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Everything posted by Gohan

  1. Zoids! ;D … Zoid sprites really ought to be 64x64 Make a Liger Zero Schneider D:
  2. Gohan

    Spells in PVP

    This thread is haunted O.o Last night all the posts above me disappeared so I posted and now my posts are gone and these posts are back O_____o And to answer your question Drako, no you can't.
  3. @Rathalos888: > Well this sucks :(. I learned in the shoutbox that ES 1.0 files aren't compatible with ES 1.3\. Great. Guess I'm sticking with 10 players max then. Or switch to 1.3 because some of your issues are solved in 1.3
  4. @westin444: > Heres a messy way that auto-adjusts: > Open frmNewChar > Find Form Load for that form > paste this at the bottom: > ``` > ' Set the size of the scrolling bars > HScroll1.Max = Int(LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Heads.bmp").Height / 26.453125 / 64) > HScroll2.Max = Int(LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Bodys.bmp").Height / 26.453125 / 64) > HScroll3.Max = Int(LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GFX\Legs.bmp").Height / 26.453125 / 64) > > ``` Will that work with 32x32 sprites.
  5. Open frmNewChar and click on the scroll bars. Scroll down to Max on the properties and change the number.
  6. hmm… O.o Well I have some time to kill I'll look at it.
  7. Sad to see you leave even though I never knew you. Hope you come back someday.
  8. @Soul: > 1\. Make sure that you are searching in the whole project, not just Current module. > 2\. Make sure it is not in the other source (I.e., trying to find something in the client source when it is in the server's). Already did both of those before I posted. The message does not exist in client or server, and when i searched for commands related to this little bug I didn't find the problem.
  9. Okay this is very weird. Attacks get blocked in ES when you stand south of your target. It gives you a player message "You cannot attack (insert name here)" Now this bug should be easy to find in the source code but this is the weird part. When I searched for "You cannot attack" it does not exist :huh: :O I am very confused. If you don't understand what the bug is please watch this short video, and switch it to 480p cuz the quality is kinda bad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQexjbo5-i4 This bug is in the latest version of ES please help.
  10. You can buy a download for vb6 lol this will help a lot of newbies
  11. @Robin: > Delete system32. haha XD
  12. I regret to inform you my soul has already been sold. Out of stock.
  13. This has piqued my curiosity. However should this game get popular, I smell legal trouble.
  14. @Zonova: > Ive never heard of a microscopic animal O_o. But scientists predict that everything started as a algae type thing. There are two types of cells. Animal cells and plant cells. For example, an amoeba is a single celled organism, it's cell type is an animal cell. It's basic life science from the 6th grade.
  15. @Zonova: > Well, and this is goign by evolution, the chicken egg wouldnt have just popped up. It wouldnt be like everything is microscopic plants, and then an egg shows up. the microscopic plan would have adapted to become an egg laying thing. and then the egg laying thing would have branched off to a birdlike thing, and everything else that lays eggs. and then so on. I think an example would be like a friend or brother or relative you see Very often. like everyday. you wont notice them changing. Same with evolution. it doesnt happen fast enough for anyone to really notice a significant change. > > I have no idea what string theory has to do with it… thats with the universe... not chickens... > > Of course there is a supreme being. But there was Nothing Before the supreme being, or nothing that made the supreme being. thats the whole point. But nothing is a human term determined by our senses. Microscopic plant =/= Microscopic animal
  16. @mezo: > Ok > but where to found it ?? > > on Eclipse Source Code Forum ? Yeah I think. I'm not entirely sure, you'll just have to search.
  17. @actualgaming: > How can I make some NPCs stop wondering around? You can place NPC avoid tiles surrounding the NPC's spawn location, or you can script them to not move.
  18. Source edits. Someone did release a turn based battle system awhile back. You'll have to find it.
  19. Source code Client side. Open frmMirage and click the chat box, scroll down in the properties until you find Font, and change it. You should also do this where you type in messages for chat.
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