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Everything posted by Egon

  1. I got about 50% done watching and then skipped to the end.
  2. They upped it to a 9.0 last time I heard? http://www.redorbit.com/news/science/2010872/japans_deadly_quake_magnitude_revised_to_90/
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgUo7IpiGwI
  4. @Whackeddie99: > Alright, so we all know about the huge quake in japan recently - best wishes to Japan btw - and we also all know about the attack on the world trade center and pentagon on 9/11. > > The weirdest but true thing ever is: > > 9/11/01 (date of attack on world trade center) + 3/10/11 (date of earthquake in japan 8.9 on rictor scale) = 12/21/12 WHICH IS THE DATE OF THE ENDING OF MAYAN CALENDER SOME SAY IS GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! > > Bizarre or what??? 12/21/12 = 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 9 The earthquake was 9.0 Bizarre or what???
  5. Egon

    Happy Pi Day.

    You have never heard of Pi Day, Robin?
  6. Egon

    Happy Pi Day.

    Lets celebrate Pi Day! Go out and eat some pie. For those of you who have no idea what Pi Day is it's when the date is 3.14 which is Pi. On 3/14/15 9:26:53 I plan to eat the best pie ever.
  7. Egon

    Concept Art

    When I first got it I made these: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67966.msg733034.html#msg733034 The only two problems with it that I have is that it's floppy and if the battery in the pen isn't lined up it makes the cursor skip around and lag.
  8. Egon

    Concept Art

    I have a VT PenPad http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003OBZRPU Love it.
  9. If you *really* want it. I'm sure the copyright on most of that stuff has expired.
  10. I was digging around in my old desk where I thought my Quake disk was. I forgot that I had all of this awesome old stuff in there too. [http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/7144/sany0160g.jpg](http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/7144/sany0160g.jpg) Starting at top left: MS-DOS 6 Install Windows 3.1 Install Windows 3.1 Uninstall Solitaire Street Fighter Aliens Ate My Babysitter Ninja Gaiden 5" Floppy of Chinese Checkers The Summoning Heretic And a ton more games that aren't pictured. Brb, ordering a USB Floppy Drive.
  11. [8½](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056801/)
  12. The dream starts. I am not an actual character in this dream which is odd. I act as more of a camera. Four people are standing on top of an apartment complex. A woman with short hair that is dyed black, a black tank top and black or very dark blue jeans is standing with one foot on the edge of the building. A couple is standing just a few feet behind her. A man about 6’ in a red shirt with brown hair and normal blue jeans along with his blowup doll who has long brown hair that comes down to just below her shoulder. I hear a male voice off behind me saying “What the hell is happening?” I never see this person. The woman standing on the edge of the building says “Just don’t ducking go into the courtyard.” Instantly I’m in the courtyard doing a fly over of all this stuff knocked over, undead eating their kill or running out of the courtyard back into the streets. Suddenly I am instantly warped into a completely flooded hallway in the very bottom of the apartment building. A man with very little breath left is swimming and running as hard as he can. As he swims by me I get to see why. Zombies are also swimming and running after him, maybe no more than 5 feet behind him. Back up on top of the building I hear the man’s voice again say “duck, fast zombies.” Back down into the flooded hallway I go. But only this time I’m not in the hallway, I’m in a bathroom connected to the hallway just ahead of where the man is running to. This bathroom has working lights. It’s has white tile across all the walls and the stalls are a gray color. Water from outside in the hall is coming in slowly. It’s more than halfway up the room. Two people are trapped in here, a man and a woman. They are trying to get out threw a vent in the ceiling that is bolted closed but the man just can’t get the tight bolts undone with this wet fingers. At this point I’m warped back out into the hall where the man is being chased. He opened a gap between the zombies somehow. He has given up running and ready to die. He tries the bathroom door and pounds on it in despite search of a way out of his current hell. The man inside the bathroom OPENS the door for some reason to let him in. Water rushes in and the man outside in the hallway gets sucked in with it. The original bathroom man closes the door. The water level in the bathroom is now a foot below the ceiling. He grabs the hallway man and brings his head above the water with one arm so he can breathe. Slapping him with his other hand he yells at the hallway man “DON’T BREATHE IN THE WATER.” I’m teleported back out into the flooded hallway into the past where I see people drowning. They turn into zombies, the very same zombies that were chasing the hallway man. Back to current time and in the bathroom again everything is quite except for the sound of the lights starting to flicker. Suddenly I hear scratching on the outside of the bathroom door. This is when I wake up. Edit: Oh god, the word filters. Hahaha
  13. Might as well. I'm sporting the longest hair I've ever had right now. >! ![](http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/180429_958607231942_68132248_46783462_3586234_n.jpg) Normally it's this short. >! ![](http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/66225_868878379282_68132248_45070321_6373939_n.jpg)
  14. In three more years I believe I get a pin and a plaque. Oh the stories I could tell.
  15. ![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/183653_966466257392_68132248_46882002_3270606_n.jpg) 7 years in the fire department. I don't know why they give that an award and I even more don't know why the award is a thermos. I'll take it anyway though.
  16. Egon


    Did they come yet? Are they tasty?
  17. My words came out wrong. I meant to say add shadows on the right side of the house. It shouldn't be as bright as the left. At least toward the corner.
  18. I like the color and feel… But please please please fix the shadows. Most seem to have the shadow on the right, but the house has it on the left even though the house's roof has it on the right. That gets me the most. There are a few other smaller shadow problems too. Looks good though.
  19. 31.875 and 12.75 are the special numbers. 31.875 x 8 = 255 12.75 x 20 = 255 (8 x 3 = 24) (20 x 3 = 60)
  20. Its a terrible clock. Hour, minute and second has their own RGB color and they are added together to get that time color. But since I have it set up like this: Hour: RGB Minute: GBR Second: BRG the time color rapidly changes color every minute making it fairly impossible to tell what time it really is.
  21. BEHOLD! See with your own eyes the most pointless clock ever constructed! Through insomnia and a bit of insanity came forth an idea. That idea was named the Color Clock! ![](http://img602.imageshack.us/img602/8899/colortest.png) [**[Download]**](http://www.mediafire.com/?ulmdgqgji8k76ax)
  22. The glow is okay but the sword is mostly terrible.
  23. http://www.verypoorwebcomics.com/random/MUSIC/Play%27n%20The%20Keyboard.mp3 and http://www.last.fm/music/Max+Frear/_/Rolan%27s+Song#
  24. Egon


    I have three sporks.. One is gold, silver and purple.
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