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  1. Guys i have error ``` Private Sub SSTab1_Click(PreviousTab As Integer) Dim strload As String Dim i As Long Dim TotalCount As Long If frmServer.SSTab1.Tab = 3 Then frmServer.lstaccounts.Clear strload = Dir(App.path & "\data\accounts\" & "*.bin") i = 1 Do While strload > vbNullString frmServer.lstaccounts.AddItem Mid(strload, 1, Len(strload) - 4) strload = Dir i = i + 1 Loop TotalCount = (i - 1) With frmServer .TextName.Text = vbNullString .TextPass.Text = vbNullString .TextCount.Text = Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") .ChkMember.Value = 0 .lblAcctCount.Caption = "" & TotalCount End With End If End Sub ``` on .Clear and .AddItem Metod or data member not found Help please!
  2. Kemerd, It work! But chat be only white, somebody can helo with it?
  3. Still have problem with chat: I replaced the fonts, everything works fine. But here's the problem with chat. If you enter a message from a client that are entered incorrectly characters (I need Cyrillic). ![](http://i.imgur.com/QwY3xdw.jpg) However, the message from the server is displayed correctly: ![](http://i.imgur.com/ks3943s.jpg) I tried to change this(): > ' Set font > > 'Call SetFont(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE) > frmMain.Font = "Verdana" > frmMain.FontSize = 10 But nothing to work(((
  4. hmm i have same error tsl8. Not correct charcters on chat, i place my dat and png, but nothing work Sombody can help?
  5. [rafixd](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/user/62669-rafixd/), thx
  6. Guys, what kind of program is needed to edit the client?
  7. Did everything I could. None of this helps (((
  8. I use Paint.net maybe because of it? Zex can you make cyrillic font?
  9. Again =_= ![](http://s05.radikal.ru/i178/1301/b3/729900947b01.jpg) and ![](http://s017.radikal.ru/i421/1301/2e/96cff0026f93.jpg)
  10. Hmm, look^ ![](http://s018.radikal.ru/i507/1301/eb/bcb024236e85.jpg) MOTD seems to be working. But if you write it out in chat doodle
  11. Zex I would try to ER, but they are not available libraries. Link is unavailable(((
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