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Everything posted by Dzoni94

  1. **FOR THOSE STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THIS PROBLEM:** @Sekaru: > FraRecipe doesn't show up for me. Added it to the lists, etc, but it doesn't show when the item type is Recipe, any ideas? @Justn: > comboboxes and labels and the whole frame arent showing up in the item editor @Forgotten: > I am having the same issue **etc.** When you put everything as told in this thread, you still need to do one thing for fraRecipe to show up: 1\. Open up the code for frmEditor_Item. 2\. Find the function "Private Sub cmbType_Click()". 3\. Add the following code before "Item(EditorIndex).Type = cmbType.ListIndex": >! If (cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_RECIPE) Then fraRecipe.Visible = True Else fraRecipe.Visible = False End If @DJMaxus: > If you decide to use the frmEditor_Item I have included with this topic, you do not have to follow the steps below and are done with the tutorial. This part of the code exists in the attached form, but the attached form does not work with new version of EO so i DO NOT recommend using it. @Xlithan: > And don't overwrite your EO 2.0 forms with the ones attached to the OP, like I did lol. I guess DJMaxus forgot to mention that you have to add it in the "FORM WORK:" part.
  2. Maybe this is the problem ? modConstants ``` Public Const MAX_MENUBUTTONS As Long = 4 ```
  3. For the first time I didn't see any way to fix this myself so I had to post here. Last year I added emoticons to eclipse stable chatbox thanks to unnown's tutorial ( [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,43245](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,43245) ). Now I tried to add the picture to Origins chatbox for rank ( tiny image before the name ). I used the same part of the code to insert the actual image. ( shown in the spoiler ) >! Sub InsertPictureInRichTextBox(RTB As RichTextBox, Picture As StdPicture) Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetData Picture SendMessage RTB.hwnd, WM_PASTE, 0, 0 Clipboard.Clear End Sub That's where the problem came. When I try to compile it shows an error: "User-defined type not defined" and highlights the first row of the sub ( Sub InsertPictureInRichTextBox(RTB As RichTextBox, Picture As StdPicture) I searched the internet for this error and found that the type is obviously not defined :cheesy: The thing is I don't know how do I define it and I'm confused how it worked on ES on the same computer and how do I make it work on EO. Thanks in advance. EDIT: 1\. I forgot to mention that I added the other code with declare and constant of course ( so I don't get yelled at for nothing :P ) 2\. I also forgot to mention that the images work at the moment, I took out the code from the sub and put in directly into HandleSayMsg, I just thought it would be nice if I could keep it as organised as possible :embarrassed:
  4. Thank you Toshi for reuploading, I edited the post and fixed the links with yours. The thing is, when I tried to upload to photobucket, I uploaded BMP but it showed up as jpg in there, so I converted them to png and uploaded them ( because jpg has poor quality ). I searched on google why bitmaps won't upload and found this as one of the results: **.bmp files used to have security holes which is why we disallow their upload.** Weird. Anyway, thanks for uploading them successfully :)
  5. Not bad for a cartoony game :) And since you haven't updated the leaf, I did a bit of work earlier. :) The only thing you will have to do is to convert them to bitmap format ( cannot upload bitmap, so I had to upload them as png ) and rename them. Here they are: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/5eaf8b10f225704912f6cf5ade4dafb8.bmp) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2b7c0a0be07b48cd92f6f6f1523c39f1.bmp) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/eaae5375a6c9d10d0d47166d0dcc318d.bmp) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2c2b69a0931e5dfe3c7133ee4f32621c.bmp) EDIT: Replaced the pictures with bitmaps, thanks to Toshi for reupload :) You can now download them and use them straight away :)
  6. Sorry for a half-month old post bump, but I thought this would be helpful for some people. @Erkro1: > @elementaldisaster: > > > Could you make another dowload link, the one you have got is the most annoying (Thinks me) ;) > > > > But anyways, looks great and Im looking forward to getting it. > > > > (It wont let me download atm bcoz that host is saying the servers slots are full and if i wanna get the file right now, i have to go premium O.o) :D > > Just wait a few minutes.. Longest few minutes ever ;) Didn't see a reply with a new link, so I believe noone uploaded it anywhere else, so here it is: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DRR63YAR I just downloaded it from FileFactory ( after a hundred times :cheesy: ) and uploaded it to MegaUpload. I have a free account at MU so the download will be available for three months ( 90 days ) without active downloads. Regards!
  7. Excuse me for making a reply two weeks later, but I wasn't by the computer. Now I am, and I'll be glad if I was of any help with these: ![](http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd32/Dzoni94/Mine.jpg)
  8. I think you should make the inner lines double, because right now, any cell ( including lines ) is 33x33 px. It would be easier if the cells are defined by it's own line and not using only upper and left line as the beggining line and finishing 1 px before the down and right line. In case you didn't understand, here's what I think: >! Oh… and default transparent color is black, so this should be easier to use: Good work anyway ;) ![](http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2448/32x32grid.png)
  9. Nice tutorial, but one thing you missed. At the classes you wrote: " Locked=(I don't know, but don't fiddle with it.) " If you put 1 by Locked, that means noone can select that class when creating a new character. Everything else is pretty much OK ;)
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