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Everything posted by shado360

  1. Thanks :) And yea, but I wanna make my own tut >:]
  2. Hi there! I'm Païn and this is my first tutorial, so please don't be critical and say things like "This is soo easy, why even post this….", because I know it is, I just wanted to start contributing. :) Anyways, lets get started! First, open up your vbProject, and goto frmMain Once there, ctrl+f for "Insert" ``` Case vbKeyInsert If Player(MyIndex).Access > 0 Then frmAdmin.Visible = Not frmAdmin.Visible End If ```After this "End If" ^, press enter, and type: ``` Case vbKeyI picInventory.Visible = Not picInventory.Visible picParty.Visible = False picCharacter.Visible = False picSpells.Visible = False picOptions.Visible = False End If ``` This will make it so when a player presses the "I" key, the inventory opens, and when pressed again, it closes. To make it so it doesn't close when pressed again, just replace this: ``` picInventory.Visible = Not picInventory.Visible ```With this: ``` picInventory.Visible = True ``` Now, you can just edit that code to your liking, and add as many hotkeys as you want. :) For example, copy the above code, and after the 'End If' paste it, then change the 'vbKeyI' to 'vbKeyS' and then change: ``` picSpells.Visible = False `````` picInventory.Visible = True ``` To: ``` picSpells.Visible = True `````` picInventory.Visible = False ``` And this will open up the spells window! Next Tutorial: Press enter to speak! Any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Regards, Païn
  3. @Mikekan13: > Seems like a **pain** in the arse. Hehe, that's my name >:D. And, Crystalshire has a pretty constant frame rate, and I'm pretty sure Robin is doing it in D3D, but I could be wrong… :P
  4. shado360


    On the [Origins download page](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,57637.0.html).
  5. You still have two fours up there O.o
  6. That's what I said O.o And yes, that's the best way (Actually I edited it right b4 u posted that xD)
  7. Well, this is how: Ctr F for this: ``` Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) ``` Change to this: ``` Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & ("(" & GetPlayerLevel(Index)) & ")" ``` Done! Edit: This will show as this: Name(Level)
  8. The first pixel in the top left hand corner needs to be pink.
  9. Voted for: "None of these: make it more pretty!" Reason: Although I think you should be coding features, you already have a ton of great features for a pre-alpha stage. Therefore, I would like you to focus on graphics! >:] Regards, Païn
  10. @TianaJRP: > fail… that not even the problem. What…? You asked for the hotbar fix, he gave you the hotbar fix.
  11. I'd like to know,… Did you really start off with Eclipse and build off of it?
  12. How would one go about doing that, may I ask? ;)
  13. Wait, so your up for hire to join someone's team? If so, I'd like you to join my team. My game is called Vadimas, and you can go to the WIP by clicking on my signature. Thanks, Païn –-EDIT--- Going to school now. Please PM if you decide to join my team. Thanks ;)
  14. @Mystical_Rage: > :O What version of EO does this work on? Does it work for 2.0 Beta? Yes, it does. Alatar, I love you xD, this is the best quest system ever! Many thanks, Païn
  15. I say this deserves a sticky! Anyone else feel the same?
  16. http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=flash+runtimes
  17. [Hamachi](http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=hamachi&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=71a4fa0fe339f87d)
  18. Could I have a website please? Website purpose: My game, Vadimas, click my sig for info on it. Width: Fixed width (I guess..?) Colour scheme: More like a picture scheme, I want it like an ancient scroll type thing where all content will be, text, videos, ect. Columns: Single Column. Horizontal/Vertical Navigation: Horizontal, like this website's navigation. Sections: Header, Navigation, Content, Footer, Thanks so much, Païn
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