png) Here is what I think I might stick with. Opinion anyone? Other than the legs and broad sholders. :P
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