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Everything posted by Slasheree

  1. It's because you didn't make the sub/function WindowIsOpen()… (don't think that function it's in vb6 by default)
  2. Houm…. noticed that n > 0 checks if a player had a weapon, so I changed the fragment to this and it worked fine for me: ``` ' send animation If n > 0 Then If Not overTime Then If spellNum = 0 Then Call SendAnimation(mapNum, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon)).Animation, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y) Else Call SendAnimation(mapNum, Spell(spellNum).SpellAnim, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y) End If End If '------------------- Else If spellNum = 0 Then Call SendAnimation(mapNum, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(attacker, Weapon)).Animation, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y) Else Call SendAnimation(mapNum, Spell(spellNum).SpellAnim, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y) End If '----------------- End If ``` eventhough I'm gonna clean the previous play animation for the spell, it's not needed there
  3. can someone help ? s: (btw, what is *bump* for ? To make the topic go on top of others ?)
  4. How can I make so that when I kill someone using a spell it's animation doesn't stop cause the NPC disappeared… I don't know if it makes a difference or not, but I'm using CS:DE
  5. I found in a brazilian forum something about this, Gender-based paperdoll. I think it was Aldeiarpgbr [EDIT] Found it: [http://www.aldeiarpgbr.com/t5233-csde-paperdoll-e-peperdoll-baseado-no-genero](http://www.aldeiarpgbr.com/t5233-csde-paperdoll-e-peperdoll-baseado-no-genero)
  6. > This is the one that i use, and it works fairly well. > > [http://www.touchofde…er-message-fix/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/115593-eo-150-player-message-fix/) > > Although it says its for 1.5.0, it works in 2.0\. Hope it works! Thx, that did the trick
  7. Tried this one [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123313-fix-private-message/page__hl__%2Bprivate+%2Bmessage](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123313-fix-private-message/page__hl__%2Bprivate+%2Bmessage) But I get a 'Runtime Error 13 - Type mismatch' in the server now…
  8. all the links are dead -.-'
  9. Can someone help me ? When I try to use private chat '! ' instead of sending the message it only makes me say in Map channel the player's name…
  10. Why can the item names only have 20 characters ? ._. I try putting the name of the item but It just keeps cutting whats beyond 20\. Is there anyway to get rid of this limit ? I tried something but got Subscript out of range…
  11. ![](http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/9702/scorpionsword.png) Here's my first try at something, hope you like it ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  12. In CS:DE in ModConstants I can find ``` ' ******************************************** ' Default starting location [Server Only] Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1 Public Const START_X As Long = 17 Public Const START_Y As Long = 26 ``` Maybe its the same for all versions, as for the dieing part, I think it's in Map Properties –> Boot Map, Boot MapX and Boot MapY
  13. If you are admin, go to Map > Properties, click on the NCP you want to delete from the map and change it with 'No NPC'
  14. sorry, I just didn't get to the part of creating spells, been too busy fixing other errors
  15. I think you need to put the files in order in the tileset folder. Not 0.bmp, 3.bmp but 0.bmp, 1.bmp, if that doesn't work try 1.bmp, 2.bmp And I think pink and bright green are transparent colors. Sorry if this doesn't help I don't use Eclipse Origins
  16. Slasheree

    Map size

    Noticed there's some bug with the Fog, when you change it, the tiles go all buggy and stuff, but if you save it everything goes back to normal and it saves the changes.
  17. Just wondering what it does to the actual spell, how it works, and if it actually works.
  18. tell me if this helps, go to a vbp and in the top menu go to Project > References, and then 'Browse…' for the mscomctl.ocx
  19. Slasheree

    Cannot connect

    what's the model of the router ? eg: Netgear CVB6000
  20. Slasheree

    Map size

    Joyce I fixed it I think… I added the Redim Autotile(found it in the Sub initAutotile) and commented out the initAutotile. What problems can this cause ? So far I haven't had any problems mapping, autotiles work just fine. Private Sub cmdOk_Click() Dim i As Long Dim sTemp As Long Dim x As Long, x2 As Long Dim y As Long, y2 As Long, layerNum As Long Dim tempArr() As TileRec ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If Not IsNumeric(txtMaxX.Text) Then txtMaxX.Text = Map.MaxX If Val(txtMaxX.Text) < MAX_MAPX Then txtMaxX.Text = MAX_MAPX If Val(txtMaxX.Text) > MAX_BYTE Then txtMaxX.Text = MAX_BYTE If Not IsNumeric(txtMaxY.Text) Then txtMaxY.Text = Map.MaxY If Val(txtMaxY.Text) < MAX_MAPY Then txtMaxY.Text = MAX_MAPY If Val(txtMaxY.Text) > MAX_BYTE Then txtMaxY.Text = MAX_BYTE With Map .name = Trim$(txtName.Text) If lstMusic.ListIndex >= 0 Then .Music = lstMusic.List(lstMusic.ListIndex) Else .Music = vbNullString End If .Up = Val(txtUp.Text) .Down = Val(txtDown.Text) .left = Val(txtLeft.Text) .Right = Val(txtRight.Text) .Moral = cmbMoral.ListIndex .BootMap = Val(txtBootMap.Text) .BootX = Val(txtBootX.Text) .BootY = Val(txtBootY.Text) .BossNpc = scrlBoss.value ' set the data before changing it tempArr = Map.Tile x2 = Map.MaxX y2 = Map.MaxY ' change the data .MaxX = Val(txtMaxX.Text) .MaxY = Val(txtMaxY.Text) If x2 > .MaxX Then x2 = .MaxX If y2 > .MaxY Then y2 = .MaxY ' redim the map size ReDim Map.Tile(0 To .MaxX, 0 To .MaxY) ReDim Autotile(0 To Map.MaxX, 0 To Map.MaxY) For x = 0 To x2 For y = 0 To y2 .Tile(x, y) = tempArr(x, y) Next Next ClearTempTile End With ' cache the bum candy ' initAutotiles Unload frmEditor_MapProperties ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "cmdOk_Click", "frmEditor_MapProperties", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub
  21. Slasheree

    Map Size

    psicometro, what engine are you using ?
  22. Slasheree

    Map Size

    cause I'm starting to think this has something to do with RAM :\ I have 4GB and my game also crashes even if I put 50x50 ( I'm using CS:DE ) [EDIT] Used Event, and was able to change to 50x50 , tried 500x500 and it threw an automation error XP
  23. Hi, i'm using the CS:DE Engine, and I implemented like a system what inserts/changes/gets variables to players ( through the server console ) and I used it to have chests in my game. I think all I did was add the variable in the PlayerRec, and then add a PutVar and GetVar in the the SavePlayer() and LoadPlayer(). I'm using an npc script system ( the chest is an npc that doesn't move, so when you CTRL it, you get it's contents if your player's variable for that chest is 0 and changes it to 1 to make sure you don't get it at each press). Hope this helps somehow, sorry if it doesn't.
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