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Everything posted by GrimReaperReborn

  1. Very nice. Save me the trouble of copy and pasting. But maybe just backup files that have changed?
  2. I was planning to make my game fullscreen at, by default, 1024x768 with no plans of letting it change. (its a hassle) This would leave out the 800x600 crowd which I feel is a very small, dying minority anyway. If enough people use 800x600 maybe I'll just make that the default size.
  3. Although not completely sure, if he transfers parties, then only the door will be open for him because he did open it with the previous group. His new group will just have to unlock the new door as well.
  4. Factions are nice but a pain to do. Might be better to make guild vs guild the mainstay.
  5. I thought he wanted each item in separate folders not grouped up in different folders. My bad. Now it makes sense.
  6. Break into their house. Or bring cheesecake, whatever it takes to get invited in. Find out what kind of router their using. Follow the tutorial to portforward it at portforward.com. Hopefully they still have the default password. Most people will.
  7. Find the loop that goes through the items and change the directory to have the current number as a folder instead and end with "\item.bmp" or something. I'd show you the code but I'm not on my desktop.
  8. Good to hear. I would have gone nuts and the thought of having to do that myself. Thanks Robins, for programming Eclipse.
  9. To do the party thing, just find instances of ``` Player(index).PlayerDoors(Door_num).state = ``` and make it check if the player is in a party, if so do the same for the rest of the group.
  10. Rather than posting on another topic, I thought it would be more appropriate here. Are NPCs, players, and tiles not on the screen rendered? If I remember correctly this was the problem for older versions of Eclipse with scrolling maps.
  11. Separating bosses into special instanced rooms would allow players to just bypass all the mobs outside and grind on boss xp and loot. So making it fully instanced is probably the best choice.
  12. Server side: > In **modTypes**, in the type SpellRec, below the: > ``` > StunDuration As Long > > ```Add: > ``` > BuffType As Byte > BuffDur As Long > > ``` So change your server side one to: ``` Private Type SpellRec Name As String * NAME_LENGTH Desc As String * 255 Sound As String * NAME_LENGTH Type As Byte MPCost As Long LevelReq As Long AccessReq As Long ClassReq As Long CastTime As Long CDTime As Long Icon As Long Map As Long x As Long y As Long Dir As Byte Vital As Long Duration As Long Interval As Long Range As Byte IsAoE As Boolean AoE As Long CastAnim As Long SpellAnim As Long StunDuration As Long BuffType As Byte BuffDur As Long Sprite As Long End Type ```
  13. Is it possible to play multiple sounds (.wav) at the same time? And is it possible to create a gapless loop with the PlaySound function?
  14. I was wondering your thoughts on this matter were. Instancing allows dungeons to not be overcrowded and prevent fighting over a boss etc. Not instancing, I believe, gives it a better feel. I'm leaning towards instancing. What do you think? Also what are your thoughts on factions? It does split your already small player-base in half but it definitely adds a ton of stuff to do. >! How the hell do I set up a poll, God dammit?
  15. Nick? Well to display an image check out the blt function like BltBlood and study it.
  16. Its a very dumb way of doing it. Basically you place the hotbar into a separate form and I think this fades that form. You'll have to change all the code the refers to the hotbars. I recommend against this.
  17. GrimReaperReborn

    Right click

    In frmMain, find Private Sub picScreen_MouseDown Find this: ``` If InMapEditor Then Call MapEditorMouseDown(Button, x, y, False) Else ' left click If Button = vbLeftButton Then ' targetting Call PlayerSearch(CurX, CurY) ' right click ElseIf Button = vbRightButton Then If ShiftDown Then ' admin warp if we're pressing shift and right clicking If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) >= 2 Then AdminWarp CurX, CurY End If End If End If ``` Replace it with: ``` If InMapEditor Then Call MapEditorMouseDown(Button, x, y, False) Else ' left click If Button = vbLeftButton Then ' targetting Call PlayerSearch(CurX, CurY) ' right click ElseIf Button = vbRightButton Then If ShiftDown Then ' admin warp if we're pressing shift and right clicking If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) >= 2 Then AdminWarp CurX, CurY Else ' this is where your code goes ' first search if a player is here (ask server) ' server will confirm and tell the client to open up the menu with target index ' once an option is clicked, client sends option with target index ' server check if legal and gives go ahead ' your going to have to make a picturebox with option on frmMain End If End If End If ``` Place your code where I inserted my comments. Good luck. Read up on packets. I think this might be a good one: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,69393.msg746513.html
  18. Make sure you are either running everything on VB6 or have compiled the new exes.
  19. GrimReaperReborn

    Ping error

    http://portforward.com/ Find your router. Follow instructions. And what Rithy said. Some routers are just gay and don't let you do this stuff.
  20. Go back to a version before your WASD movement was added. Test it to make sure it wasn't the WASD that broke it. Add your code one at a time and test each time. See if it triggers the error. I hope you backed up your source before making changes.
  21. I just checked it actually. To do 1000000 loops, ^.5 took 203ms and Sqr took 47ms. (Average) I blame you. lmao.
  22. Thanks for the reply. I was about to ask another question about 5 but I realized the problem was that MapNpcNum was a byte. Problem solved. I think. I'll try to get over my laziness and run speed tests on question number 3\. I'm just speed OCD like that. EDIT: Just ran a speed check between ^.5 and Sqr(). Sqr() is 4x faster. Mystery solved.
  23. @Erwin: > Why do you want an outdated version? Because I don't want some of the newer features like separate algorithms for each class. Doesn't matter now though, I guess I'll just have to take it out myself.
  24. Without advertising your own games, what Eclipse ORPGs do you play and what do you like about it? Personally I play CrystalShire. It's got such a professional feel and it just looks great.
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