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Everything posted by iSKweek

  1. iSKweek

    [EO] Npc Problem.

    If you have EO it will be much easier to help you :P Run the client and server through VB6, when it errors tell us exactly what it says in the IDE.
  2. modText - subs DrawPlayerName and DrawNpcName - if you are talking about the part that draws them on the map that is.
  3. iSKweek

    [EO] Npc Problem.

    Sorry, calm down. We can never be sure unless you specifically state that. Anyway, try downloading a fresh copy of EO and add your maps and NPCs one by one (running the game and server after adding each one) until it stops working. Then you can figure out which map/NPC is causing this problem.
  4. That wasn't the main question here. But yes, that is true.
  5. That's ok, it takes a bit to learn how everything works :)
  6. iSKweek


    Can he see you?
  7. You just walk away from the spot you put your bank and it goes away.
  8. @Devo: > probably havent forwarded the port either. That has nothing to do with the problemā€¦
  9. You need to keep your client as localhost, only change the IP for clients you give to other people :)
  10. iSKweek


    Look for``` ' ******************************************** ' Default starting location [Server Only] Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1 Public Const START_X As Long = 5 Public Const START_Y As Long = 5 ```in modConstants (server side) and change the values to what you want.
  11. iSKweek

    Happy Pi Day.

    @William: > I actually ate some yummy yummy pie today at my grandmother's. I didn't even know it was Pi day. I'm sure glad the coincidence happened ;). Coincidence, or fate? *dramatic background music*
  12. I honestly don't know what it means. It is unlockable which means it isn't going to damage anything, but leave it locked if you aren't sure.
  13. iSKweek

    Every time.

    I get that a lot :P Hooray for keeping a slightly pointless topic alive with off topic chat?
  14. Sorry I was kinda rude before lol, I was having a bad day and was in a hurry when I read it. Basically when you send packets to the server or to the client you need to use writelong, writestring etc. You use ReadLong, ReadString etc when you are receiving a packet. If you let me know exactly what the packet is supposed to do I will help you write it out as an apology for being rude.
  15. iSKweek

    Happy Pi Day.

    I celebrated it last year but I was working this year so I couldn't :(
  16. It isn't a person. Read my packet tutorial, I need to go to work.
  17. Then your code makes no sense. ``` For i = 1 To MAX_CRAFTING_RECIPES RecipeName = buffer.ReadString frmCrafting.lstRecipes.AddItem RecipeName Next i ``` ^ this shouldn't be there if you are sending information to the server.
  18. As far as I know CPS is Characters Per Second, which has to do with how fast data is processed or something. Google it?
  19. It should work. Richy hasn't changed the way maps are handled as far as I know. What is the difference between blank and not at all anyway?
  20. @Soul: > To be blunt, the people here complaining don't make any good games (well, finished good games.) If we find a good game, we put it up. It's as simple as there's no other good games out. WN isn't even close to be finished :P I must admit it looks good though. And I am fairly sure Robin will do great stuff with it.
  21. iSKweek

    [EO] Npc Problem.

    I keep overestimating peopleā€¦ Have you put it as a shopkeeper?
  22. Ok maybe it wasn't as complicated as I was making it seem then. Lol.
  23. @Drakiac: > Go to config.ini in your client folder and set debug = 1 That doesn't fix errors, just skips the code that caused it :P @Mr.: > But dude clean your desktop xD ^ This :P Back on topic. Is this a fresh copy of EO or have you edited it? EDIT: I think that error has to do with your sound card or something. Which means it is way out of my league. Sorry.
  24. @Sekaru: > Tbh, any game could put some cows down and say "go kill these". It's just that it's made by Robin, thats why people play it. Unfortunately this is true, haha.
  25. iSKweek

    Character GIF

    I guess, I wouldn't have a clue how to do that though so I can't help you with that.
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