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Everything posted by Kemerd

  1. Yes. Hair tinting. YES *Laughs maniacally.*
  2. It's based off of stock EO 3.0\. Also, I forgot to remove v1(I wasn't supposed to release that)! Also, This is going to be updated quickly with v3, which I'm gonna try to pack in a bunch of features and see if I can improve the engine at all. After that, I'm going to start rewriting the GUI.
  3. Nice tutorial! Thanks for converting it over for me! (I was just about to finish!) Saves me a lot of time!
  4. But doesn't it only update for _that_ client?
  5. It only updates for _that_ client though, right?
  6. **Eclipse Saikou** **A custom version** Well, hi there, and my name is Kemerd! This is just a little custom version I've whipped up. The goal of this custom version is to make a better, (hopefully) bug-free version of Eclipse Nightly. Enjoy! NOTE: IF you're going to use this, wait till v3 **Features** >! Unrealesed = It's works on the newer version, but that version hasn't been released. >! Brand New GUI >! Movable Admin Panel >! All Eclispe Nightly Features >! Gathering Skill System (With GUI addons,) >! New Main Menu >! Guild System with Visual Menu! >! Projectile System with Ammo (No CPU Drop!) >! Random Tile Placement (Unreleased) >! Screenshots (Unreleased) >! Shadows (Unreleased) >! Semi-Transparent Trees (Unreleased) >! Spell Scaling (Unreleased, Also, Set the vitals low when making a spell orginally) >! Real Defense (Unreleased) >! Projectile Scaling (Unreleased, Based on Agility.) >! Event System (Countless Possibilties, Including Doors, quests, and much more!) >! Skills Menu (Chopping, Mining, ETC) (Unreleased) >! Movable GUI (Unreleased) >! Customizable Character (Unreleased) (With colorable hair for unique players.) >! Server Sided Player Editor (Unreleased) **Bug Fixes** >! Fixed picCurrency Bug (Unreleased) >! Fixed Eventlogic Bug (Unreleased) >! Fixed EventSystem Multiply Activating Bug (Unreleased) >! Fixed EventSystem Takeitem Bug (Unreleased) >! Fixed TakeItem Bugfix (Unreleased) >! Fixed Healing Spell Bug (Unreleased) >! Fixed Projectile Drop **Planned Features** >! Transparent, Totally Recoded GUI System >! More Bug Fixes >! Crafting, Smithing, Fletching, Cooking(etc) System >! Weapon Proficiencies >! WASD Movement >! NPC Spells >! Hard-Coded Event Quest System >! Weapon Proffesions **Screenshots** >! [http://img805.images…/screenie2c.png](http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/2585/screenie2c.png) >! [http://img542.images…/screenie1i.png](http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/3215/screenie1i.png) >! ![](http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/2585/screenie2c.png) >! ![](http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/3215/screenie1i.png) **Downloads** >! _Version 0.2 [http://www.mediafire…99wdhs3d3m6hoxd](http://www.mediafire.com/?99wdhs3d3m6hoxd)_ **Changelog** >! _v0.0 –-> v0.1_ >! Made all of the GUI! >! _v0.1 –-> v0.2_ >! Added Guilds and Guild Menu (Deathbeam and Scott) >! Made a new Main Menu (Me) >! Added New GUI Aspects (Me) >! Added Projectile System (Whack and Wobbit) >! Added Gathering System (Mathew) >! Fixed Projectile CPU bug (Exxsamuari) >! v0.2 –-> v0.3 (Unreleased) >! Added Random Tile Placement >! Added Movable Admin Panel >! Fixed picCurrency Bug (Sekaru) >! Fixed Eventlogic Bug (Whack) >! Fixed EventSystem Multiply Activating Bug (Mortal Angels) >! Fixed EventSystem Takeitem Bug (Ertzel) >! Fixed TakeItem Bugfix (Also Ertzel) >! Fixed Healing Spell Bug (escfoe2) >! Added Screenshots (Ertzel) >! Added Shadows (Godward) >! Added Semi-Transparent Trees >! Added Semi-Transparent Tree OPTION in Options (Turn on or off) >! Added Real Defense >! Added Spell Scaling >! Added Projectile Scaling (Based on Agility) >! Added Skills (Mining, Chopping, ETC) Menu >! Added Character Customization for EO 3.0 >! Added Server Sided Player Editor
  7. Well, there's a problem. It's not working. :/ I'll fix it. Gimme a second. Thanks though. EDIT: Fixed!
  8. Special thanks to **[XerShade](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/user/79661-xershade/)** for helping me fix a problem. Well, this is just a simple little tutorial for making your level display on a label, onto your gui, for whatever reason you'd want it to, WHERE you want it to. It's simple, really. Just make two labels. Make the first one's name, whatever your want. It doesn't mater. Just make the text: ``` Level: ``` Then, create another label, name it labellevel and make it's caption: ``` 0 ``` In modDatabase, search for: ``` SetPlayerLevel ``` and under: ``` If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub Player(Index).Level = Level ``` place: ``` frmMain.labellevel.Caption = Player(MyIndex).Level ``` There! You're done! You can also use this for any other things that have levels and such. I used this for the Gathering Skills System, and it turned out quite good. Instead I went to the SetPlayerMiningXP, SetPlayerFishingXP, SetplayerWoodcuttingXP, and added a label.caption = Player(MyIndex).WoodcuttingXP. Don't try to place these anywhere else, or it will not work.
  9. Really good tutorial! Works wonderfully on Eclipse Nightly!
  10. Kemerd

    Levels and Labels

    Thanks! Worked like a charm! ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)
  11. I was going to convert this. (I converted it Reborn, then scrapped it, because I decided to use a different engine. But I could have easily converted the reborn version to 3.0), but since it already is…
  12. Kemerd

    Levels and Labels

    Well, I'm using THIS: [http://www.touchofde…g-skill-system/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/130056-eo-gathering-skill-system/) On eclispe nightly, and I'm trying to get the levels of those experience points (and the level of the normal things) onto a labels. ``` 'levels woodcuttingjunk.Caption = Player(Index).WoodcuttingXP miningjunk.Caption = Player(Index).MiningXP fishingjunk.Caption = Player(Index).FishingXP labellevel.Caption = Player(Index).Level ``` And it's telling me the Player(Index).WoodcuttingXP, etc, are not defined (something like that), same with the level (normal level of the normal game), do I need to somehow declare the levels and experience points public? Thanks in advance.
  13. Really nice tutorial, I'll add this to my project, with a level system with resource level requirments. Thanks!
  14. Would any of this work for EO 3.0?
  15. Not acting like a picturebox, just so everything would be right when I load everything inside of it… like the inventory slots.
  16. No, what I'm saying NOW, (in my last post), that if I'm rendering the GUI (as a .png) could I somehow make the name of the now new rendered GUI to picInventory, etc. So I wouldn't have to modify all the other things everywhere.
  17. When I render, could I dim the name of the thing I'm rendering picInventory. Example: Let's say I'm rendering the Inventory. Could I make the name of that new inventory named "picInventory" so I wouldn't have to mess with the other stuff?
  18. So I couldn't make the whole form of the pictureboxes transparent?
  19. I am still talking about rendering, but could I render them inside a picturebox? Without having to do all that treacherous renaming of death?
  20. I'm not trying to re-render everything as a .png, or render the pictureboxes all over again. I'm still trying to use .jpeg, but make them semi-transparent using the Dx8 engine. There still would be some rendering and such, but how would I go about doing that?
  21. This is stock EO 3.0. Hello there, and it's me, Kemerd! With yet another question. (Yes, yes. Another one.) I've been wondering… How would I go about making my GUI and other things transparent? Here's a look at what I'm looking to make transparent. >! ![](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9651/finishedgui.png) I'm trying to make the .jpeg files transparent. Meaning, that I'd rather not render the WHOLE system over,(meaning the positioning and rendering the actual .png file, and since everything is already connected to the picturebox, there would be almost a total rewrite) just actually load the .jpeg files, and then make them at, let's say 50% transparency. (I'm going to probably loading a picture behind those two pictureboxes so that's not really the problem.) Also, can I make chat semi-transparent, maybe loading another .jpeg as the backround and making that semi-transparent? Or could I make the backcolor semi-transparent? Thanks, again. ~Kemerd
  22. Kemerd

    PicScreen Resizing

    Yea, and how do I lock, err, topics, that is. Thanks for all your help.
  23. Kemerd

    PicScreen Resizing

    Thanks. Oh, and I'm not stupid, I just accidentily had my server project open instead of my client. XD Ok, maybe I am stupid. Thanks again, though.
  24. Kemerd

    PicScreen Resizing

    Where is that? Thanks.
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