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  1. I had been using EE 2.7 for a while, and was using a diagonal movement script. I decided to step it up one level, to **ES**. I won't use EO until it has custom. Anyway, I was wondering where this would go in the source of ES. In EE 2.7, it goes in modHandleData, under the IF statement Player movement packet. ``` ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' :: Player movement packet :: ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If (casestring = "playermove") Then I = Val(parse(1)) X = Val(parse(2)) y = Val(parse(3)) Dir = Val(parse(4)) n = Val(parse(5)) If Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_RIGHT Then Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerX(I, X) Call SetPlayerY(I, y) Call SetPlayerDir(I, Dir) Player(I).xOffset = 0 Player(I).yOffset = 0 Player(I).Moving = n ' Replaced with the one from TE. Select Case GetPlayerDir(I) Case DIR_UP Player(I).yOffset = PIC_Y Player(I).xOffset = PIC_X 'Moshu----- Case DIR_DOWN Player(I).yOffset = PIC_Y * -1 Player(I).xOffset = PIC_X * -1 'Moshu----- Case DIR_LEFT Player(I).xOffset = PIC_X Player(I).yOffset = PIC_Y 'Moshu----- Case DIR_RIGHT Player(I).xOffset = PIC_X * -1 Player(I).yOffset = PIC_Y * -1 'Moshu----- End Select Exit Sub End If ```
  2. When you lose £100 and try to spawn it again. When you get shouted at and try to ban your parents. When you get beaten up because you tried to press CTRL to hit. When you pick up a sword and say 'Wow! It's paperdoll' I could go on with the crap jokes all day. xD
  3. I've downloaded the beta, and it looks good. There is only one problem that I can see. When you walk diagonally, you can walk out of the map. I mean, you walk to the edges, using normal directions, all fine. If you use the arrow keys, and walk diagonally however, you end up walking out of view entirely, and off of the map. O_o
  4. Looking, and sounding awesome! Keep up the good work!
  5. By needing modifications for the sprites, I assume you mean so you ca walk diagonally. I have already got that. When you say I would need a mod for the tiles, I have absolutely no idea what you mean. You lie it out like any other tileset, and it just works that way… I've been doing that for Iso Tilesets for a whole now, and it works fine for me. As for 'something along the lines of Reiners' that could work, but I'm really more focused on mainly just getting ISO properly working. While this thread has been open, I've figured out most of it myself anyway. Thanks for the help.
  6. On eclipse stable, when custom character sprites (where on character creation, they piece together their own with hair, top and bottom. I want to add various different sections for the person, eg skin tone. I have the graphics for it all, and I have the know-how in VB. I'm just really not that good at finding things in amongst all the code.
  7. I'll probably do the skill levels, because even I could probably manage that. Though, the standings and profle page are going to show me some problems. Dx
  8. I know there are a tonne of skill systems out there, and their all pretty difficult to code. I was wondering, if it were possible to make a Puzzle Pirates style skill system, certain things in it earning the right to say, start a guild. If anyone could do this, or at least point me to the resources to do this, I would be grateful. (PS, by Puzzle Pirates skill system, there are several different parts to it; There is first the minigame that you play, or an event you complete. Depending on how well you do this, it gives you a standing, or a rating of skill If you repeat the minigame or whatever multiple times, it slowly gets up your experience I think that most of this should actually be pretty easily achieveable, other than the skill calculator required for standing. The skills show up on the pirates profile, which I'll do myself. The skills will need a variable of some sort, so I can call each skill up easily. P.S. Skills need only eight levels, and seven standings Something along the lines of: >! Experience: Beginner Apprentice Junior Teacher Master Grandmaster Celebrated Fabled >! Standing: Able Acceptable Good Skilled Brilliant Epic Perfect Legendary I guess the experience would just be the level, given a title, but the standing would be much more difficult to generate. It probably would be like, if they did it within a certain time, or something. May I also add that a standing can only go up one level at a time, so even if someone performed at legendary, if they had only just begun, and were able, they would only go up one standing, to Acceptable, and so on. Thanks in advance.
  9. Isometric graphics are 2D that have been drawn to look like their 3D. It **should** require no modification whatsoever. :huh:
  10. I just realised where I'd been going wrong… :P Anyway, I found a tileset, and have a new problem.
  11. Image is sorted. Stupid mistake… xD
  12. I'm currently working on an isometric game, and the characters don't look quite right when walking. I am using isometric sprites, so their all diagonal. This means that when I use them, they look kinda weird in game. Try them yourselves, you'll see what I mean. Has anyone got a pointer as to what I've done wrong? Thanks in advance. >! ![](http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/2581/spritesx.png)
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