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Everything posted by Toranos

  1. Wow. Socuine gets my vote hands down.. Godly colors and effects, amazing.
  2. Interesting concept, I'll be keeping my eye on this ;) It would do this topic well to add a little bit more information.
  3. @NnsNightshade: > What a solid game plan. I see all of the elements here needed to make an exceptional game, from story to gameplay to graphicks. > Supported. Oh my, thank you! For someone of your graphical superiority, this is truly a compliment. Cheers heh. @Robin: > This is probably the only game on here I would actually personally play. The graphics are solid, the writing quality and the engine has a decent programmer. Looking forward to seeing more progress. Keep us updated on what's going on and try not to get too hung up on details - get a release out fast and then build on it from there. Thanks, but I know the secret here ;). But a good suggestion, we will just have utter basics once we release some form of alpha testing.
  4. Toranos

    My creations

    @sunku: > First mister flame suit man **i dont use visual basic**.Second I was going to replace them with my creations. You don't, but the community you are trying to offer these to do.
  5. @Gimulex: > This is the most racist title I have seen in my entire 12-year old life. Wow, and in your 12 years of living, you haven't come to realize that they are just two colors. Pokemon Yellow must be pretty racist too then. ONTOPIC = Played the Japanese version awhile ago, but I think I might play the eng version asap. Although, I'm nostalgic for the old full 2D-ness of Pokemon games, the mix between 3D tiles and 2D sprites irks me a little.
  6. @LegendWeaver: > Not really, was to help us improve. Oh alright. Well, can't wait to see your guys next 'battle'. GL both! :P
  7. @Chief: > I might have to participate, but not today. hanging out with friends on spring break! Maybe when I get home late tonight? Lolwat, it was a contest between the two to see who is superior.
  8. Lol. I was just being stupid. I know just as much as anyone when it will be released, and i'm project lead. e_e That's sad.
  9. In respect of design, I think Socuine's tops it off. The rustic look works well with the genre, just as much as Legend's wooden piece. The lighting source also works well to make the text look intended. I must say I like Socuine's more. Yeah, Legends hits the genre a bit more, but it seems more like a shop sign, rather than the feel that Socuine's has, created by the dark colors. Also the bullet holes and cowboy are a nice touch.
  10. @Neno: > i wanna play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When will it be released?!!?!? ;]
  11. Toranos

    My creations

    Would have looked nicer if you had just changed the hue. It looks like you used fill.. Plus jpg, read like, every graphic tutorial in existence, most tell you to use jpg for photos, nothing else, at all.
  12. Yeah I agree, good work on them Socuine. :sad:
  13. Or Captain Wabbit can confirm it. Lol thanks buddy.
  14. @Azyru: > Wow, this looks extremely impressive. I love the pixel art, the graphics and everything!!! Keep it up! > > EDIT: Mr. Sean the site isn't up but it still looks very nice. Keep it up! (I can see the layout, etc…) Thanks Azyru. [Here's a link to our forums](http://www.ambershire.net/forum/index.php), if you are looking for more information, at the moment Socuine and Sean are working on the site, experimenting and the such, so the navbar is blank. @MrMiguu: > What graphical library are you using for your game (DirectX, OpenGL, other)? Mellowz will need to confirm this, so take my words lightly, but I believe it is DirectX.
  15. Oh, we are. I only used EO to put the NPC and myself into the image. The engine is still in development see. :P
  16. > ..as Mellowz has joined our team, to use his in-development C# engine.. Nope :) Also, anyone who is wearing our support signature will need to change it in their signature ``` [url][img]http://www.ambershire.net/user/toranos/titles/support_sig.png[/img][/url] ``` As our WIP thread has moved, and also the FTP was changed, so you can't see the old link. Thanks :) (Damn, Socuine got it before me)
  17. Socks, you need to adjust your logo example links to our ftp changes. :o
  18. Thanks AmSamurai :) Alright, requesting that this thread be moved to the Non-Eclipse Projects section, as **Mellowz** has joined our team, to use his in-development C# engine. We'll keep you all updated.
  19. @MrMiguu: > Looks like a crystal sword. Very cool. Not a pseudo-sword. Oh, good point actually, i'll state that. Thanks :)
  20. Toranos

    Tiles WIP

    @Dream: > Oh ok then im sorry.And I dont use the same textures for evry new tile (water,grass,dirt etc..) **I spray it whit the spry tool in paint**.And I will fix or remake the palm tree I just puted it there so it doesnt look empty I still dident made trees and atter stuff.Also I readed alot of tutorials about shading and hue shifting or what ever it was xD and now I hope to improve. I just blew chunks. These tiles are all different. Your water.. border.. things, have contrast, where the grass is two light colors. The cliffs and stones are alright, but pixel the grass yourself. Don't use the spray tool, I beg you. Make it look like strands of grass, then put a darker color in as shading. Create contrast. Also with your water, you may want to put in a bluer version of your cliff into the top tiles, so that it follows the same perspective.
  21. @Vitin: > TORANOS YOU WILL STOP BEING SO DUCKING GOOD NOW!!! > > > Nice tutorial ;D It's a curse I have to live with.. kidding :x
  22. Alright, fixed the outcome a bit. I can make a tutorial for those Amanny, but there's a huge range of different looks. But i'll show some different styles.
  23. Alright. Someone requested a while ago that I make a Sword Tutorial, so I've decided to make tutorials for the people that need them. Requests will be acknowledged, and I will do ones I think will globally aid people who actually want to learn pixel art. PS, I'll jazz this thread up later. Too tired atm. Anyway, all that crap aside, on with the actual tutorial. **Beware, it's huge**. I couldn't care less if you get the tl;dr feeling, even going through the images you can probably learn a smidgen. Post what you've made, I'd love to see! :D Crystal Sword Tutorial ![](http://www.ambershire.net/user/toranos/tutorials/8b.png) >! ![](http://www.ambershire.net/user/toranos/tutorials/SwordsTutorial.png) [Grass, Water, Sand and Dirt Tutorial] Hope it helps someone.
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