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Everything posted by Slasheree

  1. taken from wikipedia > In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed. Algorithms exist that perform calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning. in this case > calculate which parts of your upside-down sprite touch the water tile answering your question "Would you really need an algorithm for this?" yes xP
  2. I'm selling it, so if you're interested pm me for more info
  3. I only did the algorithm for the right movement so you're right on the 'leaving to the left seeming blocky' XP, other than that it's all smooth I think
  4. you can use youtube's speed function, and see it in slow-mo before saying stuff like that lol
  5. made this for a challenge someone put me, hope you find it interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNOp2hcQmRc
  6. are you running in vb6 or .exe ?
  7. > Under > > ``` > > ' render the actual sprite > Call BltSprite(Sprite, x, y, recSprite) > > ``` > Add > > ``` > > Call BltHair(Hair, x, y, recHair) > ``` you sure you put this below the BltSprite ? : ``` Call BltHair(Hair, x, y, recHair) ```
  8. you gotta get rid of those white grid lines first
  9. maybe put the moves section under the EXP bar, and it's fairly easy to resize and center those party icons things :P
  10. with a little editing of sherwin's image: ![](http://s17.postimg.org/5ymiozdd7/adollar.png)
  11. don't know if you noticed (might have slipped), but I'll leave it here anyways: ![](http://s30.postimg.org/nqr9s63gh/blablabla.png)
  12. On Joyce's note, I noticed the game "window" has 794px height, if I'm not mistaken most laptops don't even have that much screen height, you should really consider editing the gui
  13. I'm actually curious, what was the need for the sync button ?
  14. If it was based off EverEmber, it will probably re-send either the NPCs or the Map Data
  15. This program was made by request of Sherwin ;) Basically this program will help you create your own font image (not the .png though) and that weird font.dat (that no one else understands) Features: - Lists all fonts available in your system, if you select one that doesn't work it will beep (because of some settings) - Allows you to change the font size, some fonts are too small other too big, so you can adjust that - Shows the base image to create the font.png (learn to use image editing tools :P *cough* Paint.NET *cough*) - Allows to edit the character's width so everything looks nice (basically all the info in the font.dat) Download Link: [https://mega.co.nz/#!mVI1nDyY!_DZtjaizx9zhQEqKpH3Htp1bhhT3m23bK9L0y9R8Q_Y](https://mega.co.nz/#!mVI1nDyY!_DZtjaizx9zhQEqKpH3Htp1bhhT3m23bK9L0y9R8Q_Y) Screenshot: >! ![](http://s1.postimg.org/qyezc5mnj/fontcreatorscreenie.png)
  16. Slasheree

    EO3 Multiple IP's?

    just wrote this from the top of my head, backup your project and try this: All client-side > Go to config.ini and add IP2=[2nd IP here] > > Add 'IP2 As String' to the bottom of OptionsRec in modTypes > > Add Options.IP2 = GetVar(filename, "Options", "IP2") to the bottom of Sub LoadOptions() > > Add Call PutVar(filename, "Options", "IP2", Options.IP2) to the bottom of Sub SaveOptions() > > change your ConnectToServer with this one: > > ``` > > Public Function ConnectToServer(Optional i As Long) As Boolean > Dim Wait As Long > > ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out > If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler > > ' Check to see if we are already connected, if so just exit > If IsConnected Then > ConnectToServer = True > Exit Function > End If > > Wait = GetTickCount > frmMain.Socket.Close > frmMain.Socket.Connect > > SetStatus "Connecting to server 1…" > > ' Wait until connected or 3 seconds have passed and report the server being down > Do While (Not IsConnected) And (GetTickCount DoEvents > Loop > > ConnectToServer = IsConnected > > If Not IsConnected then 'try second ip > Wait = GetTickCount > frmMain.Socket.Close > frmMain.Socket.IP = Options.IP2 > frmMain.Socket.Connect > > SetStatus "Connecting to server 2..." > > ' Wait until connected or 3 seconds have passed and report the server being down > Do While (Not IsConnected) And (GetTickCount DoEvents > Loop > > ConnectToServer = IsConnected > End If > > ' Error handler > Exit Function > errorhandler: > HandleError "ConnectToServer", "modClientTCP", err.number, err.Description, err.Source, err.HelpContext > err.Clear > Exit Function > End Function > ```
  17. as Sherwin said: > replace "Colour" to "Color" in > 'Evilbunnie's DrawChat system > Public Sub ReOrderChat(ByVal nText As String, nColor As Long) > Dim i As Integer > > For i = 19 To 1 Step -1 > Chat(i + 1).text = Chat(i).text > Chat(i + 1).Color = Chat(i).Color > Next > > Chat(1).text = nText > Chat(1).colour > = nColor > End Sub I'm only guessing this could be your error
  18. for anyone who comes across this thread and wants to know how it got done, here it is: (It's all done client-side) Step 1: Add a label in the picCharacter named "lblStatistics" Step 2: Client-side add these functions to the bottom of modGameLogic >! ``` >! Function GetPlayerDamage(ByVal index As Long) As Long If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function Dim weaponNum As Long GetPlayerDamage = 0 ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function End If If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Weapon) > 0 Then weaponNum = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Weapon) GetPlayerDamage = 0.085 * 5 * GetPlayerStat(index, Strength) * Item(weaponNum).Data2 + (GetPlayerLevel(index) / 5) Else GetPlayerDamage = 0.085 * 5 * GetPlayerStat(index, Strength) + (GetPlayerLevel(index) / 5) End If End Function >! Function GetPlayerBlockChance(ByVal index As Long) As Long Dim i As Long Dim n As Long If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerBlockChance = 0 If GetPlayerEquipment(index, shield) > 0 Then i = (GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.Endurance) \ 2) + (GetPlayerLevel(index) \ 2) >! GetPlayerBlockChance = i End If End Function >! Function GetPlayerCriticalHitChance(ByVal index As Long) As Long >! Dim i As Long Dim n As Long If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerCriticalHitChance = 0 If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Weapon) > 0 Then i = (GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.Strength) \ 2) + (GetPlayerLevel(index) \ 2) >! GetPlayerCriticalHitChance = i End If End Function >! Function GetPlayerProtection(ByVal index As Long) As Long Dim Armor As Long Dim Helm As Long Dim Whetstone As Long ' New Dim Boots As Long ' New Dim Glove As Long ' New Dim Ring As Long ' New Dim Enchant As Long ' New >! GetPlayerProtection = 0 >! ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or index Player_HighIndex Then Exit Function End If >! Armor = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Equipment.Armor) Helm = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Equipment.Helmet) Whetstone = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Equipment.Whetstone) ' New Boots = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Equipment.Boots) ' New Glove = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Equipment.Glove) ' New Ring = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Equipment.Ring) ' New Enchant = GetPlayerEquipment(index, Equipment.Enchant) ' New GetPlayerProtection = (GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.Endurance) \ 5) >! If Armor > 0 Then GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Armor).Data2 End If >! If Helm > 0 Then GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Helm).Data2 End If ' New If Whetstone > 0 Then GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Whetstone).Data2 End If >! If Boots > 0 Then GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Boots).Data2 End If >! If Glove > 0 Then GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Glove).Data2 End If >! If Ring > 0 Then GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Ring).Data2 End If >! If Enchant > 0 Then GetPlayerProtection = GetPlayerProtection + Item(Enchant).Data2 End If ' /New End Function >! Function GetPlayerVitalRegen(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Vital As Vitals) As Long Dim i As Long >! ' Prevent subscript out of range If IsPlaying(index) = False Or index MAX_PLAYERS Then GetPlayerVitalRegen = 0 Exit Function End If >! Select Case Vital Case HP i = (GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.willpower) * 0.8) + 6 Case MP i = (GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.willpower) / 4) + 12.5 End Select >! If i < 2 Then i = 2 GetPlayerVitalRegen = i End Function >! ``` Step 3: still in modGameLogic search for "Sub gameLoop()" and in this part I wanted to use tmr500 but Kaymak only had tmr250 available (next to what I wanted) let's refer to the timers as tmr### where ### is 500 or 250 depending on what you have, 500 being preferable above "tmr### = Tick + ###" paste: >! ``` >! If frmMain.picCharacter.Visible Then Dim spd As Double spd = 1 If GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, Weapon) > 0 Then spd = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, Weapon)).Speed / 1000 End If 'update statistics frmMain.lblStatistics.Caption = "Dmg Per Second: " & (GetPlayerDamage(MyIndex) / spd) & vbCrLf & "Dmg Reduction: " & GetPlayerProtection(MyIndex) & vbCrLf & _ "Critical Chance: " & GetPlayerCriticalHitChance(MyIndex) & "%" & vbCrLf & "Block Chance: " & GetPlayerBlockChance(MyIndex) & "%" & vbCrLf & _ "Health Regen: " & GetPlayerVitalRegen(MyIndex, HP) End If >! ``` And you're done, I know… simple ! ;D If you come across any errors, please note that this was made 'especially' for Kaymak which used an engine that is based of EO 2.0, probably those errors could be because he has added stuff to it, like the extra equipment slots, and remember that the formulas might be changed, the formulas were 'ripped' from the server-side and changed a bit to give only the chance/etc [EDIT] final result should look something like this: ![](http://s3.postimg.org/aux4jcthv/new_char_window.png)
  19. > I'll help you out, pm me didn't he help you yet ? :o
  20. 1 = 100% 0.5 = 50% 0.1 = 10% and so on…
  21. > Look for "Public Sub InitMessages()" and anywhere in that sub, put there > > ``` > > HandleDataSub(CToggleAfk) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleToggleAfk) > > ``` you put CToggleAfk here, which is right, but you use SToggleAfk in the rest of the code… :x ``` Sub HandleToggleAfk(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) If Player(index).afk = 1 Then Player(index) = 0
  22. just wondering, what game is that from ? :o
  23. > ' [ Online List ] > frmOnline.lstOnline.Clear > > For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex > frmOnline.lstOnline.AddItem Trim$(Player(i).Name) > > Next i > Exit Sub > ' [ Online List ] Player_HighIndex only stores the value of the player with the highest index so there could be 'null players' between 1 and Player_HighIndex, so you might want to add a "isPlaying(i)" in there otherwise this will cause errors :)
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