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Everything posted by DFA

  1. a bltToDC would do it. with Eclipse's current set up, not too easy to do. if it was properly set up, 1 line of code would do it you're gonna have to learn some directDraw..or some of the GDI functions
  2. are the majority of EE2.7 games using 2-frame walk anim sprites or 3?
  3. I'm doing a few modifications on EE2.7 to improve a few things I noticed many EE2.7 games use sprites that were designed for 3-frame walking animations yet they only show 2 here is a video I recorded to show what it looks like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd2dXOJwfxs Do you think this would be a good addition to EE2.7?
  4. ah, its cool. no need to get a computer that NASA astronauts use to file taxes, just to browse the web and check email
  5. my geforce 6600 (one of the high end ones) overclocked to the max can run this game at about 20FPS with a high resolution and low settings its not too bad [Dragon Age: Origins](http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5145068/Dragon_Age_Origins-SKIDROW%28No_Rars%29) - Download
  6. DFA

    Videos of my work

    thanks for the comments :cheesy: yes, the recording is choppy because of my poor computer =( website graphics w00twoot lol
  7. DFA

    Viewing Background

    you need to figure out how the EE2.7 GUI and the stable GUIs are put together, then you can work on moving 1 thing at a time. It should be relatively easy, just learn how to work the VB6 IDE
  8. DFA

    Source Editing Help

    theres no scrolling code in MS4, what he ment was MR
  9. theres no easy way to do this. you need to get a copy of Visual Basic 6 and open up the project. You can use either a loop or a timer (go with a loop) to draw the sprite walking it requires knowledge of either directdraw or GDI rendering.
  10. DFA

    A web host

    you'd have to find a nice webhoster to do it for free..or pay for a dedicated server these games were intended to be run from your computer at home
  11. thats wat you said about MS4
  12. ok updated the first post of the thread multi-login is allowed Tiggilyboo's quad instance FPS test http://echostorms.net/Mirage/quadFPS.png if u want to see more FPS test results, just ask and can show more screens
  13. I will use this thread to provide suggestions for improvement here are just a few of the basics Client - Consider reducing the amount of forms - Move DirectX initialization to sub Main (load in background so user doesn't have to wait) - Removed all graphics over 10KB from forms, use code to load graphics from external files (bmp) This will reduce compile time, and reduce the size of the exe. - in modConstants add data types to all variables, variants are big and slow - Doesn't need to be an array, takes up way too much memory. Public Map() As MapRec Public TempTile() As TempTileRec - Remove module RegUnregActiveX, replace with external program, such as Eclipse Library Installer (which should handle the registering) - In Public Sub DrawText, add data types to X and Y, avoid using variants anywhere unless specifically needed - Remove error handling in sub FileExists, and correct it so errors couldn't occcur. - Remove module modSCapture, would result in less memory usage, and faster compile time. Too much code for such a small feature, windows supports screenshotting using button - Alter code to use variables instead of constantly accessing hard drive, for example, the PlaySound sub contains If ReadINI("CONFIG", "Music", App.Path & "\config.ini") Every time a sound is played, it accesses the user's hard drive to check the contents of config.ini. - Replace variant return string functions with their String return type versions (check references at bottom) - Search all code for variables without data types, such as variable nTwipsPerInch - String packets need to be converted to byte array packets - DirectDraw code needs major improvements i recommend using the byte array and DirectDraw rendering engine from Mirage Source 4. Mirage Source 4 provides many optimizations that can be implemented directly into Eclipse. I do not suggest using Mirage Source 4 for any purpose other than a code reference Server - Consider removing IOCP, it improves server performance, but the library isn't perfect and contains bugs. Newer versions of the DLL do not work. Winsock is fine for smallscale games. if CPU usage becomes a problem with winsock, IOCP may help. - Consider removing SadScripting, it impacts performance - Remove ALL timer controls and replace with a server loop. Timers use CPU, memory, and are inaccurate - Most of the client suggestions apply to the server as well. Basic optimizations - Implement short-circuit evaluation for example ``` If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) >= 0 And DirLeft Then DirLeft = False End If ``` can be altered to ``` If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) >= 0 Then If DirLeft Then DirLeft = False End If End If ``` But if both parts share a else statement, its generally acceptable to leave the statement without splitting it up ============================================================ Avoid comparing to True or False with if statements ``` If CanMove = True Then ``` can be altered to ``` If CanMove Then If Not CanMove Then ``` ======================================================== Use Select Case instead of a several If statements. Case statement can improve performance of poor use of if statements, otherwise, there is no performance increase. This will generally improve the readability of the code Empty String "" can be replaced with vbNullString avoid checking against empty strings if getPlayerName(Index) vbNullstring Then can be changed to… if LenB(getPlayeName(index) > 0 Then ========================================================= -For clear functions on both the client and the server, use the ZeroMemory function instead of setting everything to 0. Strings must be set to vbNullString though. - Use With statement for REC and other types Reference here are the return String versions of commonly used String functions with variant return type Chr to Chr$ ChrB to ChrB$ ChrW to ChrW$ Format to Format$ LCase to LCase$ Left to Left$ LTrim to LTrim$ LeftB to LeftB$ Mid to Mid$ MidB to MidB$ Right to Right$ RightB to RightB$ UCase to UCase$ ChrW$ is faster than Chr$ AscW is faster than Asc
  14. Robin learn2read that aint eclipse
  15. lol thats kinda funny, i would try to find an alternative solution ;D
  16. DFA

    [RTE] Stupid 9

    what Marsh said also. thanks for pointing that out setting a number too high can give you either an RTE6 or RTE9 based on how its used
  17. Here is a link I found for you that helps Vista users download and register the needed .DLL file http://www.mirage-realms.com/main/?page=vista_fixes reply if you need more help
  18. DFA

    Runtime Error 6

    the variable is a byte and you need at least an integer
  19. DFA

    [RTE] Stupid 9

    you have explain what version you are using, and provide more information. Using Eclipse Evolution 2.7 with the latest patch updates will eliminate most of your bugs
  20. yeah…actually i thought that it was a bit off..but i read it from one of those dragon age sites. and my bad on that, it is assassin from zervan, not dualist
  21. if everyone here is familiar with Silverdale, why doesn't it inspire them to produce games that…don't look like they were made by children. I checked out a few active games today, and for the most part, i was pretty disappointing. Silverdale runs on nearly the same thing as what Eclipse is.
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